Day 3

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Next day, 9:00

Hope pov

I woke up a knock at the door. I knew who is was. Jacob was about to get up when I stopped him.

Hope: no it's just em. I whispered

Jacob: okay. He whispered.

I kissed him. He sat up and kissed me. I smiled kissing back. I sat up kissing him. He then pulled away.

Hope: last night was fun. I said whispereing flirtly.

Jacob: ya. He whispered back

I giggled bitting my lip. Jacob kissed me one last time before he got up. He came back and cleaned himself and me. We forgot to.

Hope: thanks baby

Jacob: no problem. He said kissing me.

He pulled away and the door opened. Jacob jumped on me and I covered us. It hurt when he jumped on me but it was worth it.

Hope: who is it.

Em: Em!

Hope: why did you come in. I said trying not to loose my cool

Em: bec I wanted to see if you guys where alseep. Like when I came in last time.

Last time?. I don't think we covered ourself. And how did she come in.

Hope: firstly we weren't covered the whole night so you saw stuff. And second how did you come in the door is locked.

Em: oh I already saw everything for when me an Jacob dated an-

Hope: you mean when Jacob had half s*x

Em: and I come in by unlocking it.

Hope: b*tch you better leave.

Em: I can't find my keys

Hope; girl I swear to God if I get up and find them less then a min I'm kicking your a*s

Em: huh what ever

I tried so hard to keep my cool that I had to breath in and out. Jacob gave me a kiss on my forehead and that helped alot.

Hope: em get the f£ck out. I said smiling

Em: what ever. She said getting out

Hope: Jacob I'm going to kill her

Jacob: me too

Hope: well I'm going to go find her keys. I sat trying to get up.

Jacob moved and I got up put some panties on and one of Jacobs coat. I walked out and em closed a draw really fast. I was confused and I walked up to her. I moved her and there is was her keys. She was trying to hide them so she can stay longer. I look at her with murder in my eyes. She looked scared.

Hope: you got a min to leave or I'll kick your a*s so it looks like a failed plastic surgery. I said giving her the keys.

She took then and walked out. I watched her leave the cabin and drive off like she's in fast a furious. Jacob then came out.

Jacob: what did you do

Hope: nothing

Jacob: then why did she leave so fast.

I explained and his face looked shocked but also annoyed and a little bit of none surprised.

Jacob: God she is crazy. Why hasn't Thomas kick her out.

Hope: me neither. And drove f*cking 4 hours just for you to say no.

Jacob: ya.

I looked at Jacob and he looked at me. I smile and he did the same. He then gave me a soft kiss. He pulled away and I smiled. I then sat up from leaning on the draw the keys were in. I walked to the front door and yep she did leave. I turned around and Jacob was still leaning on the draw. I nod telling him she left. I ran up to him and I jumped on him. He caught me and he took me to the kitchen. He set me down on the counter.

Jacob: what do you want for dinner. He said smiling

Hope: mmm.. Steak

Jacob: good idea. Anything else.

Hope: uhh steak, Broccoli, smashed potatoes.

Jacob: oh that sounds good ya let's make that. He said grabbing stuff for it.

We made dinner together with music. We danced to it and it was so funny. After almost a hour or 2 we got done. We sat down on the little table they had. We ate together. After we got done I washed the plates and put them away. I then went to Jacob witch was in the bedroom. He was on his phone watching something. I walked up to him and I sat on his lap.

Hope: what are you watching. I said sitting on his lap.

Jacob: just memories. He said smiling

Hope: or really what kind. I said moving his phone so I can see

It was video of us. Tiktoks we made, videos we made, videos in General we made, videos we took after s*x. I smiled. He saved every single videos, TikTok, videos in general. I kissed him and he dropped his phone kissing me back.. I pulled away after a while.

Hope: let's watch these videos together. I said laying next to him

Jacob: okay. He said wrapping his arm around me.

We watched the video and tiktoks for almost 3 hours. I didn't think it was creepy he saved every single video/tiktoks we made I thought it was so.... Romantic, sweet, cute, he loved me so much his camera roll and Snapchat is filled with us. He made a little ability of us. We saw the video of us dancing in the rain. After almost 3 hours we finished all the videos. I was crying good memories about us.

Jacob: aww baby are you crying

Hope: ya but there happy tears.

Jacob grabbed me and held me tight. I got on his lap hugging him. I sat up after a couple mins. Jacob whipped my falling tears.

Hope: uhh my mascara. I said trying not to cry

Jacob: baby stop you look beautiful no matter what.

Hope: thanks baby

Jacob: no problem. He said before giving me a soft kiss.

I got off Jacobs lap and I took off my make up. Then I laid down on Jacobs lap falling asleep later on

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