Another one

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Next day, 6:00

Hope pov

I woke up feeling weird. I sat up and I looked around. I was in my room nothing happen. I look at Jacob and he's looking at me. No. No. No. No. No. I couldn't have woke me up with a feeling. I stared at him in my own little world. Maybe it's a warning or something. Jacob didn't move his eyes one inch this whole thing until I snapped out my world.

Jacob: what were you thinking about

Hope: nothing. I said rubbing my eyes

Jacob grabbed my face an he sat up. He gave me a gentle kiss. It was so soft and genlt that the world's scunchest leaf would break. He then pulled away. I looked at him. I was blushing like a fucking tomato. Jacob kissed my cheeks then he laid back down. I was enjoying that.

Jacob; the hotel wants us to be there by 12 remember

Hope: ya. Why what time is it

Jacob: almost 7

Hope; okay

Jacob: how did you sleep

Hope; good baby thank you

Jacob: of course my love

I smiled hearing his words. I was still a little sleepy. But I soon woke up. Jacob then grabbed me gently and he kissed me. He sat up doing so and I was just enjoying it. He then moved his hand on my throat. He soon pulls away and I smile at him.

Jacob; come on baby let's go out side

Hope: okay. I smile

I put on some black fuzzy sweets with a black crop top. We walk out and we sit on a bean bag. Only Mia and Thomas were awake right now.

Jacob: baby I'm going to make some coffee okay want some

Hope: yes plz baby

He gave me a kiss before he got up and left. I just turned to Mia and I talked to her.

Jacob pov

I walked in the kitchen seeing Thomas cooking. Bit early but what ever. I walk to the coffee pot an I get 2 cups. I put the coffee in and I then turn to Thomas.

Jacob; will hope let people touch her

Thomas: uhh like what

Jacob; like thighs hips throa-

Thomas: not the throat. He ignored me almost for a week because I thought I saw a mark.

Jacob: Mhm

I was deep in thought. Is that true. Is he f*cking around with me.

Thomas; ask Mia. I remember one time I thought I saw a hickey. This was before you guys dated but I thought I saw a hickey. But I turned her face and I touched her throat just to feel and see. She actually screamed bloody murder. And she ignored me for 2 weeks.

I turned my head. Will she only let me because he likes it or just bec I do. Is she forcing herself to get out of her confurt zone just for me. I was deep in thought when he spoke again.

Thomas: if anybody touched hoped throat they will be crying for mercy. Why do you ask

Jacob: just curious

Thomas: okay?

I made our coffee and I walk to hope and I give her, her coffee.

Hope pov

I was talking to mia when I noticed that Jacob hadn't been back in a while. I didn't care bec he was probably talkin to thomas. After a couple more mins he comes out the kitchen and he hands me my coffee.

Hope; thanks my love. I said giving him a kiss.

Jacob: your welcome. He said kissing me back

But there was something wrong with him. I could see. He wasn't smiling he isn't staring at me he isn't holding my hand. He's just staring into space. I look at Mia and she saw it too. I give her the look to leave and she leaves.

Hope: what's wrong baby

Jacob; what nothing

Hope: baby. You can tell me when ever. I said putting my hand over his.

I didn't want to disturb him or force him to tell me.

Mia pov

I walked in the kitchen leaving hope and Jacob alone. Jacob was acting weird. I walk to thomas maybe he knows.

Mia: hey do you think Jacob is acting weird

Thomas: no.. But he did ask me a weird question

Mia: and that was..

Thomas: does hope liked to be touched. An once he said throat I told him the story's. He looked confused when I finished

Mia; huh weird

Hope pov

The whole day Jacob was acting weird. I tried to leave it but I couldn't. We were driving to the hotel. He was still acting weird but he tried to hide it. It was a hour drive. I went on tiktok and just watched tiktok the whole way. He didn't even move his hand to my thigh. And he always do that. I'll ask him tonight. After a while I got bored and I turned to Jacob.

Hope: why are you acting weird

Jacob: we will talk when we get there. He said not looking at me.

Then my overthinking got me. Does he want to break up. Does he want to have s*x. Does he not love me anymore. He is bored. Is it me. Am I annoying. The car stopped and we were at the hotel. We went inside and we check into our room. We got a room where the sun set is going to be. And a full view of the beach. We walk in and we put our stuff down. Then I sat him down. I was done with his bullshit. I laid him doen and I sat on his lap.

Hope: now what's wrong there is something. I said Serously

Jacob: are. You. Not. Comfortable. Are you forcing yourself to be comfortable with me.

Hope: what. I said confused

Jacob: well I asked Thomas what happens when people touch you. And when I said throat he told me story's about you freaking out... Are you forcing yourself to be comfortable with it. He said sad

I liked at him soft. Then I grabbed his face making him look at me.

Hope: yes those story's are true. And yes I did ignore people just for people touching my throat... And no.. I love how you touch me. I was confused how I let you without not freaking out. But it felt right. Like a magnet. I crave your touch. I want you to touch my throat. And I never let anyone other then you. I said softly.

He smile and he kissed me. I put my hands on his chest. He then moves his hand on my throat kissing me. I smile feeling his happy self. He then pulls away

Jacob; come on let's watch the sun set

I smile excitely. I get up and I go out on the balcony I learned my hands on the railing lookin at the sun. As I was watching I felt hands on my waist. I smile feeling his touch. I turn around and I wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him and he moves his hands up and down my waist. I pull away and he smirks. And i knew. So I took off my shirt to answer his question. He grabs me and he puts me on the bed making out

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