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Next day, 8:00

Hope pov

I woke up Jacob holding me tighter. I kissed his cheek then he opened his eyes. I laughed a little seeing his face. I kissed boths his cheeks and he smiled. I laughed then I kissed him. He moved his hands to my waist and I pulled away. He rubbed my waist looking into my eyes. I sat up and looked around.

Jacob: what are you looking for. He said rubbing my waist.

Hope: nothing. I said leaning back down

He smiled at me.

Hope: coffee?

Jacob: sure.

Before I could get up Jacob sat up and carried me. I laughed wrapping my arms and legs around him. He carried me to the kitchen. He then sat me down on the counter. I laughed then grabbed his face kissing him. He pulled away then poured our coffee. I made my coffee then drank it and Jacob drank his. Jacob grabbed me and carried me to the table facing the living room. I was on his lap drinking coffee. After a while I finished and cleaned my cup. Jacob came to me and wrapped his arms around me. He started kissing my neck. I laughed and turned around. I hugged him and he picked me up twirling me. I laugh then I kissed him. He set me down gently kissing me. I pull away and I hugged him. He kissed my head then hugged me back. I pulled away then I headed to our room. I put on my makeup then got out. Jacob was on the bed on his phone sitting down on the end of the bed. I walked over and sat on his lap. He set his phone down and wrapped his arms around me.

Hope: what do you want to do today

Jacob: wanna go in the pool it's hot outside.

Hope: sure

I gave him a kiss then I got up. I texted hype house chat to get ready for the pool. They all said okay and I put my phone away. I changed into my bikini then grabbed a towel. Jacob came out with swimming trunks. He came to me and wrapped his arms around me. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I then jumped and he caught me. I kissed him moving my hands in his hair. I pulled away then just playing with his back head hair. He then set me down and we walked tours the pool. Everybody was already in the pool. I set my towel down on a tanning bed then headed to the pool. I got in and walked to the group. They where all laughing and talking. Jacob came to me and wrapped his arms around my waist I put my hands ontop of his still talking to them. Jacob played with my hair while I talked. After I was done talking I turned to Jacob. He still keep his hands around my waist. He lifted up my hands and kissed them. I smiled then grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed back cupping my cheek. I pulled away and laughed. I jumped and he caught me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. I smiled and looking into his eyes.

Tabs: you guys are so cute

Jacob turns side ways so I can look too.

Hope: thank you girl

Mia: aren't they I swear there getting married some day.

Paige: don't forget the kids

Tabs: ya we can't forget those

Thomas: okay guys this is my sister let's not.

Mia: okay this time

Ace:  let's play truth or drink

Everybody: NO!!

Kristen: YES!

We all laugh.

Thomas: we all aren't 21+

Ace: dude we had a party not long ago. You know the day hope and Jacob got wasted and had s*x in the back of the truck.

Hope: do we always have to bring up things about us.

Ace: ya bec it's always you guys.

Hope: whatever

I was still wrapped around Jacob.

Jacob: there nothing wrong with having s*x. We just love each other. He said moving a piece of hair out of my face.

Hope: ya.

Jacob then kissed me.

Everybody: Awwwwwww

I pulled away then he set me down. I went back to talking to everybody. After maybe a couple hours we all got out. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me. Me an Jacob went to our room to change. I changed into one of Jacobs shirts then panties. I laid on the bed on my stomach. I was on TikTok just scrolling.

Hope: so baby what do you want to do hang out with hype or just hang out here just us. I said still on my phone not looking away from it.

Jacob: what ever makes you happy baby. He said coming to me and kissing my cheek

Hope: Mmm your so sweet. I said moving my hands to his head rubbing.

Jacob: just for you. He said kissing my neck.

I laugh. He gets on me sitting on my butt. I laughed.

Hope: BABY. I laughed

Jacob: yes. He said coming to my ear

Hope: get off me. I laughed

Jacob: Mmm in a little. He said before kissing my neck

I laughed. He was so gentle and sweet making sure I'm okay with every touch. He probably left hickeys.

Hope: no hickeys.

Jacob: why they look beautiful on you. He said continuing to kiss my neck.

Hope: what if there from another man's.

Jacob: then there ugly. He said starting to suck

Hope: I bet. I laughed

He keep kissing my neck and I couldn't do much bec he was on me.

Hope: baby let me up. I whine a little.

Jacob: okay. He sat getting up.

After he got off me I grabbed him and slammed him on the bed getting on him. He moved his hands to my a*s. I kissed him and he switched us so he's on top. I laughed grabbing his face. He pulled away and I hugged him.

Hope: baby I'm hungry let's get a snack. I said rubbing his head

He didn't respond but he picked me up. I laughed then kissed him. I pulled away and we carried me to the kitchen. He set me down on a counter then went into the pantry. He walked out with some snacks. He feed me a chip and I laughed.

Tabs: hey love birds

H&J: hey

Tabs: so what are you guys doing

Hope: just getting a snack.

Tabs: I wish I had a boyfriend

Hope: you'll get one some day babe

Jacob: oh tabs

Tabs: what

Jacob: I'm still not happy after that pregnant prank. Hope told me it's your guys fault.

Tabs: be mad at me all you want but it was funny to see your reaction.

Jacob: what ever.

Tabs left and Jacob picked me up while I had the snacks. He set me down on the bed gently. He then kissed my forehead then sat next to me. We ate our snacks and talked for a while. After we ate our snack we shower brushe our teeth and laid in bed snuggling ready for bed.

Jacob: I love you

Hope: I love you too

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