Dinner & target

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Next day, 8:00

Hope pov

I woke up my phone going off. I grab it and it's a whole bunch of tags. I pressed on it and it was edites of me and Jacob at target when i was in the food isle. I liked a couple then I sat up. I plugged in my phone then laid on Jacob. He wrapped his arms around me holding me tight. He then kissed my head. I smiled and I looked up at him. He's already smiling at me. I sat up and I gave him a quick kiss. He moved his hands to my waist kissing back. I pulled away then I got off him. I brushed my teeth then skin care then my make-up. Jacob came in as I'm doing my skin care. He brushed his teeth then his skin care. I kissed him as he's doing his skin care. Then I had a idea.

Hope: baby can you do a video with me. I said pulling away.

Jacob: yea babe after I'm done okay. He said rubbing in his skin care.

Hope: thanks baby. I said before kissing him.

After I was done with my make up Jacob was done with his skin care. I set up my video camera. I pressed record. I did my intro then I dropped the bomb on Jacob.

Hope: so today we are doing my boyfriend Jacobs make up. I said showing him.

Jacob: what you didn't tell me that. He said mad

Hope: you didn't ask. I said grabbing my make up bag

Jacob: only this once.

Hope: no promises. I said putting his hair up.

Jacob gave me a face and I couldn't hold in a laugh. I laughed then I put on the foundation.

Jacob: why does it feel like that. He said moving

Hope: baby stop moving. I said laughing

After I blended it I grabbed the contour.

Jacob: what the fuck is that. He said moving

Hope: it's contour. It makes you face sharp. I said blending it.

I did his full face and he saw what it looked like. His face was priceless.

Hope: do you like it. I said laughing

Jacob: I look like a doll

I was dying of laughter. I said my goodbyes then I ended the video. Jacob took it off but half of it was water proof.

Jacob: WHY ISN'T IT COMING OFF. He said freaking out

Hope: it's water proof. I said laughing my a*s off

Jacob: HOW. He said yelling

I grabbed my skin care stuff to get it off. I took it off and Jacob looked relieved. I kissed his lips after I took it off.

Jacob: I'm not doing that again. He said pulling away.

Hope: no promises. I said smiling.

Jacob: oh yes you are. He said kissing me again.

I wrapped my arm around his neck kissing him. He moved his hands on my waist. I pulled away then walked away. Thomas told us to change into some pink unicorn sweets and a white crop top. I put it on then I walked out of the closet and Jacob was wearing the same thing. I giggled and I walked up to him.

Hope: well look who's matching. I said moved him to face me.

Jacob: wow cute. He said smiling.

Hope: ya. Let's go see why they wanted us to wear these.

Me and Jacob walk out and everybody in hype is wearing pink unicorn sweets and white tank top. We walked in the living room and eveyebody is wearing it. I walked to Thomas.

Hope: hey Thomas why is everybody wearing the same thing.

Thomas: oh we are going out like that. Like target and dinner.

Hope: okay when.

Thomas: soon like 10 mins

Skip target

We all walked in and we f*cked around as always. I grabbed a couple snacks and a couple skin care stuff. Jacob and the boys were at the work out isle. They where working out there arms. Jacobs veins and it was so hot. After a while we got banned and kicked out. We decided to go to dinner after we got kicked out. We got a table for all of us and the lady took our drinks and left. We laughed and played around. We almost got kicked out but we were TikTok famous so they gave us one more chance. We got our food and Jacob had his hand on my thigh the whole time. I put my hand over his. He then picked my hand up and kissed it then put it back down. Dinner was fun we talked and laughed and ace and Kristen almost got us kicked us out again. We ate as fast as we could bec ace and Kristen wouldn't stop. After maybe a hour we got kicked out but luckily we finished our food. We went home and we all went to the living room. Me and Jacob laid on a bean bag together. He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled into him. He kissed my head then went back to talking to everybody. Everybody was laughing and talking about how we got banned 2 times in one day. I then crawled on top of Jacob and he wrapped his arms around me. Then the girls asked me to join a TikTok so I got off Jacob and I made a TikTok with them.

(You guys can pick what tiktoks they made)

After like 12 tiktoks they said I can take a break. I went back to Jacob and I sat on his lap. He moved his hands on my hips.

Jacob: your a good dancer.

Hope: thanks baby. I said before kissing him.

It was soon enter upped by Sadie wanting to make a TikTok. I pulled away sad but got up and made the TikTok. After I got done I ran to Jacob and I jumped on him.

Hope: I'm tired let's go to bed. I said whispering.

Jacob: first of all owww second okay.

I laughed then he picked me up and carried me to our room. He laid down with him hovering over me. He gave me a kiss before he laid on me. I rubbed his head until I soon fell asleep

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