Feel better?

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Next day, 6:00

Hope pov

I woke up feeling so much better. I opened my eyes and my head was on Jacobs shoulder in he bathroom. I looked around and I saw soup. Huh?. We only had 2 bowls in here that's a third. I sat up and I saw a sticky note.

Note: hey babes I saw you alseep so I didn't want to wake you up but here's some more soup

Love tabs

I smile and I took the soup and I took a few bits. It was hot so he must have dropped it off like what a min before I wake up. As I was eating the soup. I felt hands on my thighs.

Jacob: fell better baby

Hope: alot and tabs dropped off more soup. And I just couldnt waste it.

Jacob; Mmm okay. He said resting his head on my shoulder.

He kissed my neck then he turned me around. I gave him a bite and his face 😂.

Jacob: wow that is good

Hope: I know right. I said giving him another bite.

Jacob: so good. F*ck.

Hope: ya. I said taking another bite of the soup

Jacob: we have to have the recipe.

Hope: ya. I said giving him another bite

Me and jacob went back and forth taking bites until we finished. After we finished I set it down on my nightstand.

Jacob: how do you feel baby. He said putting his hands on my waist.

Hope: good. I said putting my hands around his neck

Jacob: I'm glad. He said getting close

Hope: ya. I said getting closer too.

Jacob; ya. He said Getting closer

He finally kissed me. God I missed his lips. He picked me up still kissing me. I wrapped my legs around his torso kissing him. He carried me to our bedroom. He set me down gently while kissing me. He set me down while kissing me. I still had my legs around him and my arms. He grabbed my throat and kissed me. He lets go after a while. I sit up kissing him. Then I switch us so I'm on top. I move my hands in his hair playing with it. Then I take off Jacobs shirt and he takes off my. Then the door opens.

Em: hey I brought yo- oh god I am so sorry

I instantly grab a blanket and I cover myself.

Hope: no your good. But next time you go into someones room. Knock

Em: noted. She said putting more soup down and leaving. I turn to Jacob and he's laughing. I play punch him.

Jacob: oww what did I do.

Hope: that Is your fault.

Jacob: no she should have learned to knock

Hope: ya

I then push him down then I lean down and kiss him. He put his hands on my waist. He sits up and leans against the wall. I wanted to get closer. I keep scooding and scooding. But they were half a*s ones. Jacob then pulled away.

Jacob: want to hang out with hype

I smile bitting my lip

Hope: sure

Jacob then gave me one more kissed before he carried me to the living room. We put on out shirts if course. He walks in the living room sitting on a bean bag. I lean down and I laid on him.

Thomas: how are you feeling

Hope: much better.

Em: she must have been with all that making out. She whispered but everybody Hurd

I ignored her and I keep talking.

Hope: tabs you have time tell me what you put in that soup. It was so f*cking good

Jacob: that sh*t be busan busan

I laugh. He's so cute. I lean down and I give him a quick kiss. I mean up butting my lip. Then I see em in the corner of my eye giving me the death stare. I turn my head and I looked straight at her. She was surprised and liked away. I look back at Jacob and he was already staring. I knew he saw what I just did. And he's going to say 'that's hot'

Jacob: your so jealous

Hope; of

Jacob: em

Hope: why would I need to be when I literally sitting in the guy

Jacob: what if I get up and sit next to her

Hope: well I'll be the new Jeffrey Dahmer

He laughed. He then sat up so he's face to face with me. I felt so many butterfly's in my stomach I was feeling sick. He then brushed a piece of hair out my face. I was blushing like a tamato. He then whispered in my ear.

Jacob: it's so hot when your jealouse. He whispered

I was like a tomato. He then laid back down staring at me. I digged my head in his chest for how red my face is. He then kissed my head. I then look up at him. He then gave me a soft kiss. I smiled feeling his lips on my. He smiled back at me then kissed me again. I then whispered in his ear.

Hope: let's go to the bedroom. I'm tired. I said lieing

Jacob: okay. He whispered back

Hope: *yawn* baby I'm tired. I said normally.

Jacob: okay. He said normally

Hope: alright guys good night I love you all.

Everybody: love you

Jacob picked me up and he carried me to our room. Once we were out of site I kissed him. He kissed me back. I opened my mouth Jacobs tongue entering. I moaned softly. He stopped for a second kissing me back. I laughed while he did it. He leaned back and I leaned forward arching my back while kissing him. He had his hands on my a*s holding me. Then he walked tours our room. He opened and closed and locked the door. He then laid me down then he turned off all the lights and turned them red.

Hope: aww so romantic

Jacob: ya. He said walking tours me.

He then hovered over me. He looked so hot in red lights. He kissed me and I loved it. Kissing Jacob in a red room is so romantic. After a couple mins he laid on me and we fell asleep together

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