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3 weeks later, 8:00

Hope POV

It's been 3 weeks and I am finally 7 months, ever since I turned 7 months Jacob talks to him like he would in person, I have got too many videos of him doing it that's its funny, being pregnant isn't easy, my emotions are everywhere, I can't do anything Jacob has to help me do pretty much everything because I have shortness of break which drains my energy. But no we still haven't figured out a name for our baby.

Now the story

I was in the closet slipping my shirt on while Jacob put pants on me.

Hope; thank you
I said better hugging Jacob

Jacob: of course
He said hugging me back

I laid my head on his chest as he started to rock me while rubbing my back.

Jacob: go lay down I'll make you something to eat. He said pulling away

I nodded, sat down in bed while rubbing my baby bump, Jacob kissed my belly before leaving to make me something. He came back with a plate of breakfast, he handed it to me kissing my forehead.

Hope: thank you
I said grabbing the dish

Jacob: of course
He said sitting in bed next to me playing on his phone while I ate

After I ate I put my plate on my nightstand before turning to Jacob cuddling him, he wrapped his arm around me kissing my forehead while rubbing my back, I turned around with my back facing him.

Hope: rub my back
I said playing on my phone

He chuckled rubbing my back using his short nails.

Hope: I don't feel good
I said randomly still scrolling on tiktok

Jacob: what's wrong
He said turning to me grabbing my waist

Hope: I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
I said slowly getting up

He helped me up as I walked to the bathroom, I washed my face with cold water feeling a tad bit better, Jacob rubbed my back while I washed my face. I sat up drying myself while still leaning over the sink.

Jacob: fell better
He said rubbing my back

Hope: no
I said shaking my head

Jacob: you want something for it
He said laying his chin on my shoulder

Hope: yes plz
I said turning to him

Jacob: okay
He said kissing my forehead before leaving

I smiled as be left, I sat down near the toilet waiting for Jacob. He came back passing me a bottle of something for pregnancy sickness.

Hope: thank you
I said opening it taking a sip

Jacob: of course
He said sitting down next to me

After a couple sips I set it down before laying my head on his shoulder, he kissed my forehead holding my hand. We stayed like that for almost a hour as Jacob rubbed the back of my hand.

Jacob: feel any better
He said moving his hand to my belly

Hope: little
I said drinking some water

Jacob: okay
He said rubbing my belly with his thumb

I then sat up bending over Jacob to the toilet throwing up, he rubbed my back while I had my head in the toilet, I sat up sitting back down grabbing a rag wiping my mouth.

Jacob: feel better
He said rubbing my belly

Hope: ya
I nodded

Jacob: okay good. I'm gonna make you some soup. He said kissing my forehead before getting up

Hope: okay thank you
I said as his hand brushed away from each other

Jacob: I love you
He said kissing my forehead

Hope: love you too
I said kissing his hand

He smiled kissing my forehead again before getting up and leaving, I then sat up throwing up again. Jacob came back with soup in hand passing me it.

Hope: thank you baby
I said taking the bowl

Jacob: of course
He said sitting down on the floor with me

He kissed my forehead while rubbing my belly.

Hope: your too sweet
I said as he pulled away

Jacob smiled pecking my lips, I whined pulling away.

Hope: Jacob I have a puke taste in my mouth. I whined

Jacob: it's fine
He said pulling away

Hope: no its not
I whined as my eyes welled up

Jacob: come here
He said opening his arm

I sat up hugging him, he picked me up sitting me on his lap, I started to cry as he rubbed my back, I ran my fingers through the back of his head hair. I slowly calmed down the more he kissed my cheek and rubbed my back, I was playing with his long hair in the back of his head. He pulled away moving my hair behind my ears before wiping my tears with his thumbs.

Jacob: feel better
He said rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs circular motion

I nodded while he moved his hands on my belly rubbing it, he smiled kissing my forehead before picking me up somehow, he carried me to the bed laying me down in bed.

Jacob: are you hungry
He said giving me a head massage

Hope: plz
I said pulling the covers up to my chest

Jacob: okay
He said kissing my forehead

I smiled grabbing him pecking his lips, he chuckled sitting up leaving the room. He came back passing me my plate, I laid the plate on my belly using it as a table, Jacob laid down in bed with me next to me, I started eating my food still using my belly as a table. After I ate I put my plate down on my nightstand turning to Jacob pecking his lips.

Jacob: I love you
He said setting his phone down

Hope: I love you too
I said pecking his lips again

He smiled wrapping his arm around me rubbing my back, I smiled slowly falling asleep with my hand rubbing his chest.

Hour later
Jacob POV

I set my phone down turning to hope who was peacefully asleep, I smiled moving her hair before kissing her forehead, then I pulled her close to me rubbing her belly as I slowly fell asleep with her.

Hey y'all, I know the chapters been vary boring but I have a couple alright chapters so the chapters aren't so boring and simple

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