First day

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Next day, 8:00

I woke up cold. It was freezing in here. Jacob did help but it was still cold and I was naked. I somehow got up from Jacob and I turned on his car turning the hot air on. In less then 10 mins it was warm in here. Jacob then sat up from me under him.

Hope: morning sleepy head.

Jacob: morning my love. He said giving me a kiss.

I grabbed his face kissing back.

Hope: when will Thomas be here. I said kissing him.

Jacob: 12. He said whiling kissing me back

I then pull away.

Hope: why so late

Jacob: I wanted time with you before your brother came. He said rubbing my chest to my stomach.

I touched his abs rubbing them. He kissed me down. He started kissing my neck.

Hope: f*ck I already have enough hickeys. I said rubbing his head.

Jacob: exactly they look beautiful of you.

Hope: Mm is it. I moan

Jacob: ya

Hope: I f*cking hate it when you find my sweet spot. I said pulling him away.

Jacob: get used to it. He said pulling away.

Hope: I don't want to. I whine

Jacob kissed me and I laughed.

Hope: stop. I said laughing.

He kissed my neck and cheek. I was laughing and trying to get him off me. I did it playing a around making him desperate. I then grabbed his face kissing him. My hands were in his hair. He had my whole head was in his hand. I laughed kissing him. I then sat up and Jacob pulled away. I played with his hair looking into his eyes. I then sat up sitting up. I grabbed my bra and my thong. I put them on and Jacob put on his boxers. I then sat on his lap and he moved his hands on my waist. I laid my head on his shoulder hugging him. He moved his hands on my lower back.

Jacob: last night was fun. He said pulling me away smiling.

Hope: ya. Ya it was. I said smiling at him.

He brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I moved my hands on his shoulder.

Jacob: God your so beautiful. He said kissing me.

I laughed kissing him. I grabbed his hair kissing back. We made out for a while before I pulled away.

Hope: how long are we camping. I said moving my hands on his abs.

Jacob: a couple days.

Hope: I'm not having s*x everyday. I said reassuring him.

Jacob: Mmm not everyday

Hope: not this whole week. I said nodding no.

Jacob: it's fine I'll just make you beg.

Hope: shut the f*ck up. I laughed.

Jacob: think what you want.

I got up off him. I turned on my Bluetooth and I connected my phone to it. Then I played my playlist and went back to sitting on Jacobs lap. We made out while the playlist was laying. Then there was a knock on the window. Jacob instantly moved me side ways using his body to cover me. I laughed but I looked and saw my brother.

Hope: f*ck

Jacob looked back.

Jacob: f*ck

Thomas: your stuff is out here. I'll be in my car waiting. He said walking away.

Hope: f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck. I said covering my face with my hands.

Jacob: your 20 remember.

Hope: I know I know I know.

Jacob: then don't worry about it. He said getting off me.

Jacob changed then went outside with our stuff. I laid my head back for a little before I got up and changed. I put on black sweets and one of Jacobs hoodies. I went out there and helped Thomas and Jacob. He did bring a lot. All he brought was a large cooler and a tent for 4 people. We set the tent up and I made the bed then I put our luggage in there. After I made the bed I hugged Thomas bye. He left and me and Jacob went in the tent. I grabbed my speaker and I played my playlist. Me and Jacob made out for mins. He was so gentle and soft and every move he made sure he was gentle. I then pulled away.

Hope: your so gentle. I said giggling.

Jacob: of course. I don't want to hurt you. He said rubbing my waist.

Hope: you never will. I said moving my hands on his chest.

Jacob: I know. He said looking down at my waist.

Hope: there's nothing wrong with a little rough. I said looking at him.

Jacob: I can't. I don't want to hurt you. He said looking at me.

Hope: Jacob. If you ever hurt me it will be slipped to zero. I said grabbing his face.

Jacob: okay but I'm waiting.

Hope: deal. I said before kissing him.

He switched us so he's on top. I giggled kissing him. This is so romantic.

Hope: God your so romantic. I said pulling away.

Jacob: I know. He said rubbing my chest.

Hope; how did you know. I said moving my hands in his hair.

Jacob: I may or may have not asked Thomas. He said looking at my chest.

Hope: of course you did. I said pulling him by the callor of his shirt.

Jacob: I have to I want to see your beautiful smile. He said rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

Hope: your so sweet. I said before kissing him.

He moved his hands on my side keeping his ballins. I giggled him doing so. He then smiled against my lips. I pulled away to catch my breath. I looked into his eye catching my breath. I then moved the covers to get under them Jacob did the same. After we went under the covers I started kissing him again. I hand my hands in his hair and Jacob had his hands on my waist. I pulled away after a couple mins.

Hope: baby it's getting late we should go to bed. I said playing with his hair.

Jacob: ok. He said before giving me one more soft kiss.

He laid on my his head on my chest. I fell asleep soon after that

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