Plan it

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Week later, 10:00

Hope POV

I have Officially 1 week pregnant, we went to the doctors and they conformed, Jacob been so patient with me at every step because my Ramones are all over the place, if Jacob such as turn his back to me I will cry, Jacob doesn't lose his temper once, he helped me with chores and just in General. But bad news, no body knows except mia, and Tabitha.

Now the story

I was in the bathroom getting ready for today, I haven't been doing my make-up which made me waiste all the Products, Jacob came in wrapping his arms around my stomach feeling the baby

Jacob: hi beautiful
He said kissing him neck

I smiled holding his hands, turning to him, he moved my hair kissing me on the lips gently, then leaned down to my belly, I hugged him as he picked me up sitting me down on the counter, I sighed not wanting to let go of him, he kissed my keep a he rubbed my back, I moved my hands in his hair playing with it. He kissed the top of my neck a he held me tight. I laid my head back on his chest, he kissed my head rubbing my stomach, his hand came from my stomach slidding up to my neck, as he kissed my cheek.

Hope: I love you so much
I said with my eyes closed relaxing into his chest

Jacob: I love you too
He said slowly moving back to my stomach,

I slid off the counter hugging him, he hugged me rocking me a little, I smiled smelling his sent, he moved my hair before kissing my forehead.

Jacob: how do you want the wedding to be. He asked holding my chin looking down at me

I giggled, I thought for a while.

Hope: I want to get married at a church with flowers hung on the side, and our friends of course the bride maids, and I want a nice beautiful dress, big bit not too big, and the isle filled with red rose peddles, and the groom's wearing black and white, and Thomas my replacement dad. I rambled looking in the mirror imaging the wedding

Jacob grabbed my waist hugging me, I laid back on him as he kissed my cheek.

Jacob: I found a church
He said gently in my ear

I turned to him with my mouth open.

Hope: actually
I said about to cry

Jacob: yep. It's 30 minutes away and it's pretty big and classic. He said moving my hair grabbing my face gently

I looked up at him feeling a tear fall.

Jacob: awww baby
He said before hugging me

I huggged his chest crying, he kissed my head rocking me a little.

Jacob; how are we gonna tell them your pregnant and we're getting married. He said looking down at me

Hope: I don't know
I sighed

Jacob cupped my face pecking my lips.

Jacob: mia and Tabitha know, they can help us. He sudjected

I nodded, he kissed me one last time before hugging me again, I sighed hugging him back, he picked me up carrying me in bed laying on me, he was sitting on his kneels not putting any weight on the baby, I played with his hair as he kissed my neck, I smiled doing a small moan, he sat up kissing me.

Jacob: you should sleep, I'll wake you up when we leave to look at the church. He said kissing me

I nodded, as I turned to my side already about to fall asleep, Jacob laid down behind me, spooning me, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my back against his chest. I smiled soon falling asleep.

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