(141) Valentine's Day - Part Thirteen

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Moving to grab Gabby's hands, Matt smiled as he intertwined their fingers as a way to make sure that he was very happy with his girl. Leaning in, Matt smirked as he kissed Gabby softly; just taking things slow with each other, Matt made sure that Gabby knew that she was okay with him. "You okay?" Gabby agreed with Matt when he asked her whether she was okay, which she definitely was. "Yeah, I'm okay." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby tell him that, before proceeding to let one of her hands go. Afterwards, he went to grab the food that she was eating so that he could bring it to the living room; however, Gabby did that first. "How about you grab yourself some food? You need a snack after all that exercise that we had." Matt smirked when he heard Gabby tell him that, really turned on as he went to grab her butt; squeezing it, he made sure that Gabby jumped. "Hey!" Turning his head, Matt smirked as his beautiful wife. "Hey, you left it open for me to do it."

Gabby shook her head when she heard Matt tell her that, not happy that she let him do that. Yet, she did like the feeling that she gets when he squeezes her but; as it just makes her happy to know that she's the only one who's butt he's going to squeeze like that. Making her way over to the living room of their penthouse, Gabby smiled as she got ready to turn the TV on. "You leave your phone in the bedroom baby?" Turning to face Gabby as he proceeded to grab the leftovers from the fridge, Matt agreed with her. "Yes, I left my phone in the bedroom; did you leave yours there?" Gabby agreed with Matt. "I used my surface instead, and updated my blog about the surprise that you gave me today." Matt was quite surprised when he heard Gabby tell him that she updated her blog, as she hasn't done that in a while. "Well, you haven't done that in a while." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, taking a breath. "Could barely get out six hundred words."

Agreeing with Gabby when she said that, Matt just smiled at her. "I'm sure that you'll get back up there soon baby." Gabby smiled when Matt told her that, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear; after which, she watched as Matt put some food on some plates. Carrying them over to the microwave, he went to heat them up. "So, are you thinking that this is going to be supper?" Matt smiled at her. "Only if this is enough for you. If you need more food, then I am more than happy with going to get you some more later." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling as that was definitely something that she knew was the truth. "I know you are. But right now, I am just happy with you coming to sit with me." Matt smiled when Gabby said that. "Trust me, I'm ready to hold you in my arms too; and I do not need sex later, I promise." Gabby laughed. "Good, because you aren't getting any. I want to cuddle up to my teddy bear in bed." Matt smiled at his girl.

"I think you mean grizzly bear." Gabby blushed when Matt said that, unable to hide her laugh. "Okay, enough about that." Matt smirked when he heard Gabby tell him that, ready to just hold the most beautiful woman in the entire world in his arms when he's holding her close momentarily. "I hope you know that you're not going anywhere without me for the rest of the night." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, clearly able to see that he was worried. "Were you worried as to where I was?" Matt nodded. "Especially after the nice Valentine's Day dream that I just had." Gabby was confused. "What was your dream?" Matt smirked. "Valentine's Day next year, office sex." Gabby laughed when she heard Matt say that. "Did I loose the baby weight?" Matt nodded. "Not that I'd care." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that. "Mine was about which one of our homes we're going to call our family home." Matt looked at Gabby as she mentioned that.

"What do you mean by that?" Gabby took a breath when Matt asked her that. "I mean, where are we going to raise the kids. I mean, I get this place is good for when the babies are young; as it means that you  can go back and forth. But I mean in the future; when the twins aren't babies anymore. Are we going to stay here? Or are we going to go to the other place?" Going to grab their plates from the microwave, Matt then went to grab some utensils from the drawer. "Want to talk about it?" Gabby took a breath. "I know it's not something that we need to decide yet but..." Matt just smiled at his beautiful wife when she said that. "Hey, it's something that's on your mind; and that means that we can talk about it." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling as she watched him walk over to her this afternoon in his t-shirt and boxers; which he's going to wear for a while. "Can you maybe stay in that for a while? I'm not interested in sex."

Matt agreed with Gabby when she asked him whether he can stay in his shirt and boxers, which he always can. "I think I might just wear boxers when we're in bed. Baby, I can control myself; I promise you that I can, especially since you always make me sweat when we're all cuddled up to each other in bed." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, watching as he set their food down in front of her. "But for now, we can stay out here; just not when you're starting to close your eyes. Then, we need to go to bed okay? I don't want you sleeping out here, and it's harder to carry you upstairs." Gabby smiled at Matt. "Well, there is the elevator now." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that, as that was the truth. "Yeah, I know. But I'd rather use the stairs when we're in the house, as the elevator is our front door too." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, just smiling as she watched him sit down and wrap his arm around her this evening.

At the same time, she grabbed her plate so that she can eat some more of the food from her wedding; which she wants to do as she's quite hungry tonight. "Just take it easy as you eat baby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling as she knew that she needed to do that right now. She just needs to take it easy and relax when it comes to hear eating fast, as it's not healthy. "So, you want to talk to me what we're going to talk about in bed? Start the conversation?" Gabby took a breath as she looked at Matt. "I'm just thinking about where we want to raise the boys. I mean sure, when they're newborns and stuff....we can raise them here. But I mean like..." Matt then understood what she was trying to say. "You mean, when they start getting active and stuff. Are we going to keep them up here in a penthouse?" Gabby agreed with Matt, as that was exactly what she was thinking about. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking about."

Taking a breath as he looked at his girl when she said that, Matt proceeded to kiss her forehead softly. "What are you thinking about doing?" Gabby sighed as she looked at Matt, well aware that they need to talk about this. "When we're in bed okay?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, proceeding to give her one last kiss this evening as they ate supper.

The Caseys: Our Journey to ParenthoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora