(53) Thanksgiving Night Alone - Part One

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Hi Readers: I hope you enjoyed this little time with the Dawsons over Thanksgiving this year; however, I have a new plotline that I wish to follow for you guys. Unfortunately, this means that we are going to have to end our time with the Dawsons. But that doesn't mean that we're going to be done with our chapters for today. Rather, it's just the start of our chapters for today. Today, we're going to now concentrate on our favorite couple after they got home from her family home.

Casey Home – Thanksgiving Night (6 pm)
Gabby was exhausted. She was both physically, and emotionally exhausted after everything that's gone on today. Their time at the firehouse, their time at her mom's place, all the news they got about their friends; it was all just too much. And that was why she was currently standing with her husband in the kitchen, holding him close to her as they both wrapped their arms around each other. They needed it, they just needed to hold each other right now. Gabby, so that she could get comfortable and control of these powerful emotions that she was dealing with; and Matt, because he was quite concerned for his wife (whom he doesn't believe he's seen cry this much in a long time). She was emotionally drained, and Matt hated that was how she was feeling at the moment. She didn't need this while she was pregnant, but it was still happening; and it was all due to the fact that they had so many unknowns in their life right now. And it didn't help that Matt was worried.

Matt was worried for both his wife, and worried for his best friend (whose father is in critical condition). He doesn't know what's going to happen, and it's just all a lot to handle today. They made so many decisions today, and it was all so fast. But that didn't mean that Matt regretted any of the decisions that the couple made. Rather, it was the complete opposite. Matt was glad that they made those decisions, as he wanted to be here to raise his and Gabby's kids with her; that was the reason why he left the firehouse. Whether he leaves the fire department altogether, that was still up for debate (and up to them if they want to give him a job offer). But he knew one thing right now, that he was in no place to take a job offer; not when his wife is (obviously) not okay. Not when he doesn't know whether his friend's father is going to be okay, the man whom he considered a second father since his biological father was murdered (at the hands of his mother nonetheless).

This was truly a hard time for the couple, and they both already knew it. They knew that this was going to be hard on the both of them, and that they just needed to take time alone right now. They needed to take a breather, and they need to concentrate on each other right now. And that's why they're here; it's why they're home, holding each other close in the kitchen. He's doing it so that he can make sure that his wife is okay at the end of the day, because that's what matters; not the fact that the woman he loves is currently staining his shirt with some tears, the tears that were only coming out of her eyes because she needed to be held by her husband at the moment. And she was really happy that he was doing just that for her right now, that he was holding her in their kitchen as he tried to make her feel better; especially when there's a lot on his mind too. Putting his hand on the side of his wife's face, Matt stroked her cheek and took a breath as he held her.

"Do you want to go to bed baby? We can go lay down there, and we can hold each other close baby. I know that you just want to hold me, but you need to lay down before you pass out. I can see you need this baby, and I need it too. I promise, if you just want to go lay down in bed; then we can." Gabby took a breath as she looked up at her husband when he told her that. "I just feel like such a...I don't feel right doing this to you." Matt was confused when he heard Gabby say that. "Hey, what's wrong baby?" Gabby took a breath. "Why am I the one that's crying Matt? It's your best friend, it's not..." Matt sighed when Gabby said that, proceeding to pick her up in his arms and setting her down in the counter of their kitchen. Stepping close to the woman he loves, Matt smirked as he looked up into her eyes. "Hey, take a breath and just look at me baby." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her to take a breath, well aware that it's exactly what she needs to do.

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