(116) New Year's Day - Part Ten: Surprises

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Hello readers, and welcome to another day of chapters. I hope to get some more out for you guys today compared to yesterday (having only got two out to you). But today, I believe that I am going to be able to do just that as we do something quite interesting for you guys. Let me know what you think of these chapters, and what more you want.

This was a surprise for their friends, a surprise that was well co-ordinated between Matt and Gabby's roommates (and newlyweds) Kelly and Stella, Gabby's mother Camila, her brother Antonio, Matt's sister Christie, and his mother Nancy. Yes, you heard that right; his mother Nancy was also here, and she was quite surprised that her son was now living this life. After all, it was a life that she was never aware that her (late) ex-husband ever had. She never knew that his family was wealthy, as she never truly got a chance to meet her in-laws. But for them to keep her children in their wills, that was something that she never knew about; not that she could blame her in-laws, they probably wanted to do whatever they could to make sure that she didn't get a chance to live this life. But the same couldn't be said for her children (obviously) as they now had a beautiful home, in Hawaii where they can escape the cold Chicago winter whenever they want. And boy was it nice.

But something that was still a bit awkward, was the relationship that she had with her daughter (who was also a beneficiary of her in-law's will). Just walking into the kitchen to spend a bit of time with her daughter this late afternoon, Nancy Casey took a breath as she was still a bit nervous when it came to speak to her. Yet, at the same time, she felt like she had a duty to speak to her; a duty to at least tell her that she feels bad that her married failed, having never spoken to her since that happened. Seeing that her daughter was speaking to one of her son's friends, Nancy Casey took a breath. "Excuse me?" Turning his head, Antonio Dawson saw a woman standing behind Christie. "Oh, hello." Nancy then smiled at Antonio, unaware of who he is. "Sorry, do you mind if I slip in for a moment? I'd like to speak to my daughter for a moment." Antonio then looked at the woman, smiling. "Oh, it's a pleasure to finally meet my sister's mother-in-law." Nancy was just confused.

"Sorry, what?" Turning to face her mother, Christie smiled at her as she knew that she had to behave today. "Mom, this is Antonio Dawson; he's Matt's brother-in-law, his wife Gabby's brother." Nancy agreed with her daughter when she said that, smiling at him. "Well, it truly is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Dawson." Antonio then reached out for Nancy's hand, shaking it. "Please, call me Antonio. We're family." Nancy agreed with her son's brother-in-law, smiling at the handsome (former) CPD Detective. "Of course, Antonio; but if it's okay, I'd like to speak to my daughter for a moment." Antonio agreed with Nancy, smiling at her. "Of course." Antonio then proceeded to walk away from Christie, the woman whom he slept with the night before; leaving her to be alone with her mother so that the women can speak this afternoon. Looking at her daughter, Nancy took a breath. "It's nice seeing you again Christie." Christie agreed with her mother when she said that, smiling.

"I should've called so many times, but I am so sorry about the divorce in the past; I hope that you and Violet are doing okay." Christie agreed with her mother when she said that, smiling at her. "We are. And the truth is, it really is nice to see you as well." Nancy then decided to make a bit of a joke with her daughter. "I hope you're okay associating with me, a former incarcerated, convicted murdered; and an heiress." Smiling at bit, Christie knew that she was joking; and she had to admit that it was a good one, as she knew that she was trying to say. "Mom, I think we can both agree that it's time for the both of us to move on. I'm sorry that things have been so tense in between the both of us for years, and I really shouldn't be mad anymore. You've served your time, and I need to learn to forgive; especially when I know what you went through." Nancy took a breath when she heard Christie say that, not liking to be reminded of what she went through with Gregory.

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