(138) Matt Dream: Valentine's Day 2020 - Part One: Office Sex

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"So, what are we doing?" Matt smiled when Gabby asked him that, glad that she wanted to know. "So, I was thinking that we could do it at our family home rather than the penthouse." Gabby looked up at Matt when he said that, a bit shocked. "Really? And leave the boys here? Matt, are you..." Matt took a breath, well aware of just what Gabby was thinking. "Hey, take a breath and look at me baby. Just take a breath." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her to take a breath, ready to do just that for him this afternoon. Bending down, Matt smirked as he kissed his beautiful wife softly. "I didn't say anything about leaving the boys here. They are going to come with us, so that we can just take it easy there. I don't want to just concentrate all of my time on you, and I want to play with the boys too." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt tell her that.

Turning his head, Matt smirked as he left a soft kiss on Gabby's forehead this afternoon. "And I already have things set up there. I have been setting up something romantic for you there, and I want to do it there because it's all set up." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that. "We going to take a bath tonight?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she asked him whether they're going to take a bath tonight. "Oh, that's definitely something that we're going to do. We're going to take a nice bath with each other as we just hold each other close. And you're going to relax, while taking it easy baby; you really are stressed recently, and I want to take care of you. Maybe we even can leave your mom behind, because I already got my sex today." Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, as she didn't want to say anything yet. "Yeah..."

Matt then pressed his lips to Gabby's forehead, while he continued to run his hand up and down her back. "Gabby, I know why you came down here; I know that you wanted to come down, because you weren't sure whether we were going to get intimate with each other later. And I completely understand that babe, because the boys are sick. Heck, you think it's easy being down here?" Gabby agreed with me when I said that, clearly able to see that it was quite hard for me to be down here too. Matt then went to kiss her forehead, smiling at his beautiful wife. "Baby, I just want you to take it easy and relax okay? I want you to go home, and just take it easy. That's what I want. Heck, you can even go to the big home earlier than me; I promise that I'll come meet you there." Gabby agreed with her loving husband as he told her that.

"I think I might take you up on that offer, get the boys settled and everything." Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that, running his hand up and down her back as they held each other close; and let's just say that this is quite nice. The two of them definitely need to do this more often. "Okay, we definitely need to do this more often." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt tell her that they need to do this more often, which she can definitely agree to. "Oh, that would be a lot of fun if I come down here more often; you might get distracted more often." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before grabbing her hand and proceeding to intertwine their fingers. "I hope you know that I'm always distracted, because I have so much on my mind." Sitting up, Gabby turned and looked at the man she loves. "What's wrong baby?"

"I'm just conflicted at times. There are times where I want to be with you and the boys, then there are other times where I want to be here so that I can work on the business." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "Well, you can work from home some days too. Maybe you can work from the big house until the boys feel better?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, definitely liking that idea. "I will talk to everybody about that." Gabby agreed with Matt, smiling at her loving husband as she bent down and kissed him softly. "Let's spend some time with the boys today okay?" Matt smirked when he heard Gabby say that, thinking about their sons. "You know, I think I should leave with you. The boys are sick, and I should be with them while they're sick." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that.

She then slipped up his chest and leaned her forehead against his, which is definitely something that she appreciates. Putting his hand on her neck, Matt smiled as he leaned in and then proceeded to kiss his beautiful wife softly. After all, she is truly beautiful; and he is very happy over the fact that they just made love to each other. But the most important thing that he's happy about, is the fact that he has such a great family. "I hope you know that I am so glad that this is our life. I love you so much, and I am just really happy with you and the boys; more than anything." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, smiling at the man of her dreams as she kissed him softly. "I'll go pack up the boys and stuff." Matt smiled. "Can you give me an hour, and then we can go?" Gabby smiled. "I'll wait to take a shower." Matt smirked, agreeing with her.

"Well, I will see you around 1 pm." Gabby smiled as she bent down, proceeding to give her loving husband once last kiss before she got up so that she could get dressed. At the same time, Matt sat up and went to grab his boxers so that he could put them on. But first, he slapped Gabby's ass; which did not make her that happy. "Matthew!" Matt smirked. "Last time I checked, I'm in charge here; this is the office of the CEO after all." Gabby shook her head when she heard Matt say that. "Are you coming upstairs? Or do you want to meet at home?" Matt bit his lip. "We can pack up together, but I need to bring my Tesla too since we might commute from there; not sure yet." Gabby laughed. "We keep questioning which house we should stay at." Matt smiled. "We can talk about that at home." Gabby agreed, smiling as they both got dressed today.

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