365. Punish The Traitor

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"Woah, quite a nice ship you have here. Sorry for breaking it," says Ben while smirking.

"You are Ben Cooper, the one His Highness kept mentioning these days," says August.

"Sorry, but tell Zeref that I have a wife," says Ben jokingly, but it seems they don't get it which makes it awkward.

"Cough, anyway, I don't come here in peace, so no need to prepare drinks & food," says Ben.

"I assume you come here for God Serena," says August.

"Isn't it obvious? I need to punish the traitor," says Ben while smirking.

"HAHAHA! You? Punishing me? You sure know how to make people laugh, kid. Just because you've killed Dragons doesn't mean you are strong enough to defeat me. I can do what you did easily and even slay more Dragons than you. Besides, I heard you couldn't even defeat Acnologia, so don't think too highly of yourself," says Serena haughtily.

"Sure, whatever you say, a coward who never accepted my challenge. You can't get away again now, so we will decide this for once. It's actually a good thing that you defect to Alvarez. Now I have a reason to beat you up and even kill you," says Ben while smirking.

Serena doesn't take it lightly because Ben really looks down on him. He is still known as the strongest in Ishgar, it's his pride. So Ben's words really piss him off and he wants to rip Ben's body apart.

Serena gets ready to attack Ben, but suddenly Ben vanishes from his spot. At the same time, they hear a loud crashing sound and look at it. They see Ben is already there and he is holding Jacob's head that gets slammed onto the floor.

Even August is very surprised by this because Ben has detected Jacob who used Stealth Magic. Jacob's Stealth Magic is very high-level that even the other Spriggans can't detect him. But Ben who never met Jacob could see through his stealth and even attacked him.

"A Stealth Magic that erases appearance, smell, and even sound, huh? Interesting, but it's not good enough. If you want to fool me, you also need to erase your magic power completely. Even so, I can still see you because of your magic work by altering light. You won't be able to fool a Sun God's eyes with a light trick," says Ben while lifting Jacob by the head.

Jacob is still conscious and doesn't have many injuries. He isn't a Spriggan for nothing, and besides, the floor isn't that hard for someone like him. Even so, he can't free himself from Ben's grasp no matter what he tries.

He tries to attack Ben, but Ben can block all his attacks while still holding his head. Then he tries to use his Spatial Magic to move Ben to his pocket dimension. But it doesn't work even after he claps his hands a few times.

"Surprised? Well, let me tell you something. You can't use it on someone much stronger than you. Even more so if that person has high mastery of Spatial Magic. But your attacks are annoying, so let's stop this facade," says Ben before snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, everyone feels their bodies become very heavy. Everyone other than the 4 strong Mages is falling on the floor. The floating ship then starts falling at high speed and finally crashes onto the rocky ground below.

That fall breaks the ship completely and people are injured. Only the 4 monsters are fine and now they all look at Ben seriously. They can feel that Ben hasn't used his full power, but they can feel how strong he is already by now.

Ben then releases the Gravity Magic and frees everyone, except Jacob. He is still using his Gravity Magic on Jacob, making the guy unable to move because it's far stronger than what Ben used to make the ship fall.

"You seem like the type of guy who will disturb things that aren't his business, so I will remove you first," says Ben before increasing the gravity even further.

The gravity keeps increasing while Jacob's head is still being held by Ben. Jacob can feel his body being pulled down, yet he doesn't fall because Ben holds his head. Ben's hand doesn't move even slightly even when Jacob's body pulls him down.

Even if gravity doesn't affect Ben, Jacob's weight which keeps increasing is surely affecting him. But Ben's hand still doesn't move despite the heavyweight that he holds. This shows just how powerful he is now.

August tries to attack Ben and help Jacob, but then Ben also uses his Gravity Magic on August & Serena to hinder their movements. Without any help, Jacob finally submits to Ben's superiority. His body can't hold it any longer as all his blood is being pulled down and gathers in his feet.

The strong gravity prevents Jacob's blood from circulating. He passes out when his brain doesn't have enough blood supply. Shortly after that, the blood entering his heart also decrease before disappearing completely.

Jacob then dies when his heart stops because there's no more blood that can be pumped. The blood that gathers in his feet also finally burst out like a horror movie scene. Everyone widens their eyes as they see how easily Ben killed Jacob, a Spriggan.

"Heh, he could survive this long, he's stronger than I thought. Others will get their neck ripped because of the strong pull," says Ben as he releases Jacob's dead body.

Ben then looks at August & Serena before saying, "It's your turn now."

Serena smirks & laughs, "HAHAHA! Interesting, very interesting. I thought you were just a kid who thinks too highly of himself. But you actually have real skills. Now I really want to fight you and see your other skills. August, stay back, I will handle him myself," says Serena as his eyes become black.

Serena suddenly releases a massive amount of magic power. Ben is quite surprised because Serena is stronger than he thought. Now he can understand Serena's arrogance. This guy can really kill a real Dragon as he claimed.

Ben smirks and says, "So this is the power of the once strongest Mage in Ishgar. I must say I'm impressed and you really deserved that title. But at the same time, I'm also disappointed. If you are just this strong, then you won't stand a chance against Acnologia. Man, even the weakened Igneel would rip you apart."

"Hah, you're really good with your mouth, kid. Then why don't you taste the power of this strongest Mage in Ishgar? Cavern Dragon's Earth Collapse!" shouts Serena as green light appears around him and he slaps his hands on the ground.

Serena uses his Earth-type magic, the Cavern Dragon Slayer Magic. A massive explosion with a wide radius occurs on the ground and engulfs Ben. Many Alvarez soldiers also get caught in the explosion, but then they suddenly appear outside the explosion because of August's magic.

"So this is the power of the man who has 8 Dragon Slayer Magic. Maybe he is the Hybrid Theory, the man chosen by Gods," says August while grinning.

The explosion that Serena made destroys the ground and creates many large boulders. They get thrown into the air and bombarded Ben who stands there. This is a sufficient display of power by the strongest Mage in Ishgar.

But August's grin disappears instantly when the explosion also disappears. Serena's grin also gone because they see Ben is floating above the massive hole created by Serena's magic without any scratch. They saw him getting engulfed by the explosion and hit by the boulders, yet he is fine.

No one knows how he defended himself because they saw him getting hit. They don't know that Ben was covering himself with his Gravity Magic. He used his Gravity to create a repulsive force around him that repelled the boulders hitting him, so it still looked as if he was getting hit.

Ben giggles and says, "Pfft, the strongest Mage was throwing rocks in a battle. You should be ashamed. Even my children can throw rocks better than you."

Tick marks cover Serena's forehead as he says, "Damn bastard! I will make you regret making me furious."

Ben just grins and raises his right hand forward to make a taunting gesture. "You better do it, or you will be the one regretting this."
You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 400 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 411 of Transcended as Lord Buggy
3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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