340. First Blood

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The arrogant mark that Ben made is angering both Dragons. They know exactly what he means by saying that they are just tools to make him grow stronger. Dragon Slayers' magic will get stronger by killing Dragons, so he just told them that he will kill them.

They are not fond of humans, so his arrogant words have angered them greatly. This is Ben's purpose, making them angry which will make their moves predictable. At the very least, they will use all their power from the start and they'll get tired fast.

It's a risky strategy to be used against Dragons like them. But it's also the best strategy for him because he is fighting 2 Dragons. It would be different if he just fights a Dragon, but 2 Dragons are still too much for him now.

Motherglare makes the first move and flies toward Ben. It sends a claw attack with its right claws that glow bright blue. Ben evades flashes back to evade it, but 3 sharp blue energy blades come out of the claws and fly toward him.

Motherglare smirks, but then it gets surprised when Ben kicks the one in the middle to the one on the left. Right when the 2 energy blades collide and explode, Ben flashes to the front of the only remaining energy blade.

He extends his right hand towards it and a white magic circle appears, "Reflector!"

The energy blade hits the white magic circle and gets reflected. But it doesn't fly back toward Motherglare, it flies toward Zirconis. It won't cause damage to Motherglare because this is its own magic, after all.

But Zirconis can break it easily using its claws that glow green. It's just one energy blade, after all, so it's not a big problem for Zirconis. The big problem is he doesn't realize that Ben is moving behind that energy blade.

Zirconis that doesn't expect that can't make any move to stop Ben. Ben succeeds to slip right under Zirconis's jaw and grabs onto its scales. Then Ben's right claws glows brightly as golden solar energy covers his whole right hand that he shapes into a sharp spear.

"Let's see if your scales here are as hard as the ones on your back," says Ben before stabbing his right hand into Zirconis's jaw.

Ben's spear-like hand stabs through the hard thick scales on Zirconis's lower jaw. The scales here are still very hard, but not as hard as those on the back. So it's easier to pierce through the scales here than the back.

Even if it's easier, Ben knows that the other Dragon Slayers can't pierce these scales like him. Ben has the power to do it and his magic makes his piercing attack a lot sharper. Even the hard Dragon Scales can be pierced without much problem.

"Gotcha!" says Ben while grinning.

Ben's right hand is now inside Zirconis's mouth after he pierced its lower jaw. He immediately shoots a strong golden solar blast using his right hand because Zirconis is sending its left claws to hit Ben. So Ben shoots an attack inside Zirconis's mouth before flashing away to evade the massive claws.

Zirconis fails to hit Ben and it gets hurt instead because Ben's solar blast explodes in its mouth. But the damage isn't too big because Ben attacked hastily, so his attack power is low to be used on a Dragon even if it explodes inside the mouth.

Still, it's enough to injure the Dragon's pride that only sees humans as prey. Zirconis gets even angrier and immediately rushed to attack Ben. Motherglare joins in and both of them attack Ben at a close range.

Their attacks are surprisingly coordinated and of course, very powerful. However, none of their attacks hit Ben because he is very fast. He is also very small compared to them, so it becomes even harder for them to hit him.

But Ben doesn't attack them at all and just keeps evading. He is trying to understand their attack patterns and let them tire themselves while also trying to find their weaknesses. It doesn't take long for Ben to find one of Motherglare's weaknesses.

He doesn't waste time and immediately makes a move. Ben creates a clone to replace himself while the real him teleports below Motherglare. He looks at Motherglare's belly and sees many holes there which it used to create eggs.

Well, he actually has found the holes before, but he couldn't find the right timing to attack them. This is his best chance because the 2 Dragons are occupied. They are busy attacking his clone that keeps evading their attacks.

"Diamond scales? No problem, I can just hit where the scales don't protect you," says Ben while grinning.

Ben flashes and enters one of the holes that's big enough for him. Motherglare realizes that something enters its body, but it's too late already. It screams very loudly and shakes the entire city with just a scream.

Then it moves its body wildly to shake Ben inside its body. But Ben keeps sticking on his spot using his Gravity Magic, so the wild movements don't affect him much. He just grins while looking at the hole's interior.

This place is big enough to be used as a good hotel room. But the only ones who'll stay here are people who can sleep in a room surrounded by meat walls. Ben isn't one of them, he will destroy it if he gets this kind of room in a hotel, and that's what he'll do now.

Ben sees the place where the eggs were being produced. It looks disgusting because it looks like an arse. The only arse that he likes is his wife's and surely it's not as big and as disgusting as this one.

The problem is, he needs to insert his hand into that arse hole to make his attack more effective. As reluctant as he is, Ben knows it will help him win easier. So he gets closer to it and is just about to insert his left hand inside it when an egg comes out of it.

Ben smiles widely seeing it, "Lucky me!"

He immediately stops the egg from coming out completely. Then he heats the egg to cook the mini-Draco inside it. He lets the giant egg stuck in the hole as he creates a golden ball the size of a bowling ball.

Ben keeps pouring his magic power to make the ball-sized Sun stronger. He uses more MP than his previous big attack, the Countless Stars. Motherglare can already feel the heat inside its body and it starts to scream more wildly as steams starts to come out of the hole that Ben entered.

"Eat this, Motherf**ker," says Ben while grinning.

His kids aren't here, so he can curse without any worry. Ben then throws the Sun ball into the egg and it breaks the egg. It keeps moving through the egg and destroys the dead mini-Draco before finally entering Motherglare's body.

Everyone who sees Motherglare thrash around is already speechless. Then their eyes get even wider and their jaws drop even further as they see the Dragon's body bloats up. A deep explosion sound can be heard when it happens.

Then under everyone's shocked gazes, golden flame blasted out of Motherglare's mouth, nostrils, earholes, egg holes, and even arse hole. It's truly an unbelievable sight to watch as a Dragon gets cooked inside and flame comes out of all its holes.

The golden flame disappears after 5 minutes and then steam replaces the flame coming out of the holes. A historical moment then gets engraved in everyone's mind as a Dragon that seemed undefeated is falling from the sky and crashes onto the ground.

Ben is now standing on top of Motherglare's body and looks at its eyes. Unbelievably, the Dragon is still alive which shows how monstrous a Dragon's vitality is. But anyone knows that it's just a matter of time before the Dragon dies.

Motherglare glares at Ben and says with a weak voice, "Son of Escanor, may the wrath of Dragons fall upon you."

"Sure, I'll take them all gladly. Your wrath will only make me stronger. I will stand above all Dragons, just like my father Escanor," says Ben with a cold intimidating face.

Motherglare can see a shadow of a majestic Golden Dragon behind Ben. Its eyes shake for a moment before all colors leave them. The Motherglare has been slain.
You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 375 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 386 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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