285. Giants' Request

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The Giants hold a feast for Ben & Mira because they have saved the Giants from a hostile Mage. Ben's talk with Atlas has finished and he learned some new things about Acnologia. He also has a new mission, to improve his training, and get stronger at a faster rate.

While they all eat big portions of food, the Elder Giant calls Ben & Mira. "Human Mages, you said you are doing commissioned jobs, right?"

"That's right, but we only take jobs requested through our guild," says Mira.

"Is that so?" asks the elder giant with a rather disappointed tone.

"Do you have a job request for us?" asks Ben.

The elder nods, so Ben says, "Then you can just give it to us. We will process it in our guild for you later. This is just an administrative procedure, so it can be handled easily. But please bear in mind, that we won't do jobs that are against the law, as we are Mages from a Legal Guild."

"I don't know much about human laws, but I don't think our job request is against the law," says the elder hastily.

"Well, let's hear it first," says Ben.

The elder giant then tells them the giants' job request. It is to find and take care of a human girl who was raised by the giants. She was found at a young age and grew among the giants, but she left some time ago because she knew she was different from the ones who raised her.

Her name is Flare, a teenage girl with dark-red hair color. Unfortunately, the giants don't have any pictures of her. But they tell Ben & Mira that Flare can manipulate her hair as a blessing from Eternal Flame.

Ben asks more about her physical traits and the giants explained them in detail. They are very worried about her because she never socializes with other humans. The human world is full of danger, so the Giants can't help but be worried about the child they've raised.

The Giants want Ben & Mira to find Flare and then take care of her. They know they can trust Ben & Mira because the 2 of them are trusted by their guardian deity, Eternal Flame. That's why they want the 2 to help Flare who didn't know anything about the human world.

Ben & Mira accept the job because it's something they can do. Having a good relationship with the Giants is quite important. They might need the giants' help one day, so this can be viewed as an investment.

"Leave it to us. With my position in Mage society, I will be able to find her quite easily," says Ben.

"Thank you, young humans," says the elder giant.

Ben & Mira stay there for a night and decide to leave the next day. Before they leave, Ben gives some of his fire magic to Eternal Flame. Atlas's power has gotten weaker through the years, so Ben's magic restored a lot of it.

"So this is Lord Escanor's fire, truly magnificent," says Atlas as his flame appearance got bigger and the heat around him increases.

"Then, Atlas, giants, it's time for us to leave. We will do and finish the job you've requested as soon as possible. If you need our help, then call us through this communication lacrima," says Ben while taking out a lacrima crystal ball.

It's very small compared to the giants. But it can project the image to a wall and make it bigger, just like projectors on Earth. It is one of Ben's experiment results that he did when he was bored.

After bidding farewell to the giants, Ben & Mira leave using Light Runner. They want to continue their honeymoon and return home soon. It's been a few days since they left, after all, so they need to go home soon.

While they are on the way, Ben calls his acquaintance in the Magic Council to search for Flare. With Magic Council helping him, it will be easy to find her. And he gets the information just an hour after he called.

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