364. God Serena

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3 days after their meeting with Ben, Wolfheim and Draculos go to God Serena's residence. They even bring Warrod with them because they know that if something happens, they won't be able to win against Serena that easily. The 3 of them know well the power of the man who is known as the strongest on this continent.

They meet with Serena who sits haughtily on a couch while the 3 are standing. It's his usual behavior, so they don't even bother to mention it. Then without any chit-chat, Draculos immediately tells Serena the reason they come here.

"God Serena, we've heard a piece of unsettling news, so we want to confirm it. Is it true that the Alvarez Empire has contacted you?" asks Draculos.

Serena is a little surprised that his arrogant and haughty face disappears instantly. His expression turns cold and he looks at the 3 of them.

Then he smirks and says, "That's not true."

The 3 look a little relieved, but they know that something is wrong by the look of Serena's face.

"Then the news about your defection to Alvarez Empire is also wrong, right?" asks Warrod.

"Well, about that," says Serena before someone interrupts him.

"The news about Alvarez Empire contacting him is wrong. But the news about his defection is true. It's not us who contacted him, but he is the one who contacted us," says a man with a skull tattoo on his forehead who appears out of nowhere.

The 3 old Mages are surprised because they didn't sense anything before this man appeared. They are 3 of the strongest Mages on this continent, yet they were being fooled so easily. This isn't the end of their surprise though because an old man suddenly enters the room through the door and they can feel a massive magic power coming from him.

"Jacob, there's no need to reveal such information to our enemies. His Highness has ordered us to not cause any ruckus while we're here. It's not the time yet, so we shouldn't cause a scene," says the old man who is known by the 3 Gods of Ishgar.

"You are August!?" says Draculos in surprise.

August looks at them for a moment before ignoring them and looking at Serena & Jacob.

"Let's leave now. His Highness told us to be fast because the information gets leaked and he is right. More information can get leaked if we stay too long here," says August while looking at the 3 Wizards again.

"Hmph, fine, they are not that important anyway. I don't see any benefit by fighting them now," says Serena.

"Good, let's go, Jacob," says August.

"I understand," says Jacob before clapping his hands.

Jacob, Serena, and August suddenly disappear from the room. The 3 Wizards are surprised and they immediately search for the disappearing trio. They suddenly hear a loud wheezing sound outside, so they go out and look at the sky where the sound comes from.

Above Serena's residence, they see a big floating ship. It's a literal ship that flies, not an airship like the one that Fairy Tail has. The ship then flies away, leaving the stunned 3 Wizards behind.

"Damn, this is really the worst. I never thought that God Serena will defect to Alvarez Empire just like what the kid said," says Wolfheim.

"Out of everyone, it just needs to be him. We really need to be worried about Alvarez Empire now. They have 12 people at the same level as God Serena. And I don't think he will be the strongest among those 12. Then, there is still their emperor, Zeref," says Warrod.

"That's right, and I don't think our Etherion can stop them again if they attack. They must've made a strategy to counter Etherion, so we need to think of other methods," says Draculos.

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