253. Looting Before Working

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After he entered the airship, Ben makes 7 clones and starts exploring it. He didn't explore it thoroughly in the past because his goal was just spying on Grimoire Heart's forces and destroying the airship. But now, he needs to get everything from here, especially the Fire God Slayer Magic book.

"They have restored many parts that it looks like this airship has been repaired completely. I guess Rustyrose used his Arc of Embodiment to recreate all the broken parts. But it doesn't seem like he knows how the airship works so it still can't be used because the mechanical parts haven't been restored completely," says Ben as he walks around.

Ben & his clones search the airship thoroughly because Hades must've hidden the magic book in a very secure place. The location won't be found by normal means so he needs to be very thorough in his search. Well, it will just be a matter of time until Ben finds it.

But the search proves to be far more difficult than he thought. Ben & his clones can't find any clue for hours even after the sky darkens. Hades was very meticulous in hiding his precious items that there is not a single clue can be found.

Now Ben regrets killing every Grimoire Heart's Mage. He can at least ask them some questions although he doubts they know anything. Hades is not stupid enough to share his secret with his Mages even if he trusted them.

Ben comes out of the airship to get some fresh air so he can think more clearly. He looks at the corpses of the lesser members that scatter all over the place and the burnt corpse of the 4 that he killed using Heat World.

"Damn, the corpses start to stink. I can't breathe some fresh air like this," says Ben as he creates a fireball on his right hand.

Ben shoots fireballs at the corpses and burns them to ashes. This way the corpses won't rot and the rotten smell will disappear. Now he can finally breathe some fresh air and gaze at the bright moon.

As he gazes at the moon, Ben suddenly remembers something, Hades's Devil's Heart. It was the device that gave Hades a lot of power be it physical or magical power. Ben has destroyed it but the generator where the heart was placed is still in the airship.

Ben has an idea and gets inside the airship again to find the generator. He finds it easily because he knows where it is and he saw it when he explored it before. He just didn't search it thoroughly before because it's not functioning again.

"This device was connected to Hades at all times when he was alive, right? It might have a clue of where he hid all his treasures," says Ben as he approaches the generator.

Without the Devil's Heart installed on it, the generator is not working. But it's not a problem for Ben who has good experience with magic items. He also has AI Chip, a supercomputer that can hack even magic.

Ben puts his left hand on where the Devil's Heart was located and pours his magic power into it. His magic power immediately flows on the circuits. AI Chip immediately works to detect anything that Ben's magic power touch.

[Scanning Devil's Heart generator!]

The structure of the Devil's Heart generator is being drawn by AI Chip. Some magic defense systems that were installed also get hacked quickly and get deactivated. Ben just needs to follow AI Chip's instructions to break the defense.

But the generator has too many systems in it and needs a high amount of magic power. Luckily, Ben's magic power is high enough to supply the generator until he breached all the systems. Now the generator has accepted him as its new owner.

"So he kept it here, huh? That's very smart, Hades," says Ben as he does something with the generator.

Suddenly, a small square spatial hole appears in front of the generator. Ben touches it and pours his magic power into it. Again, he reclaims its ownership like what he did with the generator and it succeeds.

But then he pours more magic power into it and many items suddenly fall to the floor. It is a subspace to store items just like Ben's spatial storage. But it is connected with the Devil's Heart generator and needs a high amount of power to be opened.

"Hmm, I want to say that Hades is smart to be able to make spatial storage, but it's just a relic from the past. But well, I can study it to improve my spatial storage," says Ben as he holds a black cube with runes engraved on it.

Ben then checks the items that fall to the floor. There are some precious magic items or ingredients but he doesn't really care about those. He only cares about the magic books, especially the Fire God Slayer Magic book.

"Nice, now I can really start my research to create Sun God Slayer Magic," says Ben as he holds a thick black book which is the Fire God Slayer Magic book.

He doesn't immediately opens & read it but he stores it in his spatial storage mark along with the other items. He will learn them later because it will take time and he also has a job to do for now. So he leaves the island and goes back to the mainland.

Ben immediately goes to his job location to not waste his time. His job is clearing a lacrima crystal mine that gets taken over by magical creatures last month. The dense Ethernano inside the mine has attracted many magical creatures into it.

They have installed many defense mechanisms and hired Mages to defend against magical creatures' attacks. It's not the first time the attack happened but this is the first time they fail to defend the mine because the magical creatures are strong.

There are many magical creatures inside and there are some strong individuals. The boss is a strong S-Class magical creature, a Basilisk. It was the reason why they failed to defend the mine.

Ben has an idea to finish this job fast and most of the magical creatures at once. He goes to the mine's main entrance and prepares his magic. A big bright orange magic circle appears in front of him. Many magical creatures run to attack him but Ben finishes his magic before they can attack him.

"Sun Dragon's Heat Wave!" chants Ben.

A very hot Heat energy is shot from the magic circle. It enters the mine and hits all the magical creatures inside. All of them immediately scream and writhe in agony because of the heat that cooks their bodies.

The heat spread all over the mine tunnels and hits all the creatures inside. It doesn't take long for the heat to fill the entirety of the mine and comes out from the other entrances. Everyone who comes with Ben can hear the painful scream of the dying creatures inside the mine.

"Now I start to feel sorry for them," comments a man while shivering.

"Why would you feel sorry for those damn things? They've killed and eaten our brethren. Their dying scream is like music to my ears now," says another man as he clenches his fist.

They have different feelings now but they all are still happy that the creatures inside die quickly. Ben keeps his spell for some minutes until he can't sense any living being inside. When he finishes, hot steams are coming out of the mine and the people that follow him can feel the strong heat even from afar.

"You guys wait here while I check the mine to see if all the creatures are dead," says Ben to the audience.

They all nod and he enters the mine by himself. This kind of heat is not a problem for Ben who had high immunity to heat. He just can't bear the smell of cooked magical creatures so he moves fast.

In the deepest part, Ben finds the Basilisk that has green & blue scales still barely alive. An S-Class creature can't be killed easily, after all. So Ben takes out his sword and cuts the Basilisk's head immediately before it can attack him.

Ben sighs and says, "Now how should I clean up everything?"
You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 288 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 299 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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