203. Destroying The Devil

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Ben's Pride clone has found the secret behind Hades' power. Hades has a magic item made of his own heart that he put in his airship. It supplies him with a massive amount of power, be it magical or physical power.

This magic item is called the Devil's Heart, a machine that gathers and provides power for Hades. That's why his magic power never reduces even after he used a lot of magic power. His body also becomes very strong so he could defend Ben's attacks without getting any damage.

But now his secret has been found and if the Devil's Heart is destroyed, Hades will lose most of his power. That's why now he is panicking because if Ben knows this secret, it means that Ben has found the Devil's Heart through a method that he doesn't know.

Now after he found the Devil's Heart, it will be easier to defeat Hades. He just needs to destroy it and Hades will lose most of his power. But it won't be that easy because there must be defense mechanisms around the Devil's Heart.

Ben's Pride clone doesn't know the defense system that Hades put around the Devil's Heart but it shouldn't be weak. As a clone, he doesn't have that much power compared to the main body, so he can't be reckless or he will fail to destroy the Devil's Heart.

"Luckily that Bluenote guy is not here and has gone to the island. I am not his match because I'm just a clone with a little power. I could move in the ship undetected thanks to my stealth skill. But now I need the power to destroy this Devil's Heart," says Ben's Pride clone.

The clone thinks of what he needs to do now so he can destroy this Devil's Heart before he runs out of power. Then after some thinking, he decides that the only way is to use all his power at once.

He will use one big attack rather than attacking it multiple times. Such an attack will have higher damage and a higher success rate. It might also destroy the airship and break the Devil's Heart indirectly if he fails to destroy it directly.

"Alright, let's do it even if it kills me," says Ben's Pride clone.

The clone closes his eyes and gathers his magic power. Golden flame starts to cover his body and the temperature around him raises significantly. He enters Sun Mode using his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic.

After accumulating all his magic power, Ben's Pride clone makes 6 big golden magic circles that surround him like a cube. His golden flame spreads and smolders inside the cube that it lights up the entire room to become very bright.

Then he claps his hands and chants his spell, "Clone Suicide Technique! Star Explosion: True Supernova!"


The clone's body explodes and so is the golden solar energy flame. It creates a massive explosion that engulfs the entire room. The explosion has a very strong force and heat so it breaks everything it touches and melts most of them.

It breaks everything, including the defense system of the Devil's Heart that can't handle the massive explosion force of the clone's magic spell attack. With the defense broken, the Devil's Heart also breaks and stops supplying power to Hades.

The airship also gets destroyed, but the clone's power isn't enough to destroy it completely. It can only destroy the surrounding area of the Devil's Heart. Only a fifth of the airship gets destroyed because it has a massive size, but it's not a problem because the Devil's Heart has been destroyed.

Ben & Hades are quite close to the coast where the airship fly. They can hear the explosion clearly but can't see it because the tall trees block their sight. Ben who receives the memory of his clone now knows what happened and he grins because now he can beat Hades.

Hades himself is very shocked because now he doesn't get any power supplied by his Devil's Heart. But strangely, he doesn't die even though his heart that he installed in the Devil's Heart is destroyed.

'It seems he has changed the heart in his body with an artificial heart or maybe he uses magic. Nonetheless, now he won't get an infinite supply of power. I can even feel his magic power drops significantly now. This is the end,' thinks Ben while smirking.

The explosion sound is actually loud enough to be heard from the entire Tenrou Island. It alerts everyone and makes them ponder what has just happened. The only ones who know what happen are Ben, his clones, and Hades, after all.

Ben's clones don't tell them what happened though so they won't lose concentration. It might lower the enemies' morals but it might also make his comrades become overconfident and act recklessly. Being wary of enemies is very important in battles, after all.

Besides, he worries that it won't affect the enemies' morals at all because Dark Mages usually don't care about their comrades' wellbeing even if it's their Guild Master. Also, he hasn't won, so there's no need to spread the news now.

Back to Hades, he is dropping on his knee after his power suddenly plummeting. He holds his left chest because it is where he received the power from the Devil's Heart. Just like what Ben thinks, there is a magic item replacing his real heart in Hades' body that replaces his heart's function and becomes the power receiver.

The sudden stop of the power supply shocks his body so he falls on one knee. He suddenly gets a lot weaker, after all, so his mind & body haven't synchronized. But it doesn't take long for him to adapt and stand again.

Hades looks at Ben hatefully and says, "Damn brat! How did you find out about the Devil's Heart?"

Ben smirks and says, "With this."

Ben flicks his fingers and then a dark magic circle appears on the ground. Then a clone appears on top of the magic circle and it is the Pride clone. The clone really didn't die because it's just Ben's magic so it doesn't even live from the beginning.

Hades widens his eyes and now he has the gist of what happened in his airship. He grits his teeth because he knows that if one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory or Bluenote stays in the ship, Ben's clone won't succeed. The clone's power isn't that great compared to them, after all.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's too late to regret it, old man. Your biggest mistake isn't that you didn't leave anyone on the ship, it is because you underestimate us. As the 2nd Master of our Guild, I'm sure you know why we're here, it's for the S-Class exam. That means most of us here have the power of S-Class Mages, but you still attack us. You underestimate our S-Class Mages too much," says Ben.

Hades doesn't say anything and just looks at Ben angrily. Then he suddenly raises his hands forward and then big purple magic circles appear below & above Ben. 3 purple circles also appear on Ben's left and 3 on his right.

Hades then chants, "Amaterasu: Formula 100!"


The spell creates a massive explosion, even bigger than the one that Pride clone made. It engulfs a very wide area and Ben is in the center of it. When it subsides, many trees and also the ground is destroyed.

Hades used all his remaining power for that attack and hoped it will kill Ben. But his hope will keep being hope because Ben is still standing in his position. Ben has some injuries because of the explosion, but he is still standing and grinning.

"Good attack, now it's my turn. Sun Demon's Solar Scream!" chants Ben before he shoots a red solar energy beam from his mouth.

The beam is very big and strong as it moves toward Hades. Hades screams as the beam hits and engulfs him. The beam covers a wide area and moves in a very long distance. It angles upright a little, so it can be seen from the whole island.

When the beam stops, Hades can be seen lying unconsciously on the ground quite far from his initial location. Ben has used a lot of power, but it's not enough to kill Hades. He knows that Makarov won't kill Hades, so Ben doesn't kill him.

Ben looks at Hades and says, "I will let Master decides what to do with you. You should be thankful for that."
You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 238 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 249 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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