316. Big Bet

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The battle round continues and now it's the battle of Sabertooth against Mermaid Heel. The fighter from Sabertooth is Yukino while Kagura represents Mermaid Heel. Both girls enter the arena to start the battle.

Unexpectedly, Yukino proposes a bet to Kagura because the previous battles also did it. Kagura accepts it, but to make it more exciting, she asks to bet their lives. Yukino accepts it confidently, which surprises everyone.

"It seems they are very confident in their abilities," says Ben.

"Well, they are one of the best in their guilds, after all," says Mira.

The battle starts soon and Yukino makes the first attack. Lucy is surprised when Yukino uses Gold Key to call Pisces. She is a Celestial Spirit Mage who holds Gold Key like Lucy.

2 giant fishes appear and attack Kagura from 2 different angles. But Kagura can evade their attack by jumping high. Then Yukino surprises everyone again by using another Gold Key while the other one is still active.

She calls Libra to change the Gravity on Kagura to make her fall. The gravity on Kagura increases, but then she uses her own Gravity Magic to nullify Libra's gravity. Then Kagura evades the giant 2 fishes' attacks and it surprises Yukino.

Yukino thought that the combination of Pisces and Libra will be enough. But it doesn't, so she decides to use another Key. Ben & Lucy are surprised when they see the key that has a black snake figure wrapping it.

"The 13th Gate, Ophiuchus," says Ben in surprise.

A giant black snake with many mechanical parts appears above the arena. It's the one and only known Black Key, Ophiuchus.

"So someone has found the Black Key and made a contract with it, huh? Finally, I can see what a Black Key can do," says Ben excitedly.

His excitement disappears soon though because Kagura suddenly cuts Ophiuchus into many parts using her sword.

"What the f," says Ben, censoring his curse word.

Kagura then rushes at Yukino and attacks Yukino using her sword, defeating Yukino in an instant. Ben complains in his mind because Kagura could at least let Ophiuchus show some of its abilities first. But he can't say anything because it's not his fight.

Luckily, Kagura doesn't kill Yukino even though they bet their lives. Although she says that now Yukino's life belongs to her. Yukino says she will honor their bet before Kagura returns to her team's stand.

Ben feels sorry for Yukino, but it's the consequence of her action. Then he looks at Jiemma who looks furious now. He knows it won't end well for Yukino later, but it's their guild's business.

After the battle round, the scores become like this:
Fairy Tail B            : 40 points
Fairy Tail A            : 27 points
Mermaid Heel      : 21 points
Sabertooth            : 18 points
Blue Pegasus       : 14 points
Scarmiglione        : 14 points
Lamia Scale         : 7 points
Quatro Cerberus  : 7 point

Later that night, Yukino really gets expelled from her guild. Ben knows it's not his business, but he just can't stop being worried because he knows just how cruel Jiemma can be. He stands on a rooftop outside of Sabertooth's lodging.

After waiting for some time, he sees Yukino comes out of the building, naked. He is very surprised by it and immediately flashes to her. Without even asking, Ben takes Yukino to the rooftop and puts a blanket on her.

She is scared, but then she calms down when she realizes that it's Ben. She doesn't know him, but she knows that he doesn't have bad intentions. He looks very worried, after all, as if he is looking at his family.

Fairy Tail: Sun Eater - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now