274. Explanation

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"Wha-What was that black beam?" asks Elfman with a shocked expression.

"I will explain it later. For now, go and take over that beast. You need to increase your beast souls because your beast souls have limited abilities," says Ben.

"A-Alright," says Elfman before he goes to the dying beast leader.

"Lisanna, you can also choose any animals that you want to add to your arsenal," says Ben.

"Aye sir," says Lisanna playfully before she leaves too.

Elfman & Lisanna immediately take over their targets' bodies. Lisanna chooses Armadillo because she lacks defense. The Armadillo is different from the one on Earth, its skin color is red with black armor on its back.

After Elfman & Lisanna are done, they collect the dead magical creatures' bodies. These bodies are needed as proof of their job and they can sell them too for a good price. There are so many carcasses, after all, so they can't waste this chance.

Then they leave the forest and go to the nearest town where they can get the job completion approval from the mayor. It doesn't take long because they have proof and Ben is a Wizard Saint so he is trustworthy.

After that, they return to Magnolia and report their job to Makarov before going home. They rest for the rest of the day so they'll be ready for tomorrow's plan. Ben has understood the others' power level so they will start training tomorrow.

However, they don't start training right away the next day. Elfman, Lisanna, Wendy, & Carla are interrogating Ben. They want to know the magic he used to defeat the magic creatures yesterday so he needs to explain it first.

"Sun God Slayer Magic?! And you made it yourself?!" The 4 of them say that with a very surprised tone.

They all know that Ben is smart, a genius even, but this is beyond their expectation. He has created new magic in 3 years, very powerful magic from the Lost Magic category at that. Even great Mages like the 4 Gods of Ishgar might not be able to do that.

Well, they don't have Ben's secret weapon, after all, the A.I Chip. If Ben doesn't have it, then he won't be able to achieve this too. It might take more years or even decades to create Sun God Slayer Magic by himself.

A.I Chip is without a doubt the one that helps Ben the most in this life. It has helped Ben grow to this point faster than anyone else. He might achieve it without A.I Chip, but it will take a far longer time.

"Well, it's not easy though because I need a lot of data to make this magic," says Ben.

"So you got the data from Fire & Wind God Slayer Magic, right? Can Wendy also learn that Wind God Slayer Magic?" asks Elfman curiously, making the others curious too.

"I don't know, maybe in the future, but for now, no. Having more than 1 type of Slayer Magic is almost impossible. The magic will clash against each other because Slayer Magic can be said to be 'alive'. The strong one will suppress the weaker one and maybe destroy it."

"Their clash can destroy the Mage's body too. Unless your body is as strong as mine, then it is impossible. But to reach this level of physical strength is also theoretically impossible unless you turn into a dragon. It is possible for me because of my Dragon Seed," says Ben.

"Dragon Seed? What's that?" asks Lisanna.

"It's a seed that will turn someone into a dragon if they overuse their Dragon Slayer Magic. All Dragon Slayers who learned their magic from real Dragons have it. That means me, Wendy, Natsu, & Gajeel. Laxus who uses a Dragon Lacrima doesn't have it," says Ben.

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