307. Time Skip

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Time flies and 3 years have passed since Ariel & Gabriel was born. This is year X791, 7 years since the incident on Tenrou Island. These last few years felt long for Ben and Mira because many things have happened to them from the Tenrou Island incident to them having children.

Mira's body has returned to its previous state before she was pregnant. There are no chubby parts, except for her breasts and butts which were big from the beginning. She also has started to work again 2 years ago after training for a few months to get back in shape.

It's been a long time since she fight because of her pregnancy and taking care of her babies. So she needs to train while also taking care of the babies, making her training longer than expected. The babies are very clingy to their mother, so Mira needs to stay with them most of the time.

In these 3 years, Ben and Mira haven't taken any job together because one of them needs to stay behind to take care of their babies. Unlike Ben, Mira never went alone on her job. She always goes with her siblings and even takes Wendy & Carla with her.

Ben sometimes goes alone and when he is not alone, he only brings Bella. His jobs are more dangerous sometimes, so he can't take too many people with him. Although sometimes he takes easier jobs to take Wendy & Carla with him so he can teach them many things.

Talking about Wendy, she has grown well in the last few years. She was 12 before the Tenrou incident and this is 4 years since Ben freed the victims. So she is 16 now if we don't count the 3 years, and she has grown quite well.

Wendy looks like her Edolas counterpart, except for her height. She is still quite short despite her assets growth. Then, unlike Edolas Wendy, she still uses her twin-tail hair model which she likes very much.

No one has a problem with that because she still looks cute. She is still very innocent despite growing up a lot, after all. So twin-tail hair suits her better than the straight model that Edo Wendy used.

Anyway, in these 3 years, Ariel & Gabriel have shown great growth. Their physiques grow faster than normal children and now they are almost as big as Asuka who's 2 years older. Not only that, their intelligence is also high as they can read difficult books already and they understand the books.

Ariel & Gabriel also have shown different growth in their personalities. They've shown it since they were born, but it just gets clearer as they grow. Ariel is very tomboy, cheerful, and talks a lot while Gabriel is calmer, he is a quiet type.

Both of them also have different interests. Ariel likes playing outside while Gabriel prefers staying inside to read books. Even so, Ariel will still read the books that Ben gives, and Gabriel will play outside if his sister asks him.

Their different interests also show up in the magic that they like. Ariel likes Ben's magic, especially the flame element. As for Gabriel, he likes Mira's magic, but he wants to have a different type of Take Over, preferably a unique one.

Ben & Mira haven't planned to teach them magic though, for now. They want their children to enjoy doing what they like first and the kids are still too young. The plan is for the 2 to learn magic when they are 5 or if they ask to be taught.

"Ben nii-san, we are ready to go," says Wendy from the house's 1st floor.

"Wait a minute, the kids haven't finished yet," says Ben from his children's bedroom.

Ben is putting clothes on his children while Mira is wearing make-up. Everyone is wearing nice clothes today because they are planning to go somewhere. They will go together with their guildmates to the Royal Capital.

"It has been 5 years since we last participated in this event. Fufu, it really brings back memories," says Mira.

"Sigh, I don't really want to participate anymore, but the situation is different now. Those people who I've never heard of before just need to say something unnecessary last year. It won't be a problem if it's just that, but their words have affected us a lot," says Ben.

Last year at The Grand Magic Games, the winner of that tournament did something that affect Fairy Tail. The winner was Sabertooth Guild, a new guild that have just been formed a few years ago. They won the tournament last year and did something unnecessary.

Sabertooth was mocking Fairy Tail for not participating in the last 5 years. They said that Fairy Tail was looking down on the tournament by not participating. Fairy Tail was also looking down on other Guilds and even The Kingdom that holds the tournament.

The Kingdom gets provoked by that because this tournament was made to find the best guild in Fiore. However, even after Fairy Tail didn't participate anymore, the guild was still acknowledged as the best guild because of its high job completion rate.

The rate went higher after the Tenrou Team returned. They took more difficult jobs and finished almost all of them. The only problem was they caused some damage to towns or villages, but it was lower than in the past, so the people still trust them a lot.

But because of Sabertooth's provocation, The Kingdom started to reduce their request to Fairy Tail. So they only received personal quests with low rewards. There's no way they can take this any longer, so they decided to participate in this year's tournament.

Fairy Tail also couldn't do anything because the right to choose which Guilds will receive their quests is solely on the clients. Even Ben's big name couldn't affect the Kingdom's decision. If they try to force the Kingdom, it will just worsen their reputation.

Sabertooth's provocation didn't just affect Fairy Tail though. It affected a lot of Magic Guilds that didn't participate last year or the previous years. That's why many Magic Guilds are participating this year, making it the Grand Magic Games with the highest number of participants.

Ben & his family then go to the guild because they all will go together. After arriving at the guild, they wait for everyone to gather before going to the river behind the guild. They gather at the river bank and Ben activates the magic circuit hidden on the ground.

A massive metal box suddenly comes out of the river. It's the guild's airship hangar that can only being summoned by Ben & Makarov's magic power. A bridge also appears as access to the hangar.

Everyone then enters the hangar and gets on the airship. Ben pilots the airship and they immediately go to the Royal Capital. Everyone is excited, especially the Tenrou team because they can finally participate in the tournament.

On their way there, Ariel, Gabriel, and Asuka are running around the airship. Gabriel is silent most of the time, but this is his first time in this airship. So he joins his sister & Asuka in exploring the airship.

Elfman, Natsu, & Gray are the ones tasked to guard them by Mira and no one dares to refuse. Guarding children is a difficult task and the 3 who have gotten much stronger feel that it's harder than even their most difficult job. They get very tired when they finally arrived at Royal Capital.

On the Royal Capital, their airship's arrival is making quite a ruckus. They are the Guild that gets talked about the most by people in this tournament, after all. So people immediately talk about them as soon as they arrive.

Fairy Tail Mages get off their airship as soon as it lands. Ben comes out last while carrying Ariel on his shoulder. "Sabertooth, huh? Let's see just how good they are."
You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 342 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 353 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

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