311. Ben vs Jura

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Ben and Jura enter the arena with big grins on their faces. Both of them knew that if the organizer wanted to make this tournament interesting, they will pair the 2 of them. Although they are quite surprised that they get chosen on the first day.

"You seem happy, bald guy," says Ben while grinning.

"So are you, blondie," says Jura while grinning too.

"Has it been 6 years since I beat you up?" asks Ben while cracking his fists.

"You seem to have a memory problem there. It was me who defeated you 6 years ago," says Jura while smirking.

"Your win? I won't say that the one who get beaten up badly was the winner," says Ben with a tick mark on his forehead.

"It's the last man standing rule, so I won because you lost consciousness first," says Jura with a tick mark too.

Both of them are talking about their sparring session 6 years ago when Ben was still a Guild Master. They want to test each other's power, so they fought in a hidden sparring match. That was a very fierce battle that they did on an uninhabited island that get destroyed after their battle.

Jura was beaten up very badly, but Ben lost consciousness first. Ben was already strong back then because he has became a Wizard Saint. However, Jura is tougher and has a lot more experience than him.

The crowd is surprised that the 2 of them have fought in the past. They wonder how fierce that battle was because it's said that a battle of 2 Wizard Saints can shake the entire continent. Well, it's just an expression to show that the battle must be very destructive.

But it doesn't matter because now they all can finally see these 2 fight directly. Everyone here is excited to see what kind of battle these 2 will present. Even the Mages from Sabertooth who are hostile toward Fairy Tail still respect Ben for his strength and they want to see his power with their own eyes.

The tension rises and silence hits the whole stadium. Everyone looks at Ben & Jura who stands in the center of the arena without saying a word. Both of them don't say anything, but their auras are enough to make everyone there tense.

"PAPA, LOOK!" The silence suddenly breaks as Ariel suddenly shouts from Fairy Tail B's stand.

Ben looks at her and sees her standing proudly with a flower crown that she made on her head. An imaginary arrow suddenly stabs Ben's heart and he falls to the ground. He just gets attacked by the strongest attack, Cuteness Magic.

"PAPA, ARE YOU OKAY?" asks Ariel worriedly, but it gives Ben more damage instead.

Ben suddenly flashes below Fairy Tail B's stand and smiles like an idiot. "Of course, I'm okay. Papa is the strongest, you know. I was just get defeated by Ariel's cuteness. Why don't you make a flower crown too, Gabriel?"

Everyone sweatdrops at the sudden change of atmosphere. The scary aura they felt from Ben has gone and they can only see a doting father now.

"I don't want to make a flower crown, I want to make a real crown," says Gabriel with his innocent smile.

Ben suddenly gets serious, "Alright, I will take the King's crown. That midget doesn't need that crown."


A pebble suddenly hits Ben's head. Mira is the one who throws it and Ben can see her demonic expression now.

"I-I'm just joking, hahaha. We will make a crown for you after we go home, Gabriel. Now Papa will play with Uncle Jura, you guys stay with Mama, alright?" asks Ben before running back to the center of the arena.

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