339. Dragon Force

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Ben in Dragon Force becomes the center of attention in the whole city. He challenges the Dragon in front of him without any fear and with high confidence. His power in Dragon Force is similar to the Dragon in front of him, which makes him look more monstrous.

Motherglare roars before flying at Ben to attack him. But it only hits the air because Ben flashes to the sky. He has taunted Motherglare, but he suddenly leaves the Dragon when it comes to him. It's not without reason though.

"These fake Dragons are too troublesome to be left alone," says Ben while looking at the mini-Dracos below.

Ben raises his right hand to the sky with an open palm. Then he creates a mini golden Sun with 5 meters diameter. It's absolutely small compared to the real Sun, but it's still very bright that its light changes the night in the city into day and its heat can be felt by everyone there.

"Sun Dragon's Fury: Countless Stars!" chants Ben while he swings his right hand down.

The mini golden Sun suddenly gets separated into numerous golden balls that cover the entire sky of Crocus like stars. Then after a short silence, the golden stars fall at a very high speed to the city. They are falling on the mini-Dracos and the Dragons except for Atlas Flame.

Each shot is very powerful that the mini-Dracos get killed in one shot. The Dragons are also receiving considerable damage after getting a lot of shots at once. One of them, the one with scissor-like organs on its face even gets pushed to the ground.

Motherglare, Zirconis, & the Rock Dragon don't get too much damage though because of their very hard scales though. But the heat of the falling stars is passing through their scales and cooks the muscle under the scales a little.

Even if it's just a little, the number of stars that fall on them is a lot though, so they still got some considerable damage. Their hard scales still can't block the heat of Sun Dragon's spell. But at least they can minimize the damage, thanks to their hard scales.

The scissor head isn't as lucky as the other 3 Dragons though. Its scales aren't as thick & hard as theirs, so it receives full damage from those falling stars. Many of its scales even get burnt and peeled off its skin.

All mini-Dracos get slain by the falling stars which saved the Mages below. Everyone gets speechless by what has just happened. Ben has just taken out the enemies they have a very hard time dealing with that easily.

However, they all know that it must've cost a lot of power to use that level of attack. Ben spent 255,000 MP just to use that attack. Normal S-Class Mages will get their MP drained completely just to make that one attack, but Ben still has a lot and can use it 10 more times.

"That guy is dangerous, we need to end him before he becomes another nightmare for Dragons," says Zirconis.

"I agree, he reminds me of that human who becomes a Black Dragon and started hunting our kin," says the Rock Dragon.

"Let's kill him first, the other humans are not threats at all," says the Scissor Face Dragon.

The 3 Dragons that fight together agree and then they fly to attack Ben. But then Laxus, Wendy, Gajeel, and Cobra send long-range attacks at them. Zirconis & the Rock Dragon don't get affected and keep flying, but the Scissor Face that already gets a lot of damage fall to the ground again.

"Scissor Runner, you take care of the humans down there. It will be troublesome if they disturb us," says Zirconis.

"Dammit, fine, I don't like being ordered around, but I need to put these flies in their places," says Scissor Runner.

Zirconis & the Rock Dragon continue to fly toward Ben. But then Atlas Flame suddenly appears beside the Rock Dragon and bites its neck. He pushes the Rock Dragon to the ground and pins its body.

"ATLAS! ARE YOU MOVING TO THE HUMAN SIDE NOW?" asks the Rock Dragon angrily.

"If it means that I am on the same side as the son of my friend Igneel and the son of my Lord Escanor, then I'll gladly become humans' ally. You Earth-type Dragons will never know how big Fire-type Dragons' love for our Lord is. And if he has chosen a human as his successor, then we will follow his decision unquestionably," says Atlas.

"Does Ben's father really that impressive?" asks Natsu on Atlas's back.

"He was that impressive. Lord Escanor was simply the strongest of all Dragons. Even Gods feared and respected him. Only old age could defeat him and end his tale," says Atlas.

"How's Igneel compared to him?" asks Natsu curiously.

"Comparing them is an insult to Lord Escanor's power. Even if Igneel is the Fire Dragon King, he is nothing compared to Milord. The young Igneel had once challenged him, but Lord Escanor defeated him without even moving, he defeated Young Igneel with a mere gaze," says Atlas.

"Woah, that reminds me of how Ben defeated us with that mysterious pressure," says Natsu.

"What?! He has reached that level already?" asks Atlas in surprise.

"STOP TALKING AND IGNORING ME!" shouts the Rock Dragon while sending a blast at Atlas.

Atlas evades it by jumping to the side, which frees the Rock Dragon.

"It seems we can only talk after defeating him," says Atlas.

Natsu bumps his fists and says, "Yeah, let's defeat him, Uncle. I won't lose to Ben."

Atlas & Natsu then fight the Rock Dragon on the ground. Laxus, Wendy, Gajeel, & Cobra are fighting Scissor Runner near the castle. So only Zirconis & Motherglare are facing Ben in the sky right now.

'Hibiki,' Ben sends telepathy to Hibiki even without Hibiki's Archive magic's help.

'I hear you,' replies Hibiki.

'Tell Sting & Rogue to help the other Dragon Slayers. Then tell everyone to leave the city if they don't want to get caught in our battles. Those without Dragon Slayer magic won't be of much help against these Dragons. So tell them to guard the civilians. I have a hunch that these Dragons' presence will invite troublesome enemies. So they need to protect the civilians,' tells Ben.

'Alright,' replies Hibiki without any hesitation.

Ben is still suspicious of Rogue, but his Shadow Dragon Slayer will be a big help right now. So he sends telepathy to Laxus to be careful of Rogue. Laxus understands immediately and tells that message to Gajeel.

After Hibiki conveys Ben's message to the Mages, a lot of reactions appear. Fairy Tail Mages & their allies do what Ben asks without any question. But other guilds are questioning it and some people even refuse because they think they are being looked down upon.

However, their minds change immediately when Ben starts fighting against Motherglare & Zirconis in the sky. Both Dragons send their Dragons' Roars at Ben who chooses to evade it because he doesn't dare to block it.

The combined Dragons' Roars get shot toward the top of an uninhabited mountain and create a massive explosion that destroys half of the mountain. Everyone who doesn't obey Ben's order immediately leaves the city to join those who obey it.

"The humans are running away," says Zirconis.

"Ignore them! We can kill them anytime, this human is more dangerous than them," says Motherglare.

"Right, we need to kill him now," says Zirconis.

"You Dragons are more talkative than I thought. But you know, if you want to kill me, then stop talking," says Ben before he flashes toward Zirconis's left face.

Ben clenches his right fist and punches Zirconis's left face as hard as he can. His punch is so powerful it sends Zirconis's massive head flies to the right. Zirconis crashes onto Motherglare who is on his right side and Motherglare also gets pushed a little.

Ben gets into a fighting stance and says, "Enough talking. You are just tools to make me stronger."
You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 374 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 385 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Fairy Tail: Sun Eater - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now