222. The Fairies' Grieve

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Doranbolt explains what happened on Tenrou Island from his point of view when that happened to Porlyusica. The old woman is really shocked and she gets very angry at the Magic Council fleet that didn't do anything but watched.

Her cold demeanor disappears and she starts to cry. She has lost her good friend Makarov and some precious young Mages. Even though she always said that she hates humans and said they are stupid, that doesn't mean she doesn't love those who are close to her.

She starts to hit Doranbolt while shouting angrily at him and crying. The other council members want to stop her but Doranbolt stops them. He was someone who hated Fairy Tail, the troublemaker guild. But he never wanted to kill them so he feels very guilty now.

Purlyusica rants for a rather long time before she chases away the Council members. She doesn't want to see them anymore and they do as she said. They return to their airship and leave the forest.

The old woman returns to her house to check on the 3 again. Then sometime later, she hears a commotion in front of her house. She sighs and comes out to see every Fairy Tail Mage who was in Magnolia. They have been told by the Council about the incident and rushed here immediately.


Everyone gets silent and Macao asks with a look of worry, "H-How are they?"

"I won't say that they are fine, but at least they won't die now. Mira & Bella will be fine after some treatments, but I can't say anything about Ben. His condition is really bad that I can only think of his survival as a miracle," says Porlyusica.

They all are relieved at first but get concerned again after hearing about Ben.

"Is it really that bad?" asks Alzack.

Porlyusica nods and says, "It is. He broke almost all the bones in his body, a lot of his muscle fibers were torn, many of his internal organs were damaged, and I won't say anything about his skin. He came here with blood all over his body that I couldn't even recognize him. That's how bad his condition was."

"I could only give him basic treatment so that he won't die for now. He will need a lot of treatment and I don't know when he will wake up. I don't even know if he will ever wake up again. Even now, I still can't understand how he can survive with all those injuries. I can guarantee you that Mira & Bella will be healed. But you guys can only pray for Ben while I will do my best to help him," explains Porlyusica.

The Fairy Tail Mages are very shocked to hear her explanation. Ben's injuries are enough to kill anyone but he managed to survive. It made them relieved to know that Ben survived, but they are very sad that he has a low chance to get healed or even surviving his injuries.

"Mrs. Porlyusica, we will do anything to help. So if you need everything, just tell us, and we will do our best to help. It is bad enough that we've lost Master and the others, so we can't lose anyone again," says Macao with tears on his face.

The others also finally cry now. This incident is so sudden that they can't even cry yet. They were also still in disbelief, but they finally realize that it was the truth and it really breaks their hearts. They've lost their guildmates, their friends who are dear to them.

Porlyusica let them cry until they are satisfied and calm down. They want to see Ben, Mira, & Bella, but Porlyusica only allows some of them. Only Macao, Wakaba, Alzack, & Bisca are allowed to see the 3 right now and they agree.

Sometime later, the 4 of them returned with very shocked expressions. Ben's condition really shocked them because it is worse than they thought. Even though his external wounds have been closed, they still can see that his condition is really grave.

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