(94) Papa or Daddy?

Start from the beginning

I smiled when I heard Gabby say that, as I loved that idea. "I love that idea. Us hosting a yearly fundraiser for Puerto Rico, in a future headquarters that we own. Maybe not next year since we might not have a headquarters yet...heck, we barely have a business plan yet. I mean, I know we have a lot floating around. You and Stella are thinking of starting a clothing line or something." Gabby took a breath when I said that. "Yeah, about that...I think I might ask you to put the rush on that one." I was confused when I heard Gabby say that. "Okay, we can talk about that after we settle something else. We can get this one decision out of the way, and then we can start my other one." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "And what decision would that me?" I smiled at her when she asked me that. "I'll be daddy, you be mama?" Gabby laughed, smiling at me as I said that. She then leaned in and kissed me softly. "Sign, sealed and delivered." I smiled, agreeing with her. "Sorry I took it the wrong way." Gabby agreed with me. "Sorry I worded it the wrong way." I agreed with her.

"It's fine baby. But now, we were going to talk about something else. We need to talk about this, we need to nail down what we really want to concentrate on starting next year. I know this is a lot to think about, and I want you to remember to breathe Gabby. Promise me that you breathe as we talk about this?" Gabby agreed with me as I asked her to promise me that, she'll breathe as we have these conversations. "Hey, of course I'll breathe as we have these conversations baby." Gabby then put her hand on my face and smiled at me. "In fact, I'm kind of happy that we came to bed; as I am a bit worried after what I learned." I was confused when she told me that. "About what baby?" Taking a breath, Gabby put her hand on her stomach. "Hey, you aren't going to lose the twins. They are safe, they are happy; and we're going to be parents next year. Babe, you're 15 weeks pregnant. These babies are safe, and we are going to meet them." Gabby agreed.

"Right, of course. Sorry, it's just..." Going to grab Gabby's hand, I made sure to stroke it with my thumb and just give her the reassurance that I knew she needed from me right now; the reassurance that everything will be okay. "Baby, I love you...and I am going to make sure that everything will be okay." Gabby agreed with me when I said that, putting his hand on the side of my face. She then leaned in and proceeded to kiss me softly, taking things nice and slow with me. "So, back to the conversation." Gabby agreed with me when I said that, smiling at me. "So, what are you thinking about us concentrating on next year." I took a breath when Gabby asked me that. "I think that we need to concentrate on the starting process. And we need to work on getting contracts. We could try and start with your clothing line if you start making designs, but that's the only thing that I can see it working. I still need to figure out training facilities, and I want to work with Kelly on that."

Gabby agreed with me. "Because he's worked at the academy more." I agreed with Gabby. "I mean, already have an idea for what I want. I know I want that place for us to have the mock firehouse." Gabby nodded. "I think that's something you need, because I know that..." Gabby then took a breath. "Sorry, just trying to figure out how to word this right." I nodded when Gabby told me that. "Hey, take your time. Stay a while." Gabby laughed when I said that, putting her hand on the side of my face before leaning in and kissing me softly. "Oh, you're stuck with me forever." I smiled at her when she told me that. "Oh, I love the idea of being stuck with you forever." Gabby nodded as I told her that, before smiling at me. She then looked into my eyes. "So, as I was saying. I know that when I was starting my candidacy on 81, I liked the fact that I already knew how a firehouse worked ahead of time." I agreed with Gabby, smiling at her when she told me that.

"That's actually what inspired me to think about that, as I wanted to make sure that the candidates knew what it'd be like. I was thinking of basing it on how things were at Firehouse 51, including the drama." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Maybe we can avoid the drama." I agreed with Gabby when she told me that, taking a breath. "I still live to regret that fight there every single day about adoption." Gabby nodded as I told her that, cuddling up to me as much as she could before moving my arm around her body; after which, she put her hand on my arm and stared into her eyes. "Hey, you have no reason to feel that way; because we're good now, and we're happy together in Hawaii." I agreed with Gabby when she told me that, smiling as I leaned in and kissed the woman I love more than anything. "And we can get through anything and everything together." Gabby agreed with me as I told her that, just smiling as I said that because she was really happy with me.

She then moved her hand to the side of my face as she started to take things nice and slow with me, this being exactly what we both wanted to do right now. However, I could also tell that there was another reason why she was doing it. "You're getting tired." Gabby took a breath when I said that, looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry, we've just been..." I shook my head when Gabby started to apologize for being tired. "Hey, I have told you this before. I do not want you to apologize for being tired." Gabby agreed with me as I told her that I don't want her to apologize for being tired. "Can I take a nap then?" I agreed with Gabby when she asked me that. "Maybe you can take it on your side of the bed? I can work on my plans and I can look for stuff that we can do." Gabby agreed with me as I told her that. She then rolled over to take a nap in our bed. At the same time, I did the same; but rather than take a nap, I decided to do some work.

Note to Readers:
Sorry that this chapter was so much shorter than the others. I promise to try and make them longer. But next, I have a dream chapter for you guys; I hope that you guys enjoy it.

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