(76) The Caseys Celebrate Two Years - Part One

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That was what they're going to do instead of having sex later tonight, they are going to take a romantic bath with each other ahead of climbing into bed with each other; it's going to be exactly what she wants, and the perfect way for the both of them to end their day. However, there's something else that Matt already knows that Gabby will love; and something that he needs to start right now, especially since he needs to deliver something fresh to her. Well, after he sets something down. While he originally told Gabby last night that he may want to rush out and go for a run this morning, that was not the truth; instead, he went to the grocery store and got everything he needed to make fresh, healthy food today. Food made from natural, healthy ingredients that his wife will love more than anything in the entire world. And that's a reaction that Matt knows will happen from Gabby today, because he just feels it in his gut that it's going to be how she feels.

But there's only one way to be certain about how she feels about his first plan, and that's to make his way upstairs so that he can give her first anniversary gift to her. Yes, her first anniversary gift. Matt actually has 2 other gifts for her. The one that she's going to love the most (in his opinion), the diamond gold charm bracelet (worth $1,400) that he bought for her; the charm bracelet that had two things engraved on the back. The first thing?  XII – VI – MMXVI. But, just what is that? Well, that's their anniversary written in roman numerals; the day that their lives became one. For the rest of their lives, they are going to be one; this is the life that they are going to share forever, and there's no day where Matt doesn't believe that he's going to be married to Gabby. And that's why he got her a diamond goal charm bracelet. The other thing that he got engraved onto the back of the charm bracelet? "Te amo in aeterum." Latin for "I'll love you forever." Now, there's also some heart charms with their sons' names on them (it's been confirmed). Gabriel and Matteo. So, no changing their names.

And the other gift is the massage that he's going to give to her. He's found a way to give her a great massage to help her back, so he's sure that she's going to enjoy that for sure; after all, her back is going to need a massage at some point today. And it'll be after she takes a bath alone, which is another thing that he bought for Gabby. He bought her a bath bomb thing that helps people relax. (And before you ask, he's already cleared it with his doctor so that she can have it). But now, it's time for Matt to walk into their room and give his beautiful wife the first part of the special anniversary day that they're going to celebrate with each other. It's going to be a great day.  They are both going to enjoy this day, as it's their last anniversary as husband and wife; next year, they're going to be parents as well, and that means that they're going to need to balance being parents; while also being husband and wife as they try and get romantic with each other.

And that's definitely what they're going to do today. Matt wants to be romantic with his wife, and that's exactly what he plans on doing with the woman of his dreams. But not yet, as right now he's going to just give her some roses to her right now; roses that he's certain that Gabby is going to enjoy the moment she wakes up to him sitting next to her in bed.

Matt's POV – Part 1:
As I walked into me and Gabby's room, I smiled when I saw her sitting in bed while watching some TV. So much for me waking Gabby up this morning, and so much for making sure that she relaxes. I can already see it. She's going to be pissed that I'm not in bed with her as she wakes up, but I hope that she understands that I did it for a certain reason; because I wanted to get her natural ingredients to make food for her. I just hope that she's okay with that idea. Making my way into our room with the flowers this morning, I smiled at my girl. "I think that I'm going to need to do a bit of apologizing this morning." Turning to look at me as I walked in, Gabby smiled as she put her hand on her stomach. Afterwards, she went ahead and sat up some more. "Hey, take it easy baby; don't push yourself too much when you aren't feeling good." Gabby agreed with me as I told her that. "Sorry about that." I shook my head when Gabby apologized for not feeling good.

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