Chapter 54: Zombie Killer

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Luke nods, a little unconvinced.

"Did you ever want kids?" I abruptly blurt out. His eyes widen a little at my sudden question, so I soften my tone and add, "Before this. Before all the death. Before the apocalypse. Before we even met each other. Did you want kids?"

I watch as Luke considers the question before he slowly nods, "Yeah. Definitely. I was really close with my family, and my parents would always jokingly pester me about one day having grandkids. So I guess because of that, one of my goals in life was to fall in love, settle down, and build a family."

My heart warms at his response. "That's really sweet," I smile.

He shifts in bed so he's facing me fully, "What made you ask that?"

I quickly look down at my hands as I say, "I was just wondering. We've been in a relationship for a while, and I realized we never talked about our future goals."

"Do you want kids?" Luke asks.

I look back up and say, "Before any of this happened, definitely. I had the same hopes as you. But now, I have no idea. Do you think we could raise a kid in this kind of environment?"

Luke doesn't even hesitate, "Yes. We've been working hard on building a strong community and a safe space, and I think we're nearly there. Plus, there are so many other kids here and they're doing great. Sure, they might not be actual babies, but they're young enough."

I smile and I can feel my nerves already calming down at his response. He always knows the right things to say.

I look him in the eyes, and I can sense the unanswered question in his mind. I don't hold out any longer as I finally say, "Luke, I'm pregnant."

"Are you positive? How do you know?" Luke asks with an astonished expression on his face.

"Erica and I picked up a few pregnancy tests. I took three, and they all came out positive," I reply.

"Holy shit," Luke says, running a hand through his hair as he processes the information, "We're pregnant?"

"Yeah," I say with a small smile. Luke turns, and I laugh as he presses multiple kisses against my lips.

"I can't believe it," Luke smiles as he rests a hand gently on my stomach.

"Trust me, I can't either," I laugh.

"This is by far the best news I've heard in a long time."

"Really?" I ask, shocked, "You're that excited?"

"Of course," Luke grins, "I can't wait to have a mini you and me running around. She's going to be a little badass zombie killer, I just know it."

"She?" I say with a laugh.

"Yeah," Luke nods, "It's obviously going to be a girl."

"I don't know," I grin as I rest my hand on top of his on my stomach, "I have a strong feeling it's going to be a boy."

"It's okay to be wrong," Luke says earnestly before pressing another kiss against my lips, "Shit, I didn't even ask you how you're feeling. Are you okay?"

I nod, "Now I am. I was honestly a little terrified when I first found out, but I'm good now. I know we can do this."

"We can. I know you're going to be an incredible mother," Luke says reassuringly, "Does anyone else know?"

I shake my head, "Just Erica."

A wide grin appears on his face, "I can't wait to tell everyone. Ashton is going to be so fucking excited. Uncle Ashton. Can you imagine?"

"I'm excited to hear everyone else's reactions, too," I smile, "Should we tell them today?"

"Hell yeah," Luke says enthusiastically, "I can't hold a secret this important."

I laugh before saying, "I love you."

"I love you," Luke grins. He moves his hand to cup the side of my face before leaving a more meaningful kiss on my lips.

We both soon decide to get up and tell everyone. I find Erica in the hallway and ask her if she can go grab everyone else and tell them to come over.

"Sure. What's up?" She asks.

"Luke knows," I reply with a smile.

"And? What was his reaction?" She asks with wide eyes.

I point toward our open bedroom door where Luke is currently happily singing and dancing as he runs a brush through his hair.

We both laugh before Erica leans forward to hug me, "I'm so happy for you guys. I told you you had nothing to worry about."

"I know," I say, "I was definitely overreacting, but I'm glad he knows now."

Erica nods with a smile, "I'll go grab everyone."

"Thank you," I smile.

Luke and I go downstairs and wait for everyone to arrive. Once Ashton, Reece, Blake, Jensen, and Erica are all standing in the living room, I smile over at Luke as he can barely contain his excitement.

"So, Kyleigh and I have some news," Luke starts before turning to look at me to finish.

"We're pregnant."

The room erupts with a mix of "No way!" and "Congratulations!"

The seven of us exchange hugs before Ashton says, "I can't believe I'm going to be Uncle Ash. I feel like I've waited my entire life for this moment."

Luke and I look at each other and laugh, thinking about Luke's comment earlier.

"We're placing bets on the gender," Luke announces, "Kyleigh thinks it's going to be a boy, but I know for a fact that it's a girl."

"It's definitely going to be a boy," Reece says, "Mother knows best."

"Nah," Jensen shakes his head, "It's clearly going to be a girl."

Everyone laughs as we share our thoughts. In the end, me, Reece, Blake, and Erica think it's going to be a boy, and Luke, Jensen, and Ashton vote for a girl.

Reece and Ashton take it upon themselves to make a fancy breakfast for us all to celebrate. Once we're done eating, everyone leaves to start their tasks for the day.

When it's just Luke and me, he looks down at me with a smile, "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad."

"I can't believe I'm going to be a mom," I laugh.

"We're going to be such cool parents," Luke says with a smirk, "But you're definitely going to be the strict parent, and I'll be the fun one."

"No way," I scoff, "It's definitely the other way around."

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," Luke laughs.

"I guess so," I reply, "So what are your plans for today?"

"I was supposed to help train more people with Erica, but Jensen volunteered to switch with me today," Luke responds, "But we have a shit ton to do before the baby gets here. I'm going to start listing out all the supplies we need. Like a crib, diapers, toys, and whatever else I can think of."

"That's smart," I nod, "I can go out and try to find some things."

"No way," Luke shakes his head assertively, "I'm not letting you risk your life or our kid's life. I'll pick up all of the supplies."

"That's sweet, but I am not sitting on my ass for the next several months," I say, "We can go out together."

Luke looks like he's going to argue until I give him a look.

"Fine," He stubbornly agrees.

I triumphantly smile and walk forward to wrap my arms loosely around his neck.

"I have a feeling these next few months are going to fly by," I comment.

A smile appears on Luke's face as he moves a strand of hair out of my face, "I can't wait."

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