Chapter Fifty-Seven: Decisions

Start from the beginning

And though Matt already promised her that this is where he's going to be today, she still loves the idea of him being stuck together; especially when she needs to talk to him about something, baby names more specifically. I mean sure, she had the names already picked out in her dream; but she doesn't want Matt to think that they need to stick with those names. Rather, they can change the names if he wants to. So, she's going to bring that up to him right now. "Uhm, I have an idea for a topic that I'd like to talk about baby." Matt looked down at his wife when she said that, smiling at her. "Oh, do you now?" Gabby nodded, taking a breath as she looked up at her husband. "Uhm, it's the fact that we're flip flopping on the genders." Matt nodded. "Yeah, so we think we're having boys first." Gabby sighed. "Yeah, so that means that we need to talk about something; and we need to make decisions." Matt smiled. "On boy names for our kids."

Gabby laughed a bit, smiling when Matt said that; because that was exactly what they need to talk about. They need to talk about what names they want to consider for their children, as they didn't pick any out yet. "Well, I just want to say this. One of our kids are going to have the middle name Andrew. That's something that isn't up for debate." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, smiling as she looked up at her loving husband. "Well, I was thinking. I have some names that we could do...and I'm kind of already in love with them." Matt laughed when he heard Gabby say that, well aware that was definitely a possibility when he went into this conversation. "So, you already have some names picked out?" Gabby sighed. "Well, not exactly. It's just a concept. I was thinking that maybe we agree to do...Hispanic first name?" Matt looked at Gabby when she said that. "I mean, why have one kid with a Hispanic first name, but now the other?" Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, completely agreeing with her when she said that it wouldn't make sense for it to happen.

Matt then proceeded to kiss her forehead, smiling as they're really working on this whole communication thing. "I think we're doing much better when it comes to this whole communication thing." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, smiling as she laid her head down on his chest. "So, that's already something that I wanted to get out of the way. But then, I had another idea." Matt nodded. "What's that?" Gabby smiled. "There are two names in my head, and they are directly related to us." Matt nodded. "You want to have namesake boys? Wouldn't you rather have a daughter as a namesake?" Gabby shrugged. "The name is Gabriel. There's an angel called Gabriel, and I just...I feel like this is a blessing from God. The angel Gabriel brought Joseph and Mary a baby, and I feel like this is a real blessing because we didn't think it was safe for me to be pregnant. But, then we learned I didn't have an I feel like this entire journey has been a blessing from God if that makes sense? And I just thought..." Wrapping his arm around Gabby's lower back, Matt smirked.

He then put his hand on her neck and bent down to kiss her softly, taking things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams; after all, he doesn't need more of an explanation than the one that she's already given him...because he understands what she's trying to tell him. "Baby, I already understand. Just take a breath and relax for me okay?" Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling as she was glad that Matt already knew what she was thinking. She then went ahead and laid her head down on his chest, cuddling up to him this morning. Afterwards, she smiled when she felt Matt kiss the top of her head, which was something that she always loves feeling. The way that he makes he feel so special truly is incredible, and she's glad that this is what they're in the middle of doing right now. She just wants to hold the man of her dreams close to her for the entire day, and she's sure that's what Matt wants to do as well. "Baby, I got it all." Gabby nodded when Matt told her that, smiling. "What do you think though?" Matt smiled when she asked him what he thought.

"I think your reason for the name that you chose, Gabriel; it's the perfect way for us to think about it. And I definitely think that's the names that we're going to use if we're going to have boys. I just love them so much. Plus, Gabriel isn't exactly solely a Hispanic name. Rather, it's a name that can be used by both a Hispanic family, and an English family." Gabby agreed with her loving husband when he said that, smiling as she felt the same way. "I feel the same way; and that's exactly how I want to feel about the situation, especially due to the fact that our family is going to be one of mixed races." Matt smiled when he heard Gabby say that. "Yeah, our kids are going to be mixed race, aren't they?" Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, looking up at him; and she could clearly tell that something was a bit wrong. "Hey, you have something on your mind...don't you baby?" Matt took a breath when Gabby asked him whether he has something on his mind. "Well, there's just this one thing." Gabby agreed with Matt. "Was is it baby?" Matt took a breath as he looked at Gabby.

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