Chapter 54: Thanksgiving Night Alone - Part Two

Start from the beginning

Afterwards, Gabby proceeded to slip down into bed. Laying down, Gabby took a breath while rolling over onto her side this evening as she got comfortable in bed. Looking at his beautiful wife as she was laying down next to him, Matt smirked as he proceeded to do the same thing. Slipping down into bed, Matt rolled over onto his side before getting close to the woman of his dreams. Moving his hand to her back shortly after getting close to her, Matt smiled as he stroked it with his thumb; at the same time, Gabby moved her hand to his back as well and stroked it too. "I'm glad that we're going to talk about this." Matt nodded. "Me too, because I know that; if we do this together, we'll be able to get through this." Gabby nodded as she heard Matt say that, feeling the same way. She then smiled when she felt Matt get really close to her, and bend down to kiss her softly. Moving her hand to Matt's chest, Gabby smiled as she and her man shared a really nice kiss this evening.

Putting his hand on her stomach as they shared a kiss, Matt smirked as this truly is exactly what she needs form him right now; she needs him to hold her close, and just help her relax. So, Matt decided to bring Gabby even closer to his chest as he continued to take things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams. Slipping her legs in between Matt's, Gabby smiled as she wrapped her arms around his back while continuing to kiss him slowly. Grabbing the covers as they share a kiss this evening, Matt tugged them up as a way for the both of them to stay warm and comfortable; a comfort that he hoped would help Gabby open up to him as he decided that now was the time, the time to bring up the topic of their conversation this evening. "Baby, what's going on? I can see that there's a lot going on in your mind right now." Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, before nodding as a way to acknowledge that there was in fact, a lot on her mind right now.

"Yeah, there is." Matt nodded. "What's going on Gabby? Talk to me. You need to let me in so that I can help you. So please baby, I'm asking you to let me help you." Gabby nodded. "Well, I've been feeling this way for a while if we're being completely honest with each other." Matt nodded. "How long is a while?" Gabby took a breath and looked down. "All day, since we left to go to my mom's place." Matt then realized what was wrong. "I just...I have been wondering whether we should've even gone, I felt horrible there today." Matt was confused. "Hey, take a breath and talk to me baby; let me understand." Gabby sighed. "Baby, I felt horrible today. It felt like an outer-body experience. I wanted to be there today, but it was because I felt like I had to be there today. I thought...we have a day off, we go to my mom's because it's a holiday. But I think that was just me trying to do something, something to change my mind about how I've been feeling."

Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, starting to understand (somewhat) how she's feeling right now. But he doesn't (yet) completely understand how she's feeling, but he hopes that changes soon as he plans on continuing to listen to her talk to him. "Baby, just tell me the truth about how you're feeling right now. Just be honest with me." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, deciding to wrap her arms around his torso even more. Afterwards, Matt put his hand on her hip and decided to roll over so that he was hovering on top of the most beautiful woman in the entire world; moving his hand to her neck, Matt smiled as he bent down and proceeded to kiss the woman of his dreams softly. Taking things slow with Matt, Gabby was glad that they were sharing this kiss at the moment; this was exactly what she needed from her husband right now, for him to show her love in a non-sexual way. Rather, he's loving her in a more passionate way.

And she truly loves it, as it's the perfect way for a man to love his wife; the way Matt just kisses her and holds her in his arms, it's exactly how Gabby wants to feel. But one way that she doesn't want to feel, is how she's been feeling ever since they left the hospital. "Baby, can I continue?" Matt nodded, continuing to hover over her as he laid down on his side (keeping Gabby on her back) while putting his hand on her stomach to stroke it with his thumb. Smiling as she felt Matt stroke her stomach with his thumb, Gabby put her hand on his face as she stared into his eyes. "I haven't been feeling like myself ever since we were at the hospital, and I have just been..." Matt understood right away what she was talking about. "Yeah, you don't even need to explain it Gabby. I noticed that you were off a bit today." Gabby sighed. "I think, me going to my mom's place for was more trying to just figure out a way for me to feel normal." Matt agreed with her.

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