(26) Earned by Torture (Forever Yours)

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"You're going to regret wearing this when we're at the beach." Laughing as she finished filling up their water bottles this morning, Gabby set them down next to the sink before turning around to face her husband; the husband who is currently clad in his sexy wetsuit that she's going to enjoy seeing him surf in. "Oh, and how's that Mr. Casey?" Matt smirked as he felt Gabby get close to him, putting her hands on his chest at the same time. Meanwhile, Matt put his hand on the side of her face as he bent down and kissed her softly; taking things slow with the woman he loves, loving the feeling of her against his chest. The feeling of her sexy body against his chest. At the same time, Gabby put her hands on his chest while looking up at him. "You going to tell me just how I am going to regret wearing this when we're at the beach?" Matt smirked when Gabby asked him that, moving his hand to her leg before stroking it with his thumb. He then proceeded to pick the woman he loves up in his arms, setting her down on the counter at the same time. Putting her hands on Matt's chest, Gabby smirked as she felt him step close to her; wrapping her legs around his waist this morning at the same time. God, so damn sexy.

"So, you going to explain to me just how I am going to regret wearing this when we're at the beach?" Putting his hands on Gabby's legs, he then moved then to the insides of her thighs and smirked. "Well, I'm going surfing today; and I'm wearing a wetsuit that's already quite tight without it behind wet." Matt then moved his hands to her sides, tugging her right against his chest so that there was no room in between the both of them. Bending down, Matt proceeded to kiss Gabby's neck as a way to turn her on. Meanwhile, Gabby grabbed the back of Matt's head and moaned. "So, you're going to have to watch me walk out of the ocean wearing a tight wet suit; a tight wet suit that's going to hug my junk pretty tight." Gabby moaned when she heard Matt tell her that, just imagining that exact idea. "Fuck, I am going to be so turned on." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, bending down to suck on her neck once again. God, she is so sexy; and she knows it full well.

"So, yes; you're going to regret wearing this, since it's just turning me on even more as I look at my gorgeous wife. So, you've just made what you're going to see even worse." Gabby groaned as she heard Matt say that. Matt then leaned back and smiled at his beautiful wife. Leaning in, Matt smirked as he kissed her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman of his dream, Matt put his hand on her neck and just smiled due to the fact that she's the most beautiful woman in his world; and this is exactly what he wants right now. He wants to take things nice and slow with her, and they want to have fun with each other. "I love you so much." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, smirking as she's really happy right now. "I love you too, and I promise that we're going to have fun. And I'm sure that I'll find a way to take off that wet suit while we're at the beach. Then, we can enjoy each other in the water." Matt agreed with his wife, smiling at her.

"Yeah, I'm sure that you will. But, maybe not at first; because I do want to go surfing after all. And that's just a fact." Gabby agreed with her loving husband when he told her that, smirking due to the fact that she's really happy. "I'm glad that this is what we're doing right now. You are a very handsome man, and you are the love of my life; if this turns you on, then that's exactly what I want to happen. I mean, I want you to be turned on your wife after all." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, smirking as that was always a guarantee for her. "Hey, you know that's always going to happen. Why would you ever think that I wouldn't be turned on by you?" Gabby took a breath. "I just...I want to remind you each and every day that I want to put our marriage first; even if I'm distracted by volunteering." Matt looked at his beautiful wife when she said that, just deciding to listen to her right now. "You think that I will worry about you getting distracted by your work?"

Gabby took a breath. "In there, we talked about all the work I want to do; and I know we originally promised not to talk about work in bed, but I did it and now..." Matt just proceeded to get close to the woman he loves, put his hand on her neck and kissed her softly as a way to shut her up. Right now, he doesn't want her to worry about that; because he's not worried about that. Rather, he's just living life; he's living life, and enjoying the life that he has with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. He's not at all worried about the idea that they're not going to concentrate on each other. "Hey, just take a breath and look into my eyes." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, deciding to do just as he told her to do. "Baby, you're worrying for nothing." Matt then proceeded to grab her arms, and moved them around his torso. "Baby, I love you; and I know that you are going to be volunteering here in Puerto Rico." Gabby agreed with Matt.

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