"You're not mad?"

"Mad?" Melissa and Tom both scooted over and patted the spot in between them. Olivia smiled before scooting up and sitting in between her parents. She may be twenty years old but she still enjoyed the occasional cuddle with them. "Sweetheart we could never be mad at you for following your dreams. Of course we are incredibly sad to see you go but we love you and we support you no matter what."

"Your mum is right love. We're going to miss you so much but if this is what you want then of course we support it." They both leaned in and gave her a tight hug and let the tears flow. This was happy news but it also came with a lot of sadness since their last child would be leaving home. "So when do you leave?"

"In a month."

"A month?! But there's so much to do! We need to get you a visa and an apartment and movers! Oh my gosh we need to get started!"

"Mum calm down!" Olivia chuckled at her mom's panic. "I actually already got all that sorted."

"What do you mean? How?"

"Well Mia and Danny helped me get it all done."

"They knew and they didn't tell me!"

"Calm down my love," Tom chuckled. "Let's just be happy we get to enjoy her last month here without worrying about all of that."

The next month flew by. In between all the packing and going over lines, Tom and Melissa worked hard at making her last month in London special. They took her to all her favorite places and Melissa made sure to cook her all her favorite foods.

When it was finally time for Olivia to leave for New York, Melissa promised herself she wouldn't cry. Her and Tom would be flying out to watch her opening show so she told Olivia she'd save her crying for then. It was incredibly hard but Melissa and Tom dropped Olivia off at the airport without sobbing and without trying to convince her not to leave.

The opening day of her show finally arrived and her parents, siblings, their families, and aunt and uncle flew out to watch her. Just like they expected, she was phenomenal. She was a natural born star. She got her acting skills from her dad and sister but her singing voice from her mom. But her family would argue that she was better than all of them put together.

After a week of being in New York, Olivia was dropping off her parents at the airport. This was it. Tom and Melissa only saw Mia and Daniel during the holidays and some birthdays so they expected the same with Olivia and it was heartbreaking. Melissa allowed herself to break down this time. She didn't care that people were watching. She let her sobs loose and cried with their daughter. Tom's heart broke at the sight of his daughter and wife sobbing with each other. He let them have their moment before going over and joining them, wrapping his arms around both of them.

"I love you so much my darling," he said before placing a kiss against her head.

"I love you too daddy," she cried.

"We are so proud of you mi amor. I love you."

"I love you too mummy. Thank you both for everything."

They stayed together as long as they could before having to catch their flight. The five hour flight back to London involved Melissa sniffling in her seat while Tom held her close trying to comfort her. After about an hour Melissa fell asleep in Tom's arms until they landed back in London.

As soon as Melissa walked into their home, she felt the tears threatening to fall again. Tom heard her sniffle and immediately wrapped his arms around her and placed a kiss on her head. "Why don't you go change into some comfy clothes and then I'll meet you back in the living room with some tea."

Melissa gave a tight lipped smile before making her way to their room. She quickly changed and went to the living room and waited for Tom. She reached for the family photo album that they kept on the coffee table. She found herself looking at it through her happy tears. Smiling at all the happy memories with her family. Tom approached her slowly and set their teas down on the table. He sat close to her and looked at the rest of the album with his wife.

When they finished he pulled her into his arms. "My darling I know this is hard but let's look at the bright side. Our children were all confident enough in how we raised them to feel ready to go off on their own. We raised wonderful kids and they are all doing great for themselves. And just think, this is the first time since we've been together that we've had our house to ourselves with no kids."

"Oh my gosh you're right," she chuckled through her tears. "Well why don't we commemorate this moment with some real alone time." She leaned in closer and whispered into his ear, "I can finally be as loud as I want."

Tom wasted no time in picking up Melissa bridal style and running to their room. He did a really good job at helping her get her mind off how much she already missed her kids.

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