Chapter 98 ✨

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Ibrahim ~

As soon as the doctor confirmed Tahany was pregnant my mind went blank . I could not believe what I was hearing right now . I couldn't believe she was pregnant for five months and no one knew a thing . I also felt guilty because I know these past five months have not been easy for her because of me . I was now going to have 2 newborns which is unbelievable but alhamdullilah children are blessings and it was Allah's plan to make it happen like this .

" Tahany , how are you feeling ?" I asked .

" Not good at all , my son is still missing ." She responded.

" We're taking care of that I promise but you need to take care of yourself and now the baby as well." I told her .

" I'm fine . I'm going to be discharged tomorrow and we'll figure it out. Make sure the police report him as missing. It's been more than 24 hours." She told me .

" Alright , how are you feeling about the baby though." I asked her .

" I've been wanting another child but not under these circumstances so I forgot all about the idea and now that I'll be having a child under these circumstances I don't know how to feel." She said.

" I'm a huge part to blame on why you feel this way and I'm so sorry. We can work it out tho. I really love you and I can't just let you slip away like that and now your carrying another blessing and I love you more for that." I told her .

" It does not work like that just cuz I'm having another baby does not mean our life just goes back to the way it was . You still have another child on the way and I can't deal with that. It's not healthy for me or the baby . We can figure out the whole co-parenting thing whenever we find my son." She said firmly .

" We'll finish this conversation later. I'm going to head to the police station." I said leaving pretty upset .

I know I brought this on myself but damn I didn't expect it to backfire like this .

I gave her a kiss on the cheek then left. Everyone was still waiting outside as well as Fatima .

" Alright everyone, I'm going to the police station in regards to Housian. Keep us in your prayers." I said turning to leave as Fatima followed me .

" Congratulations, I heard Tahany is pregnant." Fatima said as we walked down the hallway .

" Thanks." I replied .

As we were driving to the police station I decided to apologize to her .

" Hey , I'm sorry for yelling at you the way I did. I'm just stressed. I'm also sorry for blaming you , I should have never left you guys home alone . If I was there , I would have been able to protect you guys." I said to her .

" It's okay , it is my fault tho because I didn't tell anyone about the message I got." She said.

" Do you still have the message ? We can show it to the cops and they'll figure it out." I said .

" Yea, I do ." She said

A couple of hours later ~

We finally got home and the police reported him missing . His picture was everywhere , in the news, blogs , social media , and posters. It went viral because Tahany is a Vogue model so it got a lot of recognition as well as me being owner of Khan Entertainment. I got lots of calls , emails , and messages and I'm sure Tahany was getting them too . I was glad a lot of people were seeing it . I had a lot of hope I would find my child .

The next day ~

I was going to pick Tahany up from the hospital but her brother was driving her back to the house . As soon as they got here everyone else came immediately after . So the house was busy , we didn't have no time to really sit down and think .

Tahany ~

The house was so busy everyone was here trying to show their support and I appreciated it because I don't know what I would have done if I was alone . I took a shower , wore my clothes and I became focused on what was important which was finding my son. I gathered everyone to the living room so that we can figure this out .

" Guys , I appreciate all of you guys being here to support us during this difficult time. I'm just going to cut to the chase . I'm not wasting no time. Does anyone know anything that we should know about  ." I said .

" Umm , So a while back I got a text that said " I'm coming for you ." Or something like that but I didn't pay no mind to it because I felt like it was those spam text. We showed it to the police yesterday to see if they could find where the text came from." Fatima said .

" Okay , there was a time you were going out a lot . Have you been hanging out with people that would probably threaten you like that ?" I asked .

" No ." She responded.

" I don't know I just feel like she has something to do with this because one she received the message and two Housain got kidnapped while he was with her ." Layla said as Raihan tried to calm her down.

" That's just a coincidence that doesn't mean I have something to do with it." Fatima said .

" I don't trust you , never did , never will but ok. You just better hope my nephew comes back in one piece cuz I'm not about to sit here and play around." Layla said.

" Also, when they took him they left a message . Ibrahim said we should have opened it that day but I wanted to wait till you came so here." Fatima said handing me a letter.

I was scared for what I was going to see in the letter . I opened it carefully and read it out loud  " Be patient , we're harmless . We'll send you another letter in a few days."

" Who tf is that ?" My brother said getting mad .

" Do any of you guys know people that would do this to you? People that don't like you ? " My brother in law asked .

" I dont know anyone who hates me enough to do this to me ." I said as Ibrahim agreed with me .

We wrapped up the discussion and decided we were going to wait and see if anything comes up . Everyone went home to rest and it was just me, Fatima , and Ibrahim left in the house .

Ibrahim was making us food because we didn't feel like eating . I guess he felt responsible for taking care of us both because we were pregnant .

Fatima and I were just on our phones waiting for the food to be brought when we hear glass shattering loudly and Ibrahim on the floor with blood leaking through his abdomen .

Omg what is going on

See you in the next chapter 💗

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