Chapter 97 ✨

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Ibrahim ~

We got to the hospital and they were still struggling to wake her up . I was really scared, I could not believe this was happening right now. A little while after , Tahany and I's family arrived . All the women look like they were crying and the men just looked distraught.

Tahany's mom ran to me crying . I felt so terrible because I was responsible for both my wife and my son and everything bad was happening . I started breaking down too . Too much has happened to my family in the last 24 hours . All I could do Is pray to Allah .

Shortly after Raihan, Layla, Surraiyah, and Surraiyah's husband came .

The girls were crying as well.

The waiting room was filled with all of us waiting to hear something .

After praying and getting refreshments a doctor finally came to see us .

" Family of Tahany Mahmoud ?" He asked as we all jumped up .

" She's up now , you guys can go in to see her ." She said as we all went in the room .

I was hoping to have some alone time with her without the family there but everyone was worried and wanted to see her . The room was pretty big so we all fit .

I looked around and noticed Fatima was still in the hallway . I started feeling bad because regardless of everything she was still pregnant with my child and she has been through a lot the last 24 hours . I was planning on speaking with her after we knew Tahany was okay .

I looked at Tahany and she just had a blank face with no emotion at all . I hugged her but she had no emotion at all she just stayed still .

" Ibrahim ... where is my child ? I can't live without him ." She said sounding tired .

" We are going to find him in shaa allah ." I said .

Everyone else went up to her reassuring her that they'll be there for her and checking if she was okay.

A female doctor entered the room and was suprised at how many of us were there.

" Hello everyone. I'm Dr. James . Tahany, I would like to discuss some things with you regarding why you fainted. So if you would like some privacy your family can wait outside." The doctor said .

" It's okay , with the state I'm in right now , I don't care about nothing. Especially not any privacy . So you can just say it ." Tahany said .

Tahany ~

Everyone was in the room right now and I didn't really care to kick them out . All I cared about right now was Housain .

" Alright , part of the reason why you fainted was because you were shocked , you were also very dehydrated. So we gave you some water intravenously . However , the main reason why your body shut down was because the baby was under a lot of stress." The doctor said as the whole room gasped .

Did this lady just say baby ?! She had to have been making a mistake because my stomach was completely flat and I had no pregnancy symptoms. I've also been getting my monthly every month .

" Baby ?! No I think your making a mistake. I just had my monthly." I said regardless of who was in the room .

Everyone had a shocked look on their face but they were quiet .

" That can occur during pregnancy in some cases but you are indeed pregnant. I thought you knew because you are 5 months pregnant honey." The doctor said .

" 5 months ?! but I haven't felt symptoms or anything compared to my first pregnancy." I told her .

" Yea, when we found out you were pregnant we did an ultrasound to see if baby was fine and your baby is little. He or she is good at hiding and not giving mommy a hard time." The doctor told me.

" This means you need to be stress free and I'm going to prescribe you prenatals. I need you to eat and take care of yourself so that baby can grow more . I can tell you've been stressed these past few months so you need to slow down. We'll also book your appointment with your OBGYN soon  ." The doctor said.

She gave me some additional information then left .

I just started crying like a big baby because I can't believe I've been pregnant this whole time and I didn't have not one clue . I felt guilty because I was not taking care of my baby how I should have been . Now my baby is very small because of me . I wanted to feel happy because of this baby but I couldn't because my poor innocent Housain was kidnapped. I was also going to be divorced soon which also meant I would be a single mom with a newborn . However, right now I had to be strong for both of my children . I had to fight for them.

Everyone was congratulating me but I could barely focus on that . I noticed Ibrahim crying in the corner . I wonder what was going through his head .

After a little bit he told everyone to leave so he could have a moment with me .

Tahany is having a babyyyyy omgg 🥺🥺

See y'all in the next episode 💗

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