Chapter 78 🖤

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Day of Surraiyah's Walima

Tahany ~

While we were waiting for Surraiyah and her dad to come, Layla and I were gathering everyone downstairs so they can have the first look as well. Everyone was downstairs waiting for them to come down. Maryam was upstairs ready to capture everyone's reaction . We were also upstairs waiting for them to finish their conversation.

Finally they came out the room with locked arms .

" You guys ready ?" Layla asked .

" Yes ." They replied .

" Maryam you ready ?" I said .

" Yes ." She replied.


We started going down the stairs and there were gasps and lots of comments ,The mothers were making noise and gassing her up .

Surraiyah ~

As I started going downstairs I heard lots of gasps and screams . Almost everyone was recording. My girls were behind me holding up my dress as I walked down with my father .

" Ma shaa allah !" My mom said giving me a hug as my aunts followed .

After taking pictures with everyone we were on our way to the photo shoot .

Tahany was driving us there and I was meeting my husband at the photo shoot place . We were also going to do a first look .

" Call Abdoulhakim and ask where he is because I'm almost there." Tahany said .

" Salam wailakum ." I said when Abdoulhakim answered my call .

" Wailakum Salam, my love how are you ? " He answered.

" Alhamdullilah , where are you ?" I asked .

" I'm 5 minutes away , how about you ?" He replied .

" I'm 6 mins away ." I told him .

" Aii , who you with ?" He asked .

" I'm with Tahany and Layla how about you ?" I asked .

" I'm with Issa and Muhammed , alright I hope they are wearing their lavender kaftan ." I said .

" Don't worry they are ." He replied.

" Okay good , call me when your there ." I said hanging up .

5 mins later he called saying he got there and I told him to go into the photo shoot place .

When we finally got there our photographer came outside to tell us how everything was going to work . Abdoulhakim and his friends were already inside .

She guided us to where we were going to do the first look and after that we were just going to do regular photos.

She had a team of photographers that were going to capture the moment at every angle .

They had my friends and his friends standing there watching us . So they could capture that moment as well .

He was turned away from me and she guided me towards him . She told him to close his eyes and told him not to open them as she fixed my dress .

" Okay , is everyone one ready ?" She asked .

" Yesss !" , everyone yelled .

" Okay everyone get your cameras ready ." She said to her crew .

We also had a videographer there as well .

" Okay Abdoulhakim your going to turn around when I said 321 okay ?" She said .

" Alright ." He said .

" 3...2...1 turn around ." She said as Abdoulhakim slowly turned around .

" Omg , Ma shaa allah you look so beautiful." Abdoulhakim said with tears in his eyes .

" You don't look too bad your self sir ." I told him as we hugged .

I was always played hard to get with him and I'll continue lol .

" Noooo ... this can't be my wife . Wowww ." He said speechless gassing me up .

After our first look pics we took pics together and individually. We also took pics with our friends and it was overall just a vibe .

After we finished up our photos we headed to the masjid .

" Nahhh that was so freaking cute " Tahany said .

" Omgg , I knowww ." Layla said .

" Now it's time to see everyone at the masjid ." I told them .

" Yupp , time to seee all your in laws and get lectured ." Layla said laughing .

" Munayeer , is everyone there ?" Tahany asked Munayeer on the phone .

" Yea , it's actually packed ." Munayeer said on loud speaker .

" All right we on our way ." Tahany said hanging up the phone .

" Whew ... I'm getting anxious ." I told them .

" Just breathe ... most of the people are your family or your husband's family ." Tahany said .

We finally got there and the host for our Walima announced that we arrived .

I walked into the masjid and I heard a collection of ouuu's and ahhh's I was so shy that I was blushing and I could feel my cheeks heating up and turning red .

As I was walking to my seat my mother came to give me a hug and my mother in law also gave me a hug .

" Surraiyah , wowww you look very beautiful." She said in her thick African accent .

" Thank you , Ma ." I said to her .

" I'm so happy , I'm so happy ." She said.

" I'm happy too , thank you so much !" I said as she left and I went to take my seat across from my husband .

" Assalam wailakum brothers and sisters of Islam ." The imam started .

" Wailakum Salam." Everyone responded .

" Alhamdullilah, we are here today to celebrate the Walima of Abdoulhakim and Surraiyah ." The imam started .

Throughout his lecture he was telling us about marriage and being patient . You know the typical things they tell married couples . 

They also talked about different cultures and marriage . It's hard to convince some parents to marry someone from a different culture . All because it's something they are not used to , or unfortunately racism . Alhamdullilah my parents had no problem with that but I pray for other couples that are going through that . I know extended family that questioned my parents decision and I'm sure there's extended family that questioned his parents . However they didn't listen to others and didn't care about what society thought. They just supported us which I'm beyond thankful for alhamdullilah.

Throughout the night different activities took place like little games , poems , speeches and more lectures . It was the end of the night and we were going to end it with Quran .

Abdoulhakim was a hafiz Ma shaa allah so he was going to read for us . As he was reading I couldn't help but cry because I literally could not believe this was happening and I was so thankful to Allah for showing me this day .

He wiped my tears after he read and everyone was saying " Awww" as my cheeks turned red again .

The celebration was concluded as everyone ate food and took pictures with my husband and I . I met a lot of his family and he met mine and it was just beautiful to see everyone together .

It was time to go back home and tommorow was going to be the start of the traditional wedding . I was excited and nervous because I was going to experience a whole new culture but thankfully I had Tahany who was also half African to help me out with things I was a bit unfamiliar with .

Where are you guys from ?

See you guys soon ♥️

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