Chapter 87 ✨

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Today was suppose to be a happy moment for me however it wasn't. I felt so bad about the whole situation because of Tahany .

Right now I was on my way to visit her because I needed to know she was okay .

30 minutes later

I reached her apartment and saw that her apartment door was not closed . I instantly got worried and thought of the worst and rushed into her apartment.

There I saw Zakariyah on top of her in the kitchen with flour all over the place . I was furious and they were so caught up in the moment that they didn't know I was there .

" Yo wtf is going on ." I said storming towards them as Zakariyah and Tahany quickly got up .

I was going after Zakariyah but Tahany was standing between the both of us .

" I knew I couldn't trust him." I yelled .

" Back up !" Tahany said trying to push me back .

" So that's what you doing now ? " I asked Tahany .

" Shut the f**k up ! After everything you've done to me. You still wanna cry victim. He's the one that actually stopped me from thinking about you and crying ." Tahany yelled at me .

" It's okay , I'm going to give you the divorce you've been looking for." I said as I slammed her door shut .

30 mins later ~

I was so devestated about what I just walked into and I started crying . I really was about to lose the best thing that ever happened to me . I knew she was mad but I never knew she would go to such extent .

All night I've been stuck Tahany & I's room . Fatima tried to talk to me but I just was not having it .

Tommorow I was going to have a meeting with the family to announce that we would be getting a divorce .

Fatima ~

In all honesty I did not know being a second wife would be this hard . This is not how I imagined my pregnancy to be going .

Ibrahim just stormed into the house and been stuck in the room the whole day . He only came out to pray . He didn't want to eat , talk to me , or even look at me .

I knew this had to do with Tahany but I didn't know exactly what happened . I finally decided to make him a sandwich and bring it to his room just in case he felt hungry .

I was honestly sad and lonely since I've been married because there was always drama .
Yea there were some happy moments but the sad moments definitely over powered it .

I decided to call my friend Karima that I didn't talk to since I got married . I don't know what happened but we have not been talking .

" Salam wailakum Karima." I said as she answered the phone .

" Wailakum Salam , Fatima how are you ?" She said .

" I'm good , long time . I haven't heard from you since I've gotten married what's going on ." I said .

" I actually have to talk to you about that , I'll let you know when to come over . But what's going on ." She said .

" Karima , ever since I've gotten married I've found my self sad and lonely. I barely get attention and it's drama after drama. Im tired." I vented to her .

" Honestly Fatima , I've warned you of this . You know what you were getting yourself into when you got married to your friends husband." She told me .

" I knew there was going to be drama but not like this ." I said .

" We'll talk more when you come over ." Karima said .

Ouuu what's the deal with Karima and Fatima

See you loves ♥️

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