Chapter 69 ✨

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A couple weeks later ~

Housian's third birthday was tommorow and I wanted to plan a little something for him and his little friends the following week . I decided that I was going to have it at my house because I didn't want to just throw an event at Surraiyah's . I was going to invite Zakariyah because he was my friend and I wanted him to get to know Housain .

"So who's coming next week?" Layla asked me while we were sitting in the living room .

" So the kids are going to be Oumou and Hassan ( Yunus kids and Kadija's kids) and Roukaiya and Hakim (Safia and Outhman's) kids . Basically his cousins, aunts and uncles ."

" Cool , so are you going to tell Ibrahim your throwing something or ?" Surraiyah asked .

" Nope , when it happens and if he's there he'll know ." I told her .

The next day ~

It was the morning of Housain's birthday and I absolutely could not believe it . My baby is three alhamdullilah . It feels like it was just yesterday when I was in the hospital . I am beyond happy that Allah blessed me with the most beautiful, smartest baby .

" Housainnnn." I went into our room to wake him up .

It was always a hard time waking him up .

" Babyyy wake up ." I said again picking him up as he scratched his eyes .

" Happy Birthdayyy my love ." I said to him kissing his cheek .

" Happy birthday !" He yelled as I took him into the bathroom to get him ready .

20 mins later I was done getting Housain ready and went downstairs to feed him breakfast. I decided to fast today because I just felt so blessed and thankful for the greatest gift allah has given me .

" My Housainy is big nowww." Surraiyah's mom said giving him a kiss on the cheek .

" I knowww , I remember when you had him . It was one of the best days ." Surraiyah said tearing which also made me start tearing.

" Mommy stop crying .. crying is for babies ." Housain told me as the whole table laughed .

" Even adults can cry baby ." I told him laughing .

Then I got a incoming FaceTime call from Ibrahim ugh .

" Are you going to pick up ?" Surraiyah asked me .

" I guess ." I said answering .

" Hello." I said not showing my face .

" Hey Tahany ... where's Housain?" He asked as I handed Housain the phone .

" Happy birthday big boy !" I heard from the phone .

" Happy birthday !" Housain said laughing .

They talked for a good ten minutes then hung up .

Housain and his father had a beautiful relationship and Ibrahim was a good dad I had to admit . At least he did one thing right because I would have been livid if he didn't call Housain .

A little bit before magrib I decided to go to the masjid for some peace and to read Quran . Going to the masjid is very important . I've grew up in the masjid since I was younger but I have to be more consistent now . Whenever I go to the masjid I feel overwhelming peace.

After I broke my fast and prayed isha I got a phone call from Zakariyah .

" Salam wailakum ." I answered singy songy.

" Wailakum Salam." He replied singy songy .

" How are you ?" He asked .

" Alhamdullilah and you ?" I asked .

" Alhamdullilah, I'm good ." He replied .

" Wyd right now ." He asked .

" I'm at the masjid ." I told him.

" Oh really , that's good". He said .

" Yea , hold on I'm going to call you back ." I said as I saw a sister crying on the other side of the masjid .

" Salam sister , are you okay ?" I said to her rubbing her back .

" No , I'm not." She said crying into my arms .

" Awww , don't cry." I told her hugging her back as I nearly started crying .

We stayed in this position for nearly 2 minutes then she pulled her self together .

" I'm so sorry about that , I'm just tired and I have no one to lean on ." She explained to me .

" It's no problem." I said smiling at her.

She looked young probably around the ages of 17-18.

" What's your name ." I asked her .

" Amina ." She told me .

" Nice to meet you , I'm Tahany ." I told her .

" I like it , it's unique ." Amina said .

" Thanks babe ." I told her .

After a few minutes of us getting to know each other she opened up about the reason she was crying .

" So I recently turned Muslim ." She told me .

" Wow , Ma Shaa Allah . I'm so happy for you ." I told her .

So I was talking to a guy before I converted , and he promised me marriage . Everything was good then I saw on social media he was engaged to someone else ." She said teary eyed .

" Awwwe." I said with pouty lips . I knew how she was feeling .

" What I would advise you is to leave these little boys alone . They're not serious . If they were serious they would go straight to your parents and ask for your hand . Most of them are immature . Plus your young ,your 17 . He's older so he's going to take advantage of that fact . You have a bright future ahead of youu so focus on what's important " I told her .

" I will..." she started saying as she noticed a ring on my finger .

" Wait , your married ?!" She questioned me .

" Yes , I am ." I told her completely forgetting that I didn't take my ring off . Again.

" Omg , how's marriage . I can't wait ." She told me .

" Marriage is marriage , not everything is peaches and cream but it definitely is a beautiful thing ." I told her being vague.

I didn't want her to have this bad perception on marriage if I told her what I was going through so I kept it vague .

A little later I was home after I dropped off Amina and exchanged numbers . Today was a good day and I was going to end my night on the phone with Zakariyah , someone who made me truly happy .

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