Chapter 60 ✨

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Ibrahim ~

Today my family , Tahany's family , and Fatima's family were going to have a meeting about the situation at one of our offices. Currently all of my family members were there waiting for the rest of them to come . 10 minutes later Fatima and her family came . 15 minutes Tahany's family came but she wasn't with them . Everyone just greeted eachother and sat down doing their own thing . I felt so awkward being in this position.

The room was quiet and 10 minutes later Tahany and her twin sisters came . Tahany was wearing all black with these huge black shades looking like she was going to a funeral. Her black heels were clacking on the ground and everyone turned to look at her .

" Salam wailakum ." Her and her sisters said .

" Wailakum Salam." Everyone said .

" Okay , now that everyone is here . We can start ." My father started .

" First we want to apologize to the Mahmoud's, we should have told you guys that Ibrahim was getting married . However, he is a grown man now and we thought he should take the responsibility and tell you guys." He said .

" What Ibrahim did was completely wrong . It is not obligatory to get the consent from the first wife but if Ibrahim respected my daughter enough he would tell her he's going to get another wife . No , instead he did it behind her back ." Tahany's father said .

" We are not happy Ibrahim, I don't think you've realize the damage you've done to Tahany. In front of you she might act tuff but whenever your not around she's a mess . Sorry Tahany . I just have to be completely honest." Her mother said .

" My mom is right. Nobody knows what she's been through since you got married Ibrahim. We've been living with her since and she's not her normal self . She's your wife so you know she's not herself ." Maryam said .

" You guys say you love my daughter and protect her and treat her like your own daughter but no one had the decency to tell her what was going on ." Her mother said .

" Forgive me Aisha but the same thing my husband said . It was for Ibrahim to tell." My mother added .

I was just here feeling so guilty after hearing what the families had to say.

" I Wanna apologize to everyone here , I should have been open and honest to everyone from the beginning ." I started .

" The reason I didn't want to tell Tahany was because I didn't want to lose her . I knew if I told her from the beginning she would stop talking to me and I didn't want to lose her . I also wanted to man up and do right by Fatima by making it halal ." I said .

" That's not an excuse bro , Islam teaches us to be honest . If your not honest from the beginning it's going to keep getting worse. For one you lied to her, two you cheated on her , three you married her old friend . Four you have a child with her." Her brother Yunus said angrily .

" Yes, I think this is what makes the whole thing worse. Out of all people , you chose someone she was friends with like how low can you go ?!" Her sister Munayeer said to me .

" I told them , but of course no one wants to listen to me ." My little sister Zahara said .

" Wow, I didn't know Fatima and Tahany were friends. That's not nice." My mother said looking at me in disappointment.

" Yea, me either I saw them like twice together but I didn't know they were that close . Fatima that's bad on your part ." My sister Safia said.

" Even if they were friends what is the problem ?! Fatima's grandmother said.

" That's a problem , this means that Fatima has been trying to get at her friends husband this whole time !" My mom shouted as my father tried calming her down .

" It's very foul on her end . Tahany I warned you about people like this but you just don't listen to me . Now look at your marriage . Broken ." Tahany's mom said angry as Fatima started crying .

" I will not allow you to talk about my daughter this way . Love Is love , what can we do about it ." Fatima's mom said .

" Fatima , I didn't know you knew her and I didn't know you were friends! " Her dad said also starting to get angry .

" You over here crying , you knew this was going to happen so stop with the tears." Zahara said .

Then everyone was just being loud and sharing their own opinions . The only people that were quiet were Tahany and I . She looked so unfazed and she didn't say a word since she got here .

" Khalas! What is this . We came here to come to a solution . Not argue !" My dad said as it got quiet

" I'm going to make everyone's lives easier. Ibrahim, I want a divorce ." Tahany said in the calmest tone as everyone had their mouths open then suddenly a tear just slipped from my eye.

Omg a divorceee 😨

See you soon 🤍

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