Chapter 73 ✨

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A little time later

I've been getting used to living on my own for a while . Most of the time my sisters , sister in laws and friends are here to comfort me and help me with Housain .

Ibrahim's parents found out about me moving out and they are not happy . Oh well,we all can't be happy . They came to my house pleading for me to go back to the house. I think what everyone was concerned about was the fact that I was a woman living alone .

Today there was a emergency meeting at vogue regarding me . I really did not know what was going on and I was so nervous . I've been really working hard lately and even bringing Housain to work with me when I didn't have anyone to take care of him . Today was one of those days so I had to take him with me . If they were firing me they were going to hear my mouth .

Tahany's Outfit

I drove to the headquarters calmly listening to Quran to calm my anxiety

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I drove to the headquarters calmly listening to Quran to calm my anxiety. This was my current source of income and it payed good alhamdullilah.

The same way Allah can give you something is the same way Allah can take it back so be grateful and humble .

I donated to my families back home as much as I could , as well as orphanages and other charities . It's always good to give Zakat remember that guys ♥️

I finally reached the headquarters unbuckled Housain and we headed to the meeting room . I knocked on the door ready for whatever was coming my way and I saw a big poster with my picture on it and a congratulations. A few of my loved ones were there. My sister Maryam, Layla , Surraiyah , Zakariyah, and ... Ibrahim . There were also a bunch of my other friends who were also models . My boss , the head of Vogue was there. My makeup artist , hijab stylist , and my photographer were also there .

" Omg thank you so much guys! But congratulations for what ?" I asked .

I was genuinely confused about why they were congratulating me .

" Everyone take their seats , we have a presentation for you Tahany." My boss said .

They dimmed the light and started the presentation .

There was a slide that said


I literally cried in front of everyone because I was so proud of myself . I came a long way when it came to modeling . I was a hijabi model in America making the cover of vogue . I was so proud of my self and this accomplishment was me for my muslim sisters .

" Guys I don't even know what to say ..." I started.

" Don't say nothing , we're not done ." My boss said with a wide smile .

Then came a slideshow of me from the beginning of my modeling career up to now . I couldn't help but cry because it was so wholesome.

Some slides that stood out to me was when I was a young girl and Layla and I were practicing walking in heels and we were falling all over the place .

Another slide that stood out to me was a beginner photo of me . I didn't even recognize myself . I was going through a tuff time of trying to " look" like a model . I had stopped eating completely trying to become a model .

The next slide that stood out to me was a fake fashion show we were having in high school and Zakariyah and I were the two models looking goofy as hell .

One that made my heart sink was a photo of Ibrahim and I in the studio when we first got engaged . We were so young and the image broke my heart . I was yet again in tears and when I looked over at Ibrahim he was staring at me with a tear dropping from his eyes . He knew he ruined the bond between us .

Then I saw some pictures of when I was pregnant with Housain and when I gave birth to him which also made me cry because my baby was so grown up now .

The whole slideshow was my journey of being a model and I absolutely loved it . After it was done everyone clapped and cheered me on .

I stood up ready to say a speech .

" Hello everyone . First I wanted to say I wouldn't be where I am at today if I wasn't for every single person in this room today . I am beyond grateful and I thank God for giving me this opportunity to be standing here today . I want to thank my boss Ms . Johnson for seeing me out of so many models . I want to thank my colleagues/friends for being there for me whenever I need them . I want to especially thank my makeup artist Lindsy , hijab stylist Maha , and my photographer Veronica. For being patient with me , checking up on me , and making me look my best . I want to thank all my loved ones for being here today and always supporting me . & last but certainly not least I want to thank my baby Housain for being one of my biggest motivations." I said finishing my speech .

" Yayyy Mommyyy." Housain said as everyone clapped and cheered for me .

A little while later after everyone talked and ate , Ibrahim pulled me to the side . I ended up going with him because I had to pretend in front of my non Muslim colleagues that everything was okay because they don't know about the whole second wife thing.

" Tahany I am so proud of you . Alhamdullilah for this blessing." He told me .

" Thanks ." I said .

" I also wanted to remind you about the movie . We need to get started on it right after Surraiyah's wedding." He informed me .

" Alright." I told him walking to Zakariyah .

" Zakariyah thank you for coming."  I told him .

" No problem , I'm proud of you ." He said handing me a bouquet of flowers .

" Omg stoppp , are these for me !" I said gushing .

" Yes beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman ."

" Awww thank youu!" I said giving him a hug unconsciously .

" Omg , I'm so sorry ." I told him taking a few steps away from him  .

" No it's fine Tahany ." He reassured me .

Damn I gave a non-mahram a hug by accidenttt tho . I was so overwhelmed with joy that I wasn't thinking .

Ibrahim ~

I was having a good day until I saw this man give Tahany flowers and she was blushing . However , nothing set me off more than when I seen her hug him . Is she insane ? She is still married and she's hugging another guy .

I walked up to them and pulled Tahany out of the room so that we could chat . She was clearly annoyed whenever I tried to talk to her .

" What ." She said in a bored tone rolling her eyes .

" So you think it's just okay to be hugging other guys are you okay ?" I asked her as I saw her cheeks get red .

" Stfu Ibrahim , do you think it's okay to be marrying people behind my back ? I didn't think so. It hurts doesn't it ." She said leaving me in the hallway alone with my thoughts .

What goes around comes around

Girls always remember you are beautiful the way Allah made you and Allah makes no mistakes . 🤍🤍🤍

See you soon ♥️

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