Chapter 59 ✨

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Next week ~

Tahany ~

Tommorow my family was going to go to the company to have a meeting with Ibrahim's family along with Fatima's family . Honestly I don't know what to expect .

I've been talking to Zakariyah recently and I realized how much he's been there for me . Today we were going to meet up so we can catch up . It was my first time seeing him after the day we bumped into eachother .

Later that day ~

My phone started ringing as I put on my lipgloss.

" Salam wailakum Hany , I'm outside ."  Zakariyah said as I picked up the phone .

" Wailakum Salam , I'm coming ." I said hanging up .

I had to take a breath because I was so nervous . Why was I nervous ? I don't know .

" Salam wailakum." I said getting in the passenger seat .

" Wailakum Salam, how are you ? " He asked me .

" Alhamdullilah good, and you ? " I asked .

" Can't complain , Alhamdullilah." He responded .

2 hours later ~

We had a nice day together . We just ate and talked about the old days . In a public place of course .

We pulled into my garage and I just burst out in tears . After a good day , I saw the house and remembered what was going on in my life . The day was so good , I forgot about all my problems .

" Whoa Tahany ? Are you okay ?" He asked looking concerned .

" Yea , I've just been like this for a couple of days now ." I replied .

" Do you mind explaining what happened?" He asked .

I calmed down a bit and explained the whole situation to him .

" Wow , Tahany. I can't believe you went through something like this ." He said .

" Yea , everyday I doubt myself . Like what does she have that I don't . What am I doing wrong ? " I said crying .

" Damn Hany I hate seeing you like this I really do ." He said in a serious tone .

" I remember you saying you was never going to have a co-wife now look at you ." He said joking .

" Shut up , I hate you ." I said laughing .

" But seriously , you don't deserve that . I think you have to talk to him and come to an agreement." I said .

" Yea tommorow there's going to be a big meeting with all of the families ." I told him .

" Yikes , good luck with that . " he said .

" In Shaa Allah , you'll be okay tho . Have sabr and keep praying to Allah ." He said .

" In shaa allah . Thank you for this amazing day , I honestly forgot about everything ." I told him .

" No problem , what are best friends for ?" He told me .

" Okay bye , get home safe." I told him getting out the car.

" Alright in shaa allah , I'll call you later ." He said driving off .

" Salam wailakum."  I said entering my house .

" Wailakum Salam ." My sisters responded .

They were sitting in the living room watching a show as Housain was knocked out in Munayeer's arms .

" Aww my baby is sleeping ." I said picking him up and taking him to bed .

After I put him on his bed , I took a shower and prayed isha. After I sat there I sat on my prayer mat praying and crying to Allah for a while .

I went down stairs and saw my sisters still watching their show .

" So where did yah go ?" Maryam asked .

" We just went to some cafe ." I told him .

" Mmm intresting " Maryam said .

" It seems like y'all getting close again ." Munayeer said.

" Yea , slowly ." I said .

" Ibrahim won't like that along with  everyone else ." Munayeer said laughing .

" Quiet Frankly I don't give a f**k about what Ibrahim and everyone else thinks anymore. One thing I'm not going to do is play the obedient wife ." I told them .

" Well we'll see what happens tommorow." Maryam said .

" Yea where is this meeting happening cuz it's about to be mad of us ." Munayeer asked .

" It's going to be in a private room at the building ." I said .

"In Shaa Allah ." Munayeer said .

See you on the next chapter 🤍

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