Chapter 66 ✨

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One week later ~

One week has passed and I was staying at Surraiyah's house with Housain. My dad was going to make me go back to my house if I tried to go home . I chose to live with Surraiyah because she's apart of my husbands family and it won't seem too bad.

" I'm going back to the house later this afternoon so I can get ready to go out with Zakariyah, I didn't bring the proper outfit  ." I told Surraiyah.

" Alright , I still can't believe Ibrahim had the audacity to have both of you in the same house ." Surraiyah said putting on Housain's clothes  .

" I know , he has no shame and it's ridiculous to me . It's like he wants drama ." I told her .

" You guys are right , it's going to be way too much drama ." Surraiyah's mom said in her thick Arab accent .

" I'm going to call him later ." She said .

6 PM

I was pulling into the driveway so I can get ready and I see a couple of familiar cars parked outside . I walked into the house and to my suprise I see Ibrahim's family having dinner with the 2 of them . I couldn't help but feel sad because that's what we used to do . I felt like I had a sad look on my face staring at them so I just snapped out of it . Ibrahim noticed my face and knew I was effected by it . I quickly snapped out of it and said Salam .

" Wailakum Salam , Habibti come eat ." His mom offered .

" No thank you, enjoy ." I said going upstairs to get ready .

I got in my room and started crying . Why was my life like this ? The love of my life is now married and happy with someone else . I wasn't going to lie I still loved Ibrahim , but he hurt me beyond words . I wanted nothing more than for everything to go back to the way it was .

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door then someone opening it . I was still sitting on the floor crying when I heard Zahara, Safia , and Halima's voice.

" T what's wrong ? " Safia asked me .

I ignored her and continued crying , for some reason I couldn't stop crying .

" is it because of the dinner?" Zahara asked while Halima rubbed my back .

" Ever since your brother got married , you've all turned your back on me . I felt like you guys were my sisters but now your just strangers to me ." I said .

" Don't say that , we are still your sisters . We honestly have more important things to do then come to a dinner but we had to show up so there wouldn't be problems ." Halima said .

" I feel like you guys don't love me anymore , but  I get it you have to have your brothers back no matter what ." I said as Safia started crying .

" We'll always love you , even if you weren't with Ibrahim we would love you . It makes me sad that you think that ." Safia said as Zahara started crying as well .

" We love you , just because we're around the b***h doesn't mean we like her . It's honestly by force . I hate the way all of our relationships turned out because of the whole situation." Zahara said ,

" Whatever Anyways , I love you guys ." I told my sister in laws as we all had a group hug .

" We love you more ." They said .

" Well enough of this crying fest . I need to get ready." I said standing up starting to remove my hijab .

" Where are you going ?" Safia asked .

" Out with a friend ." I replied .

" Alright , then we'll see you downstairs ." Halima said as they exited my room .

1 hour later

I finished getting ready and I actually felt relieved that I had a heart to heart with my sister in laws because I really care about them despite the whole issue with Ibrahim .

I did some light makeup on my face and I was wearing a baby pink pants suit with a hot pink hijab . The outfit was put together nicely as I added some clear heels to the look .

My phone rang and it was Zakariyah.

" Salam wailakum ." He said as I answered .

" Wailakum Salam ." I said .

" I'm here ."

" Alright I'll be right out ." I said grabbing my hot pink purse . 

I walked out my room and my heels were clacking loud on the glass floors . Drawing everyone's attention.

" Ma shaa allah, join us now that you've dressed up ." His father told me .

" It's okay , I'm actually going out right now ." I told them .

" At this time , it's not a little late ?" His dad asked me .

" No , it's not ." I told him .

" Welle , what time will you come back?" My father in law asked ,

" I'm actually going to go to Surraiyah's after." I replied .

He sure was asking A LOT of questions .

" Yes I actually heard you were staying there ." He informed me .

" Yea ." I answered .

" Come home  Tahany , I know this is a huge a
change for you . But it's only for a little bit of time." He reassured me .

" Baba , it's okay . I don't want to disturb the lovely couple . They just got married so I'm going to give them their alone time ." I said looking at them with the fakest smile.

" That doesn't matter , my dear . Come home ." My father in law said as my phone rang .

" My friend is actually waiting for me outside so I gotta go ," I told them starting to walk away .

" Tahany ." I heard Ibrahim call to me as I rolled my eyes and turned around .

" yes ." I answered.

" You look beautiful." He said as Fatima had a sour look on her face . Meanwhile the others were cooing and saying awww as I just left ,

See you loves ♥️

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