Chapter 76 🖤

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Day of Surraiyah's Walima

Tahany ~

It was the morning of Surraiyah's Walima and it was time for Fajr . While we were living In this house everyone would come downstairs and pray Fajr together . It was a great moment Wallahi.

After we finished praying fajr all the ladies went upstairs to Surraiyah's room for a run down of the day .

Ibrahim ~

After Fajr Fatima and I were on our way back to the room when we saw all the girls going into Surraiyah's room .

Fatima was always alone or with me and I wanted her to be included so I called Safia over .

" Yes ?" Safia asked me as she approached me .

" Um what are y'a doing ?" I asked .

" We going through the run down of the day ." She answered .

" You knew about that ?" I asked Fatima .

" No ." She replied .

" So why didn't you guys tell her ?" I asked Safia .

" Because she's always with you ... she never hangs out with us , so how is she going to know." Safia told me .

" Because no one includes her." I told my sister .

" Just because you guys are use to Tahany don't mean y'a gotta treat Fatima like shit." I added .

" Anyways Fatima , would you like to come hear the run down of the day ?" She ignored me and asked Fatima .

" Yes, I would love that ." She said .

" Okay let's go." she said walking away as Fatima followed her .

Tahany ~

" Where is Safia ?" Surraiyah asked as she walked through the door with Fatima .

" There you are , we were looking for you !" I said.

" So Fatima is going to be joining us guys." Safia said as she gave Fatima a seat .

" Anyways , we were waiting for you but I guess we can get started ." Layla said .

Layla and I were going through the run down since we were maid of honors . We were basically handling everything for her wedding.

" Okay So we're going to go through this real quick so we can have some time to sleep . First , everyone set your alarms for 10 am because that's the time everyone is waking up ." Layla started .

" So the Walima is going to start at 8 pm at the masjid . So we have a little time throughout the day to get ready ." I told them .

" By 11 everyone better be ready because we have to help the mothers with cooking , we're not cooking a lot because Surraiyah's in laws are cooking as well ." Layla said .

" We are going to be done helping the mothers by 1pm. By 2pm everyone should start getting ready meaning taking a shower and starting your makeup ." I said .

" Speaking of makeup , thank god we have two  makeup artist . Kadija and Safia." Layla said .

" So Kadija is going to start Surraiyah's makeup at 2 . And Safia is going to Start on Surraiyah's mom's makeup at 2 also ." I said .

" IF YOU KNOW HOW TO DO YOUR OWN MAKEUP , DO IT . I'm sorry but we don't have time to waste. If we say Kadija and Safia Is doing everyone's makeup , we're going to be here all day ." Layla said.

" So a show of hands who knows how to do their own makeup ?" I said .

Everyone raised their hand which I was kind of shocked by .

" Alright so Kadija and Safia all you have to worry about is us and the mothers . So Safia  you have 5 faces to do including your own .
Kadija you have 6 faces to do including your own . So I would advise y'a start on some of the moms makeup instead of helping with the  cooking ." Layla said as they agreed .

" By 5 pm everyone should be dressed and we are going to take some pictures. If your married , make sure your husband's are done getting dressed when you are. The men are also going to be bringing the food to the masjid at 5 pm ." I said .

"  Surraiyah and her husband are having a photo shoot at 6pm . Tahany and I are going to accompany her and then we are going straight to the masjid so make sure all of you are completely ready by 7 pm and you guys are heading to the masjid. If you have kids make sure they are ready too ." Layla said .

" At 8 pm everyone should be seated and waiting for the bride and groom to enter the masjid ." I said .

" After the Walima everyone will want pictures so we would probably be done by 10pm . Then everyone goes home. Got it ? Any questions ? Concerns ?" Layla asked .

" No it's clear ." Halima said .

" You guys did a good job." Surraiyah said .

" Thank you." Layla and I said bowing.

" Alright , everyone go to sleep and y'a better be up by 10 in shaa allah !" Layla yelled as everyone left the room to go to sleep.

Now it was only Layla , Surraiyah, and I in her room .

" Omg it's about to be a big long day . How are you feeling ?" I asked Surraiyah .

" Honestly I'm calm. Thanks to you guys handling everything , but I'm also anxious . I don't want any drama ." She expressed .

" Don't worry , I'll put all that away for your day ." I told her .

"No , it's not you. I'm talking about my parents you know because he just went to Saudi and got married and left my mom and I here ." She said .

" In Shaa Allah , everything will go well . I think your mom is going to avoid the drama because it's your day and your the only child so it's huge for them ." Layla said as I agreed .

" Yes, everything is going to be fine . In shaa allah ." I said .

" That breakfast was so akward the last time ." Layla said bringing up the breakfast from a couple of days ago .

" I knowww ." Surraiyah said.

" I honestly felt bad for her , the way they were coming for her ." I admitted .

" Yea , me too ." Surraiyah added .

" She did it to herself , bringing herself into this family . There's no one to blame but her ." Layla said .

" And Ibrahim is mad at me because of the hug at the celebration the last time. Like it was literally by accident. But everyday I'm forced to watch them be affectionate with eachother . I'm honestly tired of this shit and can't wait to be divorced." I told them .

" Ugh these men . They be doing all this bad shit but the minute you do something little they get in their emotions . It's annoying ." Layla said .

" He needs to get over it , I see the way he's acting towards you and I don't like it ." Surraiyah said .

" Enough talking for the morning tho , let's let the bride sleep for a little Layla ." I said as Layla and I got off her bed .

" See you beautiful." Layla said .

" See y'a , turn the lights off for me ." Surraiyah called out looking comfortable in her bed .

Awww my baby Surraiyah is getting married 🥹

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