I am the Alpha - Part 34

Start from the beginning

“Since when?” Matt scowls unhappily “I thought I was your favourite!!”

“Nah, you were just the one Jack was least upset about me kissing.” I told him matter of factly laughing to myself as I watch his face demount into shock, sucker. “Actually Mitch was my favourite.” I said simply smiling as he scowled more whereas Mitch’s eyes lit up like a child on Christmas, while his mouth was holding his famous grin.

“What! Why?” Sam asks gobsmacked by my declaration.

“He was a good pillow, he kept me warm.” I told them remembering when he had effectively made himself a soft toy when I was sick.

“Yeah while he got extra close without getting a slap from you” Matt said angrily sulking like a child.

“Mitch is always perving; I’m kinda used to it. Besides I’ve slept next to all of you at one point. I just like Wolves.” I shrug before looking over my shoulder at Calum and Seb who grin back wolfishly fluttering their eyelids to look extra cute. “Anyway do you guys want breakfast or not cause these guys seem to be happy to eat it all without you?” I ask seriously watching their faces morph into shock before they rush to grab the food scoffing it down like there’s no tomorrow.

“Damn Erin this is goooood!!” Jack calls out with a pancake in his mouth making him sound hilarious. “Thanks bro.” I call back before picking up a pancake and smothering it in maple syrup before taking a massive bite. Damn, they are good; they taste freaking amazing. The tangy smell of orange juice lingers in the air mixing with the heavy syrup and mouth watering bacon to make what I can only describe as heaven.

Once all the food is gone we begin to make our way to the lounge room. I sit myself on the floor with my back against Calum’s side; his head and paws resting next to my side and his tail wrapped around my other side and knees bent and feet flat on the floor where Seb is curled around them, while the guys all slump on the mass of sofas making themselves comfortable. I find myself once again in the middle with them all gathered around me. Time to talk... Yay.  

 Jack speaks suddenly breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen with the exception of Calum and Seb’s purr-like noises which almost sounded like humming wolves. “Last night.” His tone was hesitant along with his thoughts which were battling to find the right way to freely talk about it.

“Last night, I got incredibly drunk and did some shit.” I said strongly not caring about how awful it sounded, these guys are my Pack, my Tribe – they are my best friends.

“Really? We didn’t notice.” Jordan said his voice dripping with sarcasm. The other guys chortle as I let out a small playful growl.

“If I had a dollar for every wrong thought that has crossed one of your minds this morning I would be a millionaire” I tell them harshly. Well it’s true.

There was a chorus of “Sorry” all in funny sing song voices causing me to let out a laugh as they grin down at me.

“Erin?” Chase asks in a retarded voice

“Chase?” I ask in an even more retarded voice which would have left me questioning my own sanity if I was a normal person.

“What did you put in those shots you made?” He asks curiously and the guys all look automatically more interested than before as they sit forward in their seats.

What did I put in those shots? Oh yeah. “Why, you going to get me drunk again?” I ask cheekily batting my lashes at him looking up through my hair that has fallen partially across my face.

“No! I just want to know what the heck made them so freaking strong and they delayed for like a minute and bang – instant intoxication” Chase replied eagerly sounding extra dramatic.

I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)Where stories live. Discover now