*A Reason To Love*

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"Agh!" Gordon screamed as Voight forcefully pushed him into a jail cell, making him hit his back on the side of the bed. Voight quickly walked over to Gordon and grabbed a lock of his hair, pushing him up against the wall. "You think this is pain?" Voight asked, Gordon breathing heavily, Voight's eyes filled with fury. "Boy, this is nothing compared to what I'll do to you if you ever get out of here!" Voight yelled punching Gordon in his gut, Gordon sliding down the wall, gasping for air. "You're a mistake," Voight said kicking Gordon in his chest, Antonio grabbing Voight, pushing him away. "Voight, we don't want to kill him now! Let him get a taste of prison life first," Antonio told him, Voight spitting at Gordon. "I'm not finished with you yet... You filthy animal" "Voight lets go! Matt and Gabby's memorial for Andy starts in a half hour" "Can you give me that half hour?" Voight asked walking over to Gordon again, Antonio grabbing his arm. "Voight, let's go... Now!" Antonio yelled, Voight staring at him. "Fine," Voight replied raising his hands up towards Antonio in surrender. He turned towards Gordon who was on the floor, coughing uncontrollably and Voight pointed his finger at him. "I'll be back."

Matt exhaled as he buttoned up his uniform, everyone in the locker room also dressing into their uniforms, Gabby standing next to him. He then felt a cold hand on the back of his neck, and he looked at Gabby who pulled him into a hug, them standing that way for awhile. "I never thought that we would have to do this," Gabby whispered to him, Matt gripping her tighter. A tear escaped the corner of his eye, rushing down his cheek. "I know, me either," he answered her looking up at Sylvie and Kelly who were walking towards them, joining their hug. That's when Gabby broke down, crying into Matts chest as everyone from the firehouse swarmed around them, making it a group hug. "I love you guys so much!" she cried, everyone around them feeling moved. "We love you too Gabby. Just always know you'll always have a family here at 51," Kelly answered for everyone, Chief Boden walking in, ready to go.
"Let's do this," he told them, everyone dispersing to the trucks and hopping in, driving away to Chaplin's Funeral Home. When they arrived, Matt slowly got out of the truck and stepped into the snow, snow falling above them onto their uniforms. "Greetings," Chaplin said slowly walking up to them, shaking hands. "Chaplin!" Gabby exclaimed as Chaplin reached her, giving her a hug. Matt looked on confused. Chaplin saw the look on his face and sighed. "Dawson here came to me for some counseling when Shay died," he told him. Kelly felt his heart crack a little. Shay was his best friend, and losing her was the most difficult thing he had to endure in life. When he met Sylvie, that all changed. She gave him hope, and their daughter Alexa made him whole. Matt nodded and he sighed. "Where's the memorial taking place?" he asked. "Follow me," Chaplin replied, trudging through the snow.

"Present Arms!!!" Chief Boden ordered as they surrounded Andy's casket, everyone raising their arms in a saluting manner. "Today we're here to celebrate the short life of Andy Matthew Casey, born to parents Gabriela Dawson and Matthew Casey who both happen to work at 51," Chaplin announced, Gabby and Matt both leaving their saluting stance, standing on both sides of Chaplin. Voight and the rest of Intelligence showed up in their uniforms, standing quietly next to 51. "Do one of you guys wish to say something?" Chaplin asked looking at Matt and Gabby, Matt walking over to Gabby's side, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "I'd like to say something," Matt spoke up, knowing that if Gabby was to speak, she would break down in front of everyone. "I still remember going to the store with Sylvie to buy a pregnancy test. Sylvie left me alone for just a minute and as I looked at the boxes, a man looked at me funny and I told him, it's not for me and his response was... I hope not," Matt said letting out a little chuckle, everyone smiling.
"When that test read positive, I can't even express how excited I was knowing I was going to be a father. I was going to be the father that I never had," Matt said getting personal. "Firehouse 51 has been my family. If it weren't for Shay, I would've never realized I had feelings for Gabby which I knew I did but was afraid to admit. If it weren't for Chief Boden, I wouldn't have someone to call every fathers day! That also goes for Herrmann," Matt said looking at them, a smile spreading across their faces.
"If it weren't for Kelly..." Matt said choking up, a tear sliding down Kelly's face. "If it weren't for Kelly, I honestly don't know where I would be! He's the one that keeps me from doing anything stupid. If it weren't for Sylvie, I wouldn't have the most sweetest niece in the world! Blood doesn't make us family. It's those in your life who you love and truly care about, and they stick by your side no matter what," Matt said looking down at Gabby who looked back up at him smiling. "If it weren't for Gabby... I wouldn't have had a reason to love."

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