Chapter 19 *Alexa Shay*

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"How're you feeling baby?" Kelly asked as he sat next to Sylvie on the couch, kicking his feet up and rubbing her belly. "Feeling very pregnant," Sylvie answered him, making both of them laugh. "Only a month to go until we meet our baby girl!" Kelly exclaimed as he kissed Sylvie's belly, the baby suddenly moving. "Hey baby girl, it's daddy," Kelly whispered kissing Sylvie's stomach again. Sylvie ran her fingers through Kelly's hair and he looked up at her and smiled. "How can I have a love so deep for someone that I haven't even met yet?" Kelly asked Sylvie making her smile. "The feeling that you're feeling right now is the unconditional love that a father has for his daughter," Sylvie said making Kelly smile. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," she replied back, kissing him and leaning into him watching TV.

"I can't stand the new girl Matt. She's not making a good impression on me and she just started last shift!" Gabby exclaimed as they walked into her apartment, closing the door. "I know she can be a bit bossy Gabby, but just give her a chance! Just don't go judging someone right on their first shift! I know you miss Otis and all, but you have to get past this," Matt said as he fell onto the couch and sighed. Gabby looked at him and shook her head. "Matt! Are you trying to stick up for her?! Didn't you see that she was flirting with you and Kelly?!" "Gabby what are you talking about. I'm not sticking up for her at all I'm just trying to say, give her a chance, and flirting?! I didn't notice anything!" "Of course you didn't," Gabby said sitting in her love seat. Matt rolled his eyes and calmed himself down. "Did you make an appointment to see the doctor about the baby?" Matt asked her changing the subject. He didn't want to fight with her just to add on more stress. "I go tomorrow at noon," she replied back turning on the TV. "I'll go with you," Matt said as he kicked up his feet and relaxed. "You don't have to..." "I want to. It's my child too," he told her making her smile.

Sylvie quickly sat up and grabbed her stomach. "Kelly!" she screamed out in pain making him turn off the TV, looking at her. "What's wrong?" Kelly asked her nervously, running his hands through his hair. "Something's wrong! I need to get to a hospital," Sylvie replied, Kelly helping her stand up. "Oh my gosh!" Sylvie yelled as they walked towards the door, Kelly grabbing his phone and keys. "Alright babe I know just breathe," Kelly said as they walked over to the elevator, waiting for it to open. Sylvie then felt liquid running down her legs. "My water just broke! The baby's coming!" Sylvie screamed as they entered the elevator, Kelly quickly hitting the button to close it. "Okay okay. Let's get you to Chicago Med," Kelly said as the elevator reached the bottom floor, Kelly swooping Sylvie up into his arms, carrying her out to the car. He gently placed Sylvie in the backseat and hopped into the front seat, quickly driving away while calling Matt.

Matt felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he pulled it out and saw Kelly was calling. He then looked at Gabby who was staring at him curiously, Matt standing up, walking away to another room. "Hello?" Matt asked. "Matt, can you and Gabby meet me at Chicago Med? Sylvie's gone into labor," Kelly said, Matts mouth dropping open. "Yeah we're on our way!" he answered hanging up the phone, rushing into the kitchen and grabbing a bag, throwing a change of clothes into it for both him and Gabby and some cash. "What's going on?" Gabby asked as he went through the pantry, throwing food into the bag. "Sylvie's in labor..." "What, she's early!" Gabby exclaimed as she slid on her shoes, grabbing her keys. "Let's go," Gabby said grabbing the bag from Matt, Matt sliding on his jacket and shoes. They rushed out of the apartment and to Gabby's car and quickly sped away to Chicago Med, not saying a word to each other on the way.

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