Chapter 26 *Couldve Done More*

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"You okay Gabby?" Sylvie asked as they walked back into the ER, sitting in the waiting area and filling out paperwork when the doctor walked out, removing his gloves, his head hanging low. "She didn't make it?" Sylvie asked, making the doctor nod his head. "I'm sorry. We did everything we could but the toxic had already strangled her heart, killing the babies inside of her uterus," he replied making Gabby look away, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry," the doctor said as he walked away, Gabby running out of the ER and running into Matt who was walking quickly towards the ER. Gabby sobbed into his chest and Matt looked at Sylvie who shook her head, pointing to the ER. "She's dead!" Gabby cried, Matt rubbing her back and they watched as a elderly woman walked up to them, Gabby quickly wiping the tears from under her eyes.
"My daughter Tessa? Were you the ones that brought her in?" the woman asked. Gabby looked at Sylvie who nodded her head at her. "Was she pregnant?" "Yes, with twins," the woman replied slightly raising her voice. "Ma'am..." Sylvie said, making the woman look at her. "We did all we could for your daughter but..." "Don't you dare tell me what I think you're about to say," the woman said backing up, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, her face red. "I'm sorry," Gabby replied, the woman suddenly crying and walking towards Gabby quickly, Matt stepping in front of Gabby, the woman ramming into Matt who held her back. "She was all I had left! Those precious babies would've been my only grandchildren," the woman said pointing at Gabby, her stomach protruding. "Ma'am I did all I could to try to save your daughter and those babies..." "I bet you could've done more!" the woman yelled storming off into the ER, Matt looking back at Gabby who was now walking towards the ambo, tears streaming down her face. "Gabby..." Matt and Sylvie both said running after her, watching her jump into the ambo.
"I don't want to talk right now... Let's just get back to the firehouse. Matt, maybe she's right... I probably could've done more" "Gabby..." "Just don't, I'm not in the mood," Gabby said making Sylvie jump into the ambo, firing up the engine. Matt stood outside the door and watched as they pulled away, driving back to the house. When they were no longer in sight, Matt walked back over to truck 81, hopping inside. "Is she okay lieutenant?" Herrmann asked. Matt looked at him and shook his head. "They lost the patient, and Gabby's taking it hard. She thinks she could've done more," he replied turning around, motioning Cruz to head back to the house, leaving the ER parking lot.

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