*Precious Moments*

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Matt kissed Gabby's shoulder and smiled, wrapping his arms around her. She snuggled close to him and placed her hands on top of his. "Good morning," he whispered, closing his eyes again. "Good morning," Gabby said back, turning around and staring at Matt eye to eye. She then kissed him and smiled. "That was fun," he replied, laughing, intertwining fingers with her. Gabby nodded her head and then sat up yawning. "You hungry? Maybe we can meet up Kelly and Sylvie for breakfast?" she asked Matt who got out of bed and slid on his jersey shorts. "Gabby, I have a question," he said looking at her. "What's up?" "Well, paying two rents isn't fun. Maybe you should move back in with me" "Isn't Kelly still living there?" Gabby asked scratching her head. Matt shook his head. "No he moved in with Sylvie" Gabby smiled at the news and then she nodded her head. "Yeah I'll move back in under one condition..." Matt looked at Gabby and smirked. "What would that be?" "To love one another... Always, and never bring work home. At work you're my lieutenant, but at home, when we walk through those doors... You're mine," Gabby said standing up and throwing on her t-shirt. Matt walked over to her and caressed her cheek. "I promise," he said giving her a kiss, pulling out his phone. Gabby did the same and saw Sylvie had called her and texted her. "Oh my gosh Matt," she exclaimed when she read the message. "What?" Matt asked as he looked over her shoulder. "They're engaged," Gabby said, a smile spreading across both of their faces.
"That will be us again, one day," Matt said wrapping his arms around her waist. "One day," Gabby said calling Sylvie. "Hello?" "Hey Sylv it's Gabby! Congratulations on your engagement," Gabby said, Matt still hugging her from behind. "Thank you! We are both so excited!" "Do you guys want to go out to breakfast with Matt and I?" Gabby asked her. "Yes sure! What about Laurell's Deli?! Oh yeah, and how was last nights date?" Sylvie asked. Matt heard this over the phone and took it easily out of Gabby's hands and put it to his ear. "It was amazing thanks for asking Sylvie," Matt said handing Gabby back her phone. "Oh my gosh he heard me?" Sylvie asked. "Yep, he's nosy isn't he?" Gabby said making Matt poke her playfully. "But yes Laurell's sounds perfect! Why don't we meet at 10:30? Does that work for you guys? It gives us time over here to get ready," Gabby asked. "Yeah! See you then," Sylvie said ending the call.
Gabby threw her phone on the bed and turned around and looked at Matt. "Nosy huh?" he asked joking around, raising his eyebrows. Gabby pulled him close by his shirt and nibbled his lip. "Yes very," she replied, playfully pushing him back onto the bed, kissing him and laughing.

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