Chapter 41 *Justice Is Brought*

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"Dawson!" Chief Boden exclaimed as Gabby walked out of Matts office, Matt closing the door behind them. "What's up Chief?" Gabby asked walking closer to him. "You're wanted at Intelligence," he replied, Gabby nodding her head. "I'll head there now," she told him, Chief looking from Gabby to Matt. "Have you started her paperwork yet Casey?" Matt looked at Gabby and then back at Chief, shaking his head, Chief crossing his arms. "Then what have you two been doing in there?" Chief asked but before Matt could answer, the alarms went off. *Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 47 Car Crash* Matt looked at them both before running off, Kelly handing Alexa off to Gabby. "Kelly, I can't take her?!" "Give her to Sylvie!" he shouted before running to the squad truck, speeding away to the scene.

"So Gordon, tell me... Why did you do it?" Lindsay questioned as she stared at the man, bruises all over his face from Antonio's wrath. They were in the interrogation room, Voight and Antonio standing by on the outside, watching through the glass. "Is Gabby on her way yet?" Voight asked Antonio, Antonio nodding. "Yeah, she should be here in a few minutes" "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way Gordon and trust me... You don't want to do this the hard way!" Lindsay yelled, Gordon looking her in the eyes. "You have no idea who you're dealing with," Gordon spat, Lindsay slamming her hand on the table making everyone jump. "You don't know who you're messing with. You're in my city now. I can get you locked up before you can even blink your eyes!" Lindsay yelled, Voight and Antonio entering the room. Gordon shook his head and chuckled. "I did it for a reason," Gordon mumbled. "Why?" "Payback my darling, payback," Gordon replied, Voight backhanding him in the face, knocking him out.
"Oops. I should've warned him I do things the Chicago way," Voight said sounding non forgiving. "Put him in the cage. That's where all the filthy animals like him belong," Voight told the cops on standby, them dragging Gordon's body out of the interrogation room just as Gabby showed up.
"Tonio!" Gabby exclaimed, hugging her brother who walked out of the interrogation room, Voight standing behind him. "Hey Gabs. Listen, we need to ask you some questions concerning Andy's death and we also want to go over his autopsy results," Antonio told her, Gabby's face going blank. "I don't think I can do it," Gabby replied, a tear trickling down her cheek. Antonio pulled his sister close and kissed the top of her head. "I know it's going to be tough, but we need to know every single detail so we can have this animal locked up, for life. Don't you want to be apart of that?" Antonio asked her, Gabby sighing. "What do you need to know?" she asked, suddenly changing her attitude. "There's the Gabby I know and love," Antonio replied, leading her into Voight's office, closing the door.

"What do we got?" Matt asked an officer as he hopped out of the truck, grabbing an alligent. "Two veichle's collided into each other at a stop sign. Driver of car one is non responsive while the other driver is D.O.A," the officer answered, Matt nodding. "Are there any others in the car?" he asked. The officer shook his head. "No. Thankfully, it was just a two person crash," he replied, Matt running off to one of the cars, squad running to the other. Matt reached in and felt for a pulse. He realized it was the D.O.A. driver, she was dead. He looked down in shame before turning around to the others who stood by the truck, waiting to be given an order. "Can I get a body bag and an axe?!" Matt yelled to Herrmann, Herrmann grabbing the supplies and running them back over to Matt. "Alright Cruz, Mills, work on getting her out while I run over and help squad," Matt ordered as he ran over to where Kelly had just finished cutting the drivers door off.
"Alright men, on my count. 1,2,3, lift!"  Kelly exclaimed, everyone from squad including Matt lifting up the victim, placing him onto the gurney, the paramedics rolling him away into the ambo. "Good work men," Kelly said, Matt shaking his hand. "Have you heard any news from Dawson yet?" Kelly asked, Matt shaking his head. "No, but I really hope that Gordon isn't lying about anything!" Matt answered, making Kelly chuckle. "Hey, the truth will come out sooner or later right?" Kelly asked, patting Matt on the back before picking up his tools and putting them back in the squad compartments. "Yeah, I guess you're right and if I know Voight like I think I do, he'll make it come out sooner," Matt shouted to Kelly, Kelly laughing as he hopped into the squad truck.

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