Chapter 11 *Precious Moments*

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*A Month Later*
Gabby and Matt burst through the door of Matts apartment, kissing and taking off their jackets. Gabby kicked the door closed and they kissed all the way to the bedroom where Matt laid Gabby gently down on the bed, kissing her neck.

"Kelly, I can't reach Gabby she's not answering her phone," Sylvie said as they sat at their dinner table writing down baby names. Everyone had found out what the baby was a month ago, and she was now six months along. "What about Alexa or Greta?" Sylvie asked as she wrote the names on a sheet of paper. Kelly shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. "Alexa's ok, but where did Greta come from?!" Sylvie looked at him. "My grandmothers name was Greta. She died when I was two," Sylvie said to him as he scratched out Greta.
"I'm down with Alexa being her first name, but I have a proposal to ask," Kelly said suddenly getting on one knee, pulling out a ring. "Oh my gosh!" Sylvie exclaimed, putting her hands to her face, suddenly tearing up. "Sylvie Diane Brett... Will you marry me?" Kelly asked, seeming very nervous. Sylvie looked at Kelly in the eyes and nodded her head. "Yes!" she squealed as Kelly slid the ring on her finger and once he did, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
"Now what about Gabby?" he asked her pulling back and sitting down, looking at Sylvie with love flashing in his eyes. "She's not answering her phone. Do you think something's wrong?" Kelly laughed and shook his head. "No nothing's wrong. Matt told me tonight was their annual date night. They wouldn't be using their phones," Kelly said raising an eyebrow. "An annual date night? What would that... Oh," Sylvie said making Kelly laugh.
"Yeah their pretty busy and probably don't want to be disturbed," Kelly said looking at his soon to be daughters name. 'Alexa, I like it' he thought in his mind. "Any middle name ideas?" Sylvie asked him, playing with the pencil. Kelly nodded his head. "Shay," he replied, making Sylvie look up at him. "She was my best friend" Sylvie smiled at him and wrote Shay down next to Alexa. "Alexa Shay, I love it," Sylvie said, placing her hand on top of Kelly's. Kelly nodded his head and smiled, staring out into space. "Babe can we also hyphen our last names? So it could be Brett-Severide?" Sylvie asked. Kelly shook his head and nodded at Sylvie. "That's fine," Kelly replied as Sylvie wrote down the name. "Alright, so our beautiful daughters name is Alexa Shay Brett-Severide," Sylvie said standing up, suddenly feeling the baby kick. "Kelly! Feel," she said as she picked up her shirt and placed Kelly's hand on her stomach. Kelly's eyes went wide and then he suddenly kissed her stomach. "Hey little miss Alexa. This is daddy. Daddy already loves you so much, he can't wait to meet you," Kelly said, making Sylvie smile. "You're going to make a wonderful daddy," Sylvie said kissing Kelly, who suddenly stood up. "You're going to make a wonderful mommy," he added kissing her again, pulling her into a big hug.

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