*Close Call*

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Matt jumped out of the truck and watched as squad pulled up to the scene, Kelly jumping down from his seat. "Alright it looks like we have a mini van that slid into a post lamp, making the tailgater spin out and hit the side wall!" Matt yelled out looking down at the tire tracks. Gabby looked down at them also. Matt must've been right to the look of the tracks because each track led to a car. "We got a woman and two children stuck in here! Woman's non-responsive," Rhodes called out, quickly grabbing an axe and running over to Matt. "I need your help! Grab a sledge hammer," she ordered, Matt looking at her confused.
"I don't know how things were ran back at all the other houses you went to but in this house, the lieutenants are in charge candidate!" Matt said raising his voice. "Sir, Im not a candidate, I'm one of your men. Therefore, if I order something you are to respect my deed," she said running over to the truck pulling out a sledge hammer, giving it to Matt. "Follow me," she ordered walking away with Matt who quickly followed, leaving Gabby alone. "On 3. Strike!" Rhodes yelled as Matt swung the hammer with all his might onto the axe probed in the door. "Strike, Strike!" she ordered a couple more times before finally the front door to the mini van was open.
Gabby looked at the other veichle where squad was working. She ran over to the mini van where all of truck were working and she watched as Mills and Matt quickly lifted up the woman onto the gurney, Sylvie quickly wheeling her into the ambo. "Alright I'm going in," Gabby said as she walked past Matt and Rhodes who stood now in front of the car. "No candidate it's not safe," Matt yelled as Gabby crawled into the car, moving towards the kids in the back seat.
In a car seat was a little boy who wasn't moving and to the right of him was his older sister who was shaking him, trying to get him to wake up. "I think he's dead!" the girl exclaimed as she stopped shaking her brother, crying into her hands. Gabby moved back further and placed her fingers on the boys neck. "No he's not sweetie he has a pulse," Gabby said, the girl looking up. "What's your names?" Gabby asked her, unbuckling the little boys seatbelt, looking at the girl. "I'm Daisha, and he's Marcus," she replied. "I'm Gabby," Gabby said as she looked to the front of the car, Matt watching her every move. "Alright Daisha, I'm going to need you to crawl past me and go out the front door okay?" Gabby said moving over, making room for Daisha to crawl. "What about Marcus?" Daisha asked gripping her brother. "I'll send him out right after you," Gabby said as Daisha crawled past her and out the car where Heremann rushed her to the ambo. "Ok buddy it's just you and me now," Gabby said lifting up the little boy when flames suddenly started up in the car, Gabby screaming in fear. "Gabby!" Matt yelled as he quickly ran to the truck grabbing an extinguisher. When he grabbed the extinguisher and was racing back to the car, the flames rushed onto the roof and he heard Gabby scream louder.

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