*Love Is In The Air*

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Matt sat back and relaxed in his chair as he dialed the Chief. "Casey, where are you? Shift starts in ten minutes" "About that Chief, I'm going to have to call in, have Herrmann fill in for me. Gabby's in the hospital and Kelly, Sylvie, and I are here at Chicago Med" "Why is she in the hospital?" Chief asked over the phone. "One of our firemen did it. I'm not going to say who because that's going to stay personal but... She's bleeding internally. They performed surgery and she should be released in a couple of days," Matt replied hearing silence over the phone.
"Why are you there with her?" Chief asked. "I'm here because she needs a friend. Since Antonio is away doing undercover work in New York, she has nobody else to stay with her," Matt said. "Ok... I'll see you for Monday's shift. I'll be by the hospital tomorrow to see how she's doing," Chief said, hanging up the phone. Sylvie and Kelly then walked back into the room with chips and soda's, and they handed Gabby and Matt the snacks. "Thanks you guys," Gabby said weakly, sitting up her hospital bed. "Did the doctor say you can eat solids?" Matt asked as Gabby popped a chip into her mouth. Gabby shrugged and swallowed the chip. "Matt relax... It's not like my stomach wall was punctured" Sylvie laughed and so did Kelly, making Matt blush a little.
"I'm just worried about you" "Matt, I'm okay. I promise. If something was wrong I'd tell you," Gabby said. Matt opened his soda and gulped it all down, burping loudly. "Dude that's so gross," Kelly said laughing. "Wait aren't we supposed to be on shift?!" exclaimed Sylvie quickly standing up. "Don't worry I called Chief and...." Gabby's monitor started beeping. "Oh my god, Gabby," Sylvie said running out in the hallway to get the doctor. "Help," Sylvie yelled making a doctor run into the room and lay Gabby's hospital bed down flat. "She's gone into v fib, her hearts stopping," the doctor said grabbing a defibrillator. "CLEAR," he said making Matt, Kelly, and Sylvie stand back as they shocked Gabby. Sylvie buried her face into Kelly's chest and she cried. Matt stood and didn't move. He was terrified. "We're losing her," the nurse said as she quickly shot morphine into Gabby's system. Matt walked over and placed a hand on her foot and he started to cry. "Please don't leave me Gabby! Fight through this!" Kelly placed a hand on Matts shoulder.

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